PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Super Villain

Chapter 606 Whose fist is hard

Chapter 606 Whose fist is hard

To Mr. Xichen's surprise, Yi Xiaotian was able to make a judgment in such a short period of time.

Right now, Yi Xiaotian regained three points and Mr. Xichen took the first kill. The gap between the two is not big. It is still early before the end of the game. It is unclear who will win and who will win.

At this moment, Yi Xiaotian was waiting for Mr. Xichen outside the resurrection point, but he would not be as impatient as Mr. Xichen. When he saw the other party resurrected, he would directly shoot and put pressure on him. He has always been very patient about killing people.

The countdown to resurrection is over. After Mr. Xichen was resurrected, he was stuck next to the gate of the resurrection point and looked at the surrounding movement. In this mode, if he does not get stuck at the resurrection point, it is equivalent to giving the opponent a chance to stand up. Isn't Yi Xiaotian Understand?
The 15-second invincible time passed before Mr. Xichen realized that Yi Xiaotian was not blocking the resurrection point, but was waiting for him to lose the 15-second invincible time.

It's just that when he reacted, he had already fallen into a passive battle situation. At this time, he couldn't get out, couldn't go, even if he was forced to spend here with Yi Xiaotian, he couldn't lose face if he won the game. It's not like Yi Xiaotian Like the sky, rush out to fight.

Mr. Xichen is not as meticulous as Yi Xiaotian, he can only judge which obstacle Yi Xiaotian is probably hiding behind by the gunshots.

This time he adopted Yi Xiaotian's tactics, but he didn't wait until Yi Xiaotian finished firing the bullets. He couldn't tell when Yi Xiaotian would change the bullets.

It is not difficult to force the opponent to run out of bullets and reload. The difficulty is whether to make sacrifices, or to be sure that while consuming the opponent, he can save his life, both of which are indispensable.

At this time, Yi Xiaotian was on the right, so he ran to the left. Otherwise, if Yi Xiaotian's bullets were not exhausted, he could escape from the dog hole and turn over.

"Brother God!"

When he saw the figure behind the resurrection point, Shen Yi was even more excited than Yi Xiaotian. After all, this game was about Team Steel's future reputation and reputation in the e-sports circle, so he couldn't let it go.

Yi Xiaotian did not shoot directly, but directly pressed over.

Mr. Xichen never expected that the drama he performed so painstakingly could not shake Yi Xiaotian's subjective judgment. When he heard the footsteps around him approaching, it was too late to drill the hole.

There was only a wall between the two, and neither of them made a move first.

After Mr. Xichen heard Yi Xiaotian's sound of changing bombs, he regretted his mistake and rushed out directly.

It's just that before Mr. Xichen rushed out to shoot, Yi Xiaotian shot first. The former was trying to drive the ducks to the shelves and couldn't stop.

Mr. Xichen didn't expect Yi Xiaotian to go up so fast, so he had to hide behind the wall for a while. The blood volume of the two sides was almost the same. If Mr. Xichen calculated carefully, he would regret what he did at this moment.

"You shouldn't come back, his blood volume is not as much as yours, and the bullets should have run out."

Scissorhands reminded in a cold voice behind Young Master Xichen that it wasn't that he wanted to show off, it was just that when he was fighting Yi Xiaotian, he had seen all kinds of bluffs, so that he lost the game because of his misjudgment.

"If you can do it, how can you still lose face to Yi Xiaotian and lose face to the strongest team on the surface? Mr. Xichen, this is not making progress steadily, in order to win back our face!"

Long Shao is still the strongest and unforgiving. He has been upset with Scissorhands for more than a day or two, but at this time, his inner dissatisfaction just broke out.

Regarding this, Scissorhands had nothing to say, anyway, after he said this, Mr. Xichen must also understand that Yi Xiaotian is not as simple as he appears on the surface.

It was only after watching the battle that Scissorhands understood the truth. Yi Xiaotian is good at manipulating people's hearts. I am afraid that this is the most he has done in his career. playoffs.

Mr. Xichen hid behind the wall and just gave Yi Xiaotian a chance. His bullets were not fully loaded. If he continued to fight, he would inevitably encounter the situation where Mr. Xichen counter-killed him without time to reload. Shen Yi did it for him. Squeezed a sweat.

It may be that Yi Xiaotian was lucky, and he was able to save himself from danger every time. When Yi Xiaotian adjusted his state and Mr. Xichen came to his face again, the advantage that the opponent had won so hard became a disadvantage.

Mr. Xichen wanted to attack him by surprise, but he didn't want Yi Xiaotian's quick reaction, so he took the lead in retreating to take precautions, and then shot.

Coincidentally, when Yi Xiaotian was full of bullets, Mr. Xichen was the first to run out of bullets. The only bug in this mode may be that each team member can only hold one gun, but the bullets are endless endless.

But also because this mode only holds one gun, it tests the player's anticipation and combat awareness even more.

In the case that neither side has a bunker, they can only fight recklessly with marksmanship.

Mr. Xichen failed to beat Yi Xiaotian to death in one go, so he could only avoid the hail of bullets that Yi Xiaotian laid down first.

But soon Yi Xiaotian ran out of bullets. At this time, Mr. Xichen seized the opportunity and jumped up to swing his fists.

Yi Xiaotian thought that he would catch the timing and reload, but he didn't expect that they would fight to decide the outcome.

There is only a small amount of blood left to last for too long, there are only two roads in front of Yi Xiaotian, and now he is deeply forced into one by Mr. Xichen.

It was too late for Yi Xiaotian to reload, so he had to withdraw his gun and compete with Mr. Xichen whose fist was harder.

When this happened, the organizers did not expect it. As long as they did not violate the competition rules and both sides agreed, the organizers would have nothing to say.

I saw that after Yi Xiaotian also started hammering each other with Mr. Xichen, the latter took two steps to the side and waited for the former to catch up, then jumped up and hammered the former's head.

"Good guy, this operation is really amazing!"

Even though Mr. Xichen was facing him, Chen Haiyang couldn't help but praise that such a boxing technique is rare.

The same boxing method, hammered to different positions, will cause different damage.

Yi Xiaotian's blood volume is about to bottom out, it's not wise to continue to beat Mr. He Xichen at this time, but it is even more unwise to run away at this time.

He roughly estimated his blood volume, as long as he could escape the three attacks of Mr. Xichen and hit him five or six times, Mr. Xichen would be killed by him.

On the contrary, if he is hammered three times by Mr. Xichen, his wisdom will be gone.

Yi Xiaotian was looking for opportunities while dodging around, Mr. Xichen was not surprised, after all, with Yi Xiaotian's current blood volume, if he didn't dodge, he would only die.

Mr. Xichen chased him so hard that Yi Xiaotian had no chance to draw out his gun and reload, so the two sides could only decide the outcome with their fists.

Seeing that Yi Xiaotian was on the escalator at the river boundary, Mr. Xichen was ready to draw out his gun and reload it, in case Yi Xiaotian jumped down and opened the distance. In this way, he also had time to draw out his gun and kill Yi Xiaotian.

It's just that Yi Xiaotian didn't seem to have the idea of ​​jumping off the river boundary, but circled around the bunker on the river boundary with Mr. Xichen.

Just when Mr. Xichen repeated his old trick and jumped up again to hammer Yi Xiaotian's head, the latter jumped directly down to the river boundary. When Mr. Xichen drew out his gun and reloaded it, Yi Xiaotian was nowhere to be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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