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Chapter 161 72 Changes and 36 Changes

Chapter 161 72 Changes and 36 Changes

The change of Bailongma made it even more unusual for Dedian waiter to see Tang Seng and others.

"What can you order?" Tang Seng asked.

The waiter in the shop announced a series of dishes, and then continued: "Several guest officers, this shop also has vegetarian dishes."

Tang Seng said: "There is no need for vegetarian food. Order the treasures of your shop for the poor monk. As long as they are delicious, you are welcome, and you will serve them all."

The waiter stood there in a daze.

"Go soon?" Tang Seng urged.

"Okay." The waiter remembered what Cai Tutou had told him, and hurriedly replied and walked into the kitchen.

When he left, he was still muttering, is this really a group of monks?

Like, but not like.

Zhu Bajie looked at Tang Monk and asked, "Master, aren't you a monk?"

Tang Seng said: "First of all, although the poor monk is a monk now, it does not mean that the poor monk cannot eat meat. Secondly, the energy provided by meat in food is also quite rich. Of course, if I tell you, you won't understand."

"My lord, the source of the black dragon you mentioned just now is a treasure that can instantly squeeze ordinary things into a divine weapon. If you bless your wishful golden cudgel, will it explode the sky?" Tang Seng asked.

Sun Wukong explained: "What is exploding the sky? My old grandson's golden cudgel itself is one of the magic weapons. The source of the black dragon is not very useful to my grandson. But..."

Tang Seng naturally knew what Sun Wukong was referring to. Among the four masters and disciples, only Tang Seng's weapon was the tin staff gifted by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.But this is only a mortal weapon, how can it be compared with those treasures.

If you get the source of the black dragon, your strength will be even stronger than when Guanyin gave you the spell.

The stronger Journey to the West is, the safer it is.

"Then this poor monk from the source of the black dragon is going to be settled!" Tang Seng's eyes lit up!
Soon the dishes were steaming hot, and the presentation was even more impressive. When several people saw that the dishes had been served, they devoured them regardless of the appearance.

The Miaoman tulle woman transformed into a white dragon horse smiled subtly, looking at Tang Seng and the others, her lips and teeth were fragrant.

Catcher Cai handed over the things Tang Seng needed to Drifting Monk, who was responsible for keeping them.

He went all the way to a place near the corner of the mountain, pointed out the way, and then stopped following him.

At this time, the sun had already set in the west, and night fell.

night time.

"Master, why haven't you arrived yet?" Zhu Bajie said.

Tang Seng looked at the corner of the mountain not far away, and glanced at Bajie: "Don't worry, we'll be there soon, according to Cai Butou's guidance, it should be almost there."

Just as several people were walking forward, Tang Seng waved his hand lightly: "Wait a minute."

Monkey King and Zhu Bajie looked forward, only to see hundreds of fox demons by the corner of the mountain ahead.These fox demons are constantly patrolling with torches in their hands.

Like sparks in the dark night, shining around.

Hundreds of fox demons guard the road up the mountain, and the flames are flying, even a mouse can't escape their sight.In addition, some sparks can also be seen on the mountain.This also means that there are also patrolling demons on the mountain.

It is easy for Sun Wukong to enter it, and he can enter it with the incarnation of a mosquito.But Tang Monk and Drifting Monk did not have such changes.Of course, it's not impossible to go in. The problem is that I haven't figured out what's going on in the mountains now.

It is obviously reckless and irrational to fight and kill all the way under unknown circumstances.

You must know that the dragon raised its head, the source of the black dragon is what was left over from Chi You's battle in ancient times.

In ancient times, Chi You led the Jiuli clan to cultivate farming, smelt copper and iron, make five soldiers, create all kinds of arts, tomorrow's way, and rational education in the Central Plains, making outstanding contributions to the formation of early Chinese civilization.And what he left behind is the source of the black dragon, which is a treasure in the process of smelting.

The surroundings must be unusual, otherwise Hu Ah Qi would have taken out the dragon source and left Yalong town long ago.

"Bajie and Wukong, you two turned into mosquitoes and flew into it." Tang Monk explained.

Zhu Bajie shook his head quickly: "I won't change, old pig."

Tang Seng wondered: "What do you mean?"

[Elder Tang, you don’t know, Zhu Bajie learned the 36 changes of Tiangang numbers, while Sun Wukong learned the 72 changes of Disha. 】

[I still don't understand, Zhu Bajie learned from "Tiangang", and Monkey King learned from "Di Sha".Although there are more Sun Wukongs in terms of numbers, they are not so bad. 】

[Although there are many changes in the 72 changes, they are earth evil after all, so only fairies can learn them; while the 36 changes are Tiangang, and only gods can learn them. 】

[Original No. 40 Chapter [-], the scripture-learning team came to Chenjiazhuang, Yuanhui County, Chechi, but met the king of inspiration from Tongtianhe who wanted to eat virgins.Sun Wukong felt the warm hospitality of Chen Qing and Chen Cheng, and decided to transform into their seven or eight-year-old son and daughter together with Zhu Bajie, and go to meet this demon king.Sun Wukong transformed into a seven-year-old boy, and then asked Zhu Bajie to change, but Zhu Bajie said no. 】

[What did Zhu Bajie say?He said: "Look at what Master said! I can only change mountains into trees, stones into leprosy elephants, buffaloes into big fat men, but it's a bit difficult to turn into a small daughter."]

[This can only show that compared with 36 changes, 72 changes are inferior, not only in quantity, but also in type and quality. How many types can 72 change? 】

[No. 70 of the original novel has instructions in Chapter 72 that you can change into birds, animals, flowers, utensils, insects, etc., and you can also change people, but Monkey King's 72 changes have a little flaw: the head and face have changed, the body cannot It has yellow hair, two red strands, and a tail.Compared with the shortcomings of Sun Wukong's 36 transformations, the shortcomings of Sun Wukong's [-] transformations are even more obvious: he can only change rough things, but not fine bodies. 】

Tang Seng looked at the bullet screen, and seemed to know something. He really didn't pay attention to these details before, so he said: "Then Bajie stays, and you, the Great Sage, enter it alone first."

Bajie looked at Tang Seng: "What about us?"

Tang Seng shook his head: "The poor monk brought you in, the Great Sage is a hidden strength. If all the strength is exposed, there will be a certain risk. Let's attract attention, and the Great Sage will go in."

Zhu Bajie picked up the nine-toothed rake, looked at Tang Seng, and nodded: "My old pig wants to see how Master attracts attention."

Sun Wukong glanced at Tang Seng indifferently, and transformed himself. In just a moment, a small dragonfly appeared in everyone's field of vision. Although the 72 transformation also had obvious shortcomings, after turning into a small dragonfly, this kind of shortcoming was not considered at all. Nothing.

Small body is short of small.

This dragonfly flew straight all the way with its small size.

At this time, Tang Monk's mouth curled up and he rode on the white dragon horse.Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng walked behind, heading towards the mountain road guarded by the fox demon.

The appearance of Tang Seng and others quickly attracted the attention of the fox demon.

"Who are you! It is strictly forbidden to enter here!" A fox demon's eyes were red and fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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