Unlimited Supreme Live Streaming System

Chapter 185 Protocol System

Chapter 185 Protocol System
"You don't know that players can only exchange 100 yuan for 1 gold coin!" the player questioned Binghan.

With a cold smile: "I know."



The cliff is a robbery!
Many players shouted: "No money!"

Binghan smiled lightly, sat on the zombie, looked around everyone: "Of course I know that most of you can't afford this money."

"Do you know the game agreement?" Bing Leng smiled.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone's faces were quite unnatural.

The so-called game agreement is equivalent to the contract in the previous game world. Players can write down the rules themselves. Once this set of rules is signed, it will be effective within a certain period of time.

So players can choose whether to sign or not to sign.

Binghan was thinking, controlling a bunch of zombies by himself is definitely enough for the A128 area that is currently dominating, but his goal is far more than that.If you can control a group of zombies and add a group of players, then go to plunder the gold coins of another group of players.

This makes it even more interesting.

And to dominate another area, after all, if you kill the local boss, if it is a group fight, the chances will be much greater.

"The game agreement takes effect for one week, and my agreement is very simple. That is to obey my arrangement within this week. If you violate it, I believe you should be clear about the blacklist setting of this game."

Binghan saw that the players were discussing a lot, but still no one took the initiative to speak.

Binghan sneered: "This is an opportunity for you not to spend krypton gold. After a week, if you don't want to, you can leave directly."

The player was a little confused: "What do you want to do!"

Naturally, Binghan would not drag it all out, and said in a cold voice: "Establish the "Ice Alliance"!"

Even if it is a holographic game, guilds and mercenary groups are definitely indispensable, but now this game is not the first day of service, so players in A128 North District will choose to join some famous guilds sooner or later.

I must also screen some valuable people in this operation and let them be my bait.

Although the players don't know Binghan's intentions, they are still very entangled.The protocol was originally designed to ensure secure transactions.Unexpectedly, Binghan used this agreement to restrain everyone.

For ordinary players, this is an opportunity to hold their thighs. No matter whether Binghan is an NPC or a special player, this is undoubtedly an opportunity for them.

For advanced players, they pay more attention to the later development, and the novice village will leave sooner or later when they change jobs.Joining a stronger guild and occupying the resources belonging to the big guild will obviously be of great benefit to the later development.

And they have money themselves, and they value freedom and development.

"You go to build the ice alliance!" Binghan didn't intend to reveal her level.

Therefore, the president and vice president of the club will be handed over to the person who chose the first and second to hand over the gold coins.

"Swordsman" established the Ice League according to Binghan's guidance and became the president. "Rose Love" became the vice president.In name, it was these two people, but actually behind the scenes, it was Binghan who really controlled the guild.

Some players choose to join, some choose to give gold coins.There are also some who can only choose to leave this map and go further to upgrade.Of course, the map of this holographic game is very vast, so it takes at least a day or two to leave the northern area of ​​A128.

Members of the Invincible guild claimed that area A128 was occupied by a person named Binghan.Not only has all the zombies been controlled, but everyone who wants to upgrade must pay gold coins.

Suddenly, everyone in the Undefeated Guild started talking in the chat channel.

"Who is this Binghan? How could he have such ability?"

"Did you say it was cheating?"

"I was a senior programmer before, but this game is impossible to break, even my hacker friends said so."

"President, according to what you said, this is not cheating? Then he is an NPC? Why didn't we encounter such a situation in Novice Village at that time?"

The undefeated guild leader took a deep breath and replied: "Perhaps they are players in the zombie camp."

The members talked a lot.

"Fuck. How come there are players in the zombie camp? Just kidding! Why didn't I see the camp option?"

"President, how do you know?"

"Actually, I'm not sure, I just have this premonition. So let him always pay attention to the movement of this ice cold, and there will be a resource war later, (123, 158) coordinates collection!"

In addition to the fact that some guilds in this holographic game have begun to notice the ID of Binghan, the officials of the parallel world are also having a heated discussion.

at the meeting.

An elderly middle-aged man in a white study uniform slammed the table violently.

The water on the water glass was splashed out.

"What did you do! If it weren't for the reports from players, no one would know what happened in Novice Village in Area A128!"

"With the salary I signed, is this how you work?"

The middle-aged man looked a little angry.

A woman in a suit and a collar said, "Professor Hao, don't get excited. This game has been tested for a long time before it came out. Didn't you also make sure there were no bugs before?"

"Besides, we don't have any control over the game once it's released."

The middle-aged man in the white robe looked at her darkly: "Then you mean to let it go? Those group members will not agree."

The woman in the suit smiled: "Since it has appeared, I believe that the group will definitely take action. We just need to report it."

The professor's eyes narrowed slightly as he muttered, "Bing cold."

"A128 Northern District is not enough to dominate, I need the entire A128 District." Binghan knew that he had a master set, and ordinary zombies could not be his opponent. Area A128, the dominant areas are the four major areas of east, south, west and north.

The players are upgrading, and Binghan already has more than 6000 gold coins in his hands at this time.It can be regarded as squeezed out almost all the people in Xinshou Village, North District, 128A.And Binghan also issued an order to the "Ice League", and after reaching the eighteenth level, go to the West District (110, 154) to gather.

At that time he will issue the next order.

After collecting the gold coins, the zombies surrounded him, waiting for Binghan's next order.

At the same time, Binghan has already begun to enter the North District first.The map of this holographic game is very vast, even if you walk for a year, you will not be able to reach the end.Therefore, in order to increase the interaction efficiency of players, vehicles and space-time shuttles are set up.

Players with a little money can even buy boundary stones and teleport after setting the coordinates.Spending a certain amount of gold coins can even open the moon gate, and teleport collectively for a period of time.

The speed of an ordinary vehicle is equivalent to the speed of a racing car, and the speed of a space-time shuttle is equivalent to that of a car, which can reach speeds in almost seconds.Time shuttles also come in different speeds, with different prices.

Through various settings, this game also has a very large consumption and demand for gold coins.

It is not like traditional games that divide gold coins, point rolls, and various currencies.There is only one mainstream currency in this game, and that is gold coins!
After spending the gold coins, Binghan came to the West District.

"Look! That man is wearing a luminous suit!" A level 20 player saw Binghan.

Many players were stunned: "Damn it. There is a luminous suit, even in the later stage, it is impossible for everyone to have one. This is definitely rare!"

The players looked at Binghan with unabashed envy and greed.

"It's a pity, it's not a red name. Otherwise, he will definitely have a super high chance of blowing up this equipment." A player shook his head.

There is a kind of swan meat in front of my eyes, but it is not my sense of sight.

"Who said that, I haven't seen him in this North District, he must have just come in. It's not a red name, and he has a certain chance of falling. Although the chance is small, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

"Don't tell me you want to steal his magic costume?" A player was stunned.

"Yes. Which of you would like to come together? To die in the West District is to be resurrected in the West District. If we continue to snipe and kill him, it will definitely explode. Whoever picks it up will give money to those who didn't pick it up."

After several players discussed, they also set the agreement in the agreement system of the game.

They stared at the cold
(End of this chapter)

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