PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Super Villain

Chapter 623 The Team Competition Begins

Chapter 623 The Team Competition Begins

Although today's match was only an offline match, there were still a lot of people from the organizer. After all, the two teams were still relatively well-known.

"The following match between the steel team and the surface team is just beginning. The game will be best of three games, and the final winner will get all the rewards." The host's voice resounded throughout the audience.

When Mr. Xichen heard this sentence, he immediately clenched the mouse in his hand, because he heard the words "surface team". The strongest team on the surface used to be an honor to him, but now the surface team The four words have become his disgrace.

"Three, two, one! The game begins!" Words like this appeared on the screens of every contestant.

Both teams were the first to familiarize themselves with the map. After the start of the game, everyone was extremely proficient, and teamwork and positioning had been deduced in advance.

Yi Xiaotian was in the middle of the team, and this game was mainly won by annihilation.

And what to do is to complete more kills while retaining more strength.

More importantly, the airdrop in the middle of the map will obviously have a better chance of winning.

Both sides are waiting, and no one is the first to enter the open area in the middle. Now the distance between the two sides is about 400 meters.

Yi Xiaotian found a relatively high position on the map, holding 98k in his hand, plus an [-]x lens.A player of his strength can control the entire map on such a relatively high terrain.

As for the surface team, the scissors hand is holding a 98k, and the other weapon is a submachine gun.

The distribution of weapons for both teams is roughly the same.

However, the two people holding rifles in the surface team are Brother Hei and Mr. Xichen.

Yi Xiaotian stood on the hillside and opened the mirror, and had already found the opponent's position, but the opponent did not stand still. You must know that at such a long distance, even if you shoot yourself, you will not be sure to hit it.

A bullet that exceeds 200 meters will fall, let alone a distance of 400 meters.

"Brother Tian? What should we do now?" Shen Yi asked through the gaming headset.

"Don't worry now. Everyone stay put. I'll see if I have a chance to hit the opponent. If I can hit the opponent, I can weaken the opponent's strength. Don't blindly hide. Pay attention to the opponent's movement and report the situation when the time comes Give it to me." Yi Xiaotian assigned tasks here.

The members of the steel team are very good at executing the tasks assigned by the captain.

"I saw you." Yi Xiaotian stared at the screen and said lightly.

Gently pull the trigger, a bullet flew out.

The bullet flew across the air, forming a slight arc, and hit Long Shao's body.

However, this shot was only aimed at the upper body, and did not hit the head, so it did not knock the opponent down.

Young Master Long yelled into the headset, "Sniper! Direction S!"

He was also in charge of observation in the team, and the moment the sniper hit him, he immediately reported his location.

When the scissorhands heard this sentence, they would aim in the direction the other party said, found a target, and shot directly.

Although Zhenxiang aims very fast, she still has a certain degree of accuracy.

Yi Xiaotian has rich experience here. He only knows that the moment he shoots, his position has been exposed. He got down and hid behind the bunker as soon as he fired the shot.

Just as Yi Xiaotian got down on the ground, a bullet hit the stone in front of him. If he didn't get down on the ground, then this bullet must have hit his upper body.

"Now we can see that the steel team's snipers can be said to be very strong. Although they didn't intend to hit the head, the accuracy is still shocking! Oh! But the surface team's snipers are a pity Yes, this shot was dodged." The host looked at the screen and began to explain.

"Brother Tian! Direction N, straight ahead!" Chen Haiyang also saw the flame on the opponent's muzzle, and found the opponent's position.

"Bang!" But just as he finished saying this sentence, a bullet hit him precisely on the head.

Because he was only a second-stage head, this bullet knocked him down directly.

It was Scissorhands who shot!
Yi Xiaotian heard such gunshots continuously, directly and accurately positioned the opponent's position, got up and fired without hesitation, and the bullet flew out in an arc.

In response, he hit Scissors Hands on the upper body, but because the opponent's position was higher than his own, he made a mistake in judgment and did not hit the opponent's head.

"The strength of the players of these two teams is really exaggerated. In just this short moment, so many shots have been formed, and the surface team has already knocked down one person first!" The host's eyes lit up.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Miaoting couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly.

"Hurry up and save people!" Yi Xiaotian shouted loudly when he saw the message that his teammate was knocked down in the upper right corner.

"I'll do it!" Because the location was closer to Chen Haiyang, this matter was his turn.

"Xiebuyu! Fire suppression! Don't let the opponent's snipers look up!" Yi Xiaotian is also a teammate who understands that the opponent wants to attack and rescue!

Just after Yi Xiaotian finished saying this, the mountain he was on received a fierce attack from the other party, and the sound was like the sound of a rifle, and the other party didn't want him to fight back.

Yi Xiaotian also didn't dare to show his face. On the surface, there were two rifles suppressing him, but there should be a sniper rifle standing where he was.

Shen Yi took a deep breath, he knew that it must be very dangerous on the way to rescue, there was no cover between the two of them, they were likely to be knocked down, and because of the competition restrictions, they could only bring one smoke bomb.

Shen Yi threw the smoke bomb. As for the steel team, the other members wanted to throw the smoke bomb in this direction, but they were too far away to throw it.

Waiting for the smoke bomb to explode, Shen Yi quickly rushed out.

"Bang!" There was another 98k sound.

When Shen Yi ran over this time, he was careful, taking every step seriously, this item didn't hit him on the head, but it still hit his upper body, knocking out half of his HP.

Yi Xiaotian heard the sound of the opponent's sniper rifle amidst the noisy gunshots, pointed at the opponent's gun line, and shot with his head, intending to attack the scissorhands.

But because he didn't dare to aim for too long, and didn't dare to reveal too much of his identity, it was said that the shot lost its aim.

Xie Buyu kept shooting, and when Scissorsman fired, he also hit the opponent in the chest.However, it was not defeated.

(End of this chapter)

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