PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Super Villain

Chapter 65 Men's and Women's Matching

Chapter 65 Men's and Women's Matching
At this moment, footsteps were heard in the labyrinth building next door.

Just as Yi Xiaotian wanted to remind Mozi to pay attention, he heard Mozi say: "There are people on the roof, be careful!"

The roof of the building Mozi mentioned is naturally located on the west side of the city labyrinth building.

The roof of this building is easy to go up, you can go up from the third floor beside the road.

Yi Xiaotian was the first to hear the voice from the opposite side.

Sure enough, when Yi Xiaotian rushed forward, he heard gunshots, but at this time, Yi Xiaotian had already turned the window and entered the room.That shuttle bullet bit Yi Xiaotian's ass.

The labyrinth building is very large, and most people basically don't go back to it. One is hard to search and the other is relatively poor.

The labyrinth building that Yi Xiaotian entered happened to be at a [-]-degree angle to another labyrinth building.

Yi Xiaotian can be sure that the shuttle bullet just now came from the labyrinth building next to it.

Yi Xiaotian took the medicine, although the shuttle just now did not knock down Yi Xiaotian, but it also bit his ass.

After taking the medicine, Yi Xiaotian holds the M4 card in the largest room on the second floor. In this room, you can see the roof of P City, and you can also guard the labyrinth building next to it.

A slight sound of footsteps appeared downstairs from Yi Xiaotian. Although the other party was pressing his footsteps, Yi Xiaotian still heard it. Yi Xiaotian was not in a hurry, but waited quietly. What's going on downstairs now? have no idea.

At this moment, a jeep came from the north, and Didi honked its horn.

"Sweep the car!" Yi Xiaotian couldn't see the car from this angle, but he could roughly judge the location from the sound of the car.

Exactly where the fake garage can hit.

When Yi Xiaotian gave an order, Mozi fired at the jeep.

"Boom!", not long after, the car was bombed.

But there is no information on any kills and knockdowns.

The other party actually used the car as bait to judge the location of the people in the housing area!
Yi Xiaotian's face was very gloomy. Under such circumstances, anyone who moves around may become the opponent's target, but if they don't move, the opponent will not take the initiative to leave.

"Brothers, who decides whether P city is in chaos or not?" Yi Xiaotian's eyes flickered, and he shouted loudly.

"Whether P city is chaotic or not, Brother Tian has the final say!" The water friends said almost in unison.

Then I saw the screen full of "Brother Tian has the final say!"

It has to be said that the Yi family army is still very united at this time.

"Okay! Whoever blocks the way today is here to give away the head points.

Yi Xiaotian also jumped out of the balcony at this moment.

At this moment, the person who had been hiding in the labyrinth building next to him shot Yi Xiaotian again.

It's a pity that he was slow, Mozi's had already fired first, and when Mozi left the labyrinth building, her gun kept pointing at the labyrinth building.

Seeing that man shoot at Yi Xiaotian, Mozi naturally taught him to be a man first.

"mozi used SCAR to knock down WWQ-yuren"

A knockdown message came from the upper right corner.

"Be careful, there are still people nearby!" Yi Xiaotian had already come to hit the maze building that knocked down the man at this time, and he clearly heard that there was another person in the maze building.

Yi Xiaotian took the lead and rushed up directly. The man was Yuren's teammate, and he wanted to help Yuren up, but when he heard Yi Xiaotian rushing up, he hurried to the stairs to support Yi Xiaotian.


A thunder.

"xiaotian knocked out WWQ-lieren with a frag grenade"

"Da da!" Two SKS gunshots followed.

"mozi knocked out WWQ-xiongren using SKS"

In less than 20 seconds, the team at the beginning of WWQ was knocked down by three.

After Yi Xiaotian helped knock down the two people in the maze building, he continued to search for other people in P City.

There was a bang, the sound of glass shattering.

A 7.62 bullet flew in from the window, just hit Yi Xiaotian's chest, and Yi Xiaotian overturned the car just by a miss.

Yi Xiaotian quickly got down on the ground.

"On the second floor opposite, an SLR." Yi Xiaotian said while taking medicine. Fortunately, he didn't use a bolt, otherwise the shot would have been explained here.

Yi Xiaotian wanted to lie down by the window after finishing the fight, and looked at the opposite side with a stuck perspective. On the second floor of the small red house opposite, he saw a person, but his identity was completely hidden. What Yi Xiaotian saw was him A gun on his back.

Throwing a grenade at this distance is impossible. If you rush, a road will easily cause attrition. Mozi can't explain it so easily. It will be of great use to keep her.

"Shrink!" Yi Xiaotian hurriedly reminded Mozi
Mozi didn't hesitate, and completely avoided the opponent's gun line little by little.

This time is not the time to be competitive. The position of the opposite person is really good. Although I am sure that I can shoot the opponent in the head, it is better not to take risks.

After shrinking, Yi Xiaotian did not leave P city, but ran around in the chaotic P city.

The person who was knocked down before also jumped out with a kill message.

Added another ten villain points.

Yi Xiaotian continued wandering around the city.

At this moment, I heard a "ding lang~" sound coming from under my feet.

It's a grenade!
Yi Xiaotian didn't hesitate, and jumped up and down quickly, avoiding the damage range.

Just when Yi Xiaotian jumped away, with a "boom", the grenade exploded.And Yi Xiaotian roughly guessed the direction of this grenade.

It's actually three plus two!

Apparently the other side also wanted to come to three plus two to catch Yi Xiaotian, but when he came, Yi Xiaotian had already gone to a street, but he didn't expect that at this time, Yi Xiaotian came back after the fight.

Yi Xiaotian sneered, the position of three plus two is also impossible to pass, seeing this is obviously to drag us to death.

"Seal the cigarette, go back to a street!" Yi Xiaotian said, and he had already sealed a cigarette on the road.And he didn't cross the road, but took out 98K to hold the position of three plus two.

"Hissing" a thick white smoke appeared on the road, Mozi didn't dare to hesitate, and hurried across the road.

How could the people who were ambushing at 98+[-] be willing to let them go? They just crossed the road and rushed to their heads, only to hear a [-]K gunshot.

Xiaotian knocked down xiaoqingwa with 98K
This message appears at the top right of the screen.

This time was the time to attack three plus two, the two of them didn't hesitate, and charged three plus two in the past, and sure enough, Little Frog's teammates also came.

Before the little frog's teammate had time to go upstairs to help the little frog up, he was mercilessly knocked down by Yi Xiaotian.

This series of wonderful kills by Yi Xiaotian has been recorded by the camera.Mozi has been following behind Yi Xiaotian.

To be honest, my own strength is not weak, but in the team battle just now, Yi Xiaotian was completely leading his own thinking.

This guy is not only excellent in marksmanship, but also has reached a super-professional level in terms of consciousness.

This man is interesting.

But Yi Xiaotian can't control these. So far, P City has no full-staffed team.

"Let's go upstairs!" After replacing the two, Yi Xiaotian collected all the equipment and came to a three-story building across the street, where he could go up to the roof.

Originally, he wanted to show 98K, but the appearance of Mozi disrupted his plan.

(End of this chapter)

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