Chapter 590 Crushing Victory

Sometimes being a dog is also an advantage, and Yi Xiaotian has always been very patient with killing people.

By the time the remaining three members of the strongest team on the surface came out of the resurrection point, the steel team had already driven their birth point, and was shot at the moment they came out of the resurrection point.

Scissorhands had nowhere to hide, and was surrounded by members of the Iron Warriors on both sides.

"Steel Team Yi Xiaotian used UMP9 to kill the strongest scissorsman on the surface."

Staring at a person with Yi Xiaotian at the same time, Chen Haiyang doesn't care about the head anymore, anyway, he has never won against Yi Xiaotian when he grabs the head.

Scissorhands had just been resurrected, and was killed by Yi Xiaotian before taking two steps, so he was naturally suffocating.

Fortunately, Long Shao and Brother Hei, the resurrected strongest team on the surface, immediately changed their minds and prepared to get out of the dog hole after seeing it.

At present, Yi Xiaotian has become the king of elimination on the field, with unparalleled glory, and the strongest teams on the surface are thinking about him.

Just when Team Steel thought that the strongest team on the surface was still doubting their lives at the birth point, Young Master Long and Brother Hei had already come out of the dog hole above the river boundary.

"Heige, the strongest team on the surface, killed Chen Haiyang, the steel team, with the M16A4."

Chen Haiyang didn't even respond to where he was killed, but if the strongest team on the surface can not come out of the resurrection point, it means that there is another way to go.

"Brother Tian, ​​someone is coming from behind!"

Chen Haiyang reminded his teammates in time that if the strongest team on the surface passes over He Jie at this time, they might be able to fight against Yi Xiaotian.

Shen Yi, who just came out of the resurrection point, carefully observed the ways around the resurrection point.

"They should have come out of the dog hole next to it."

The entire map is almost the same, but the left and right are different.

Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian felt a little bad.

"I've heard footsteps."

His hearing is very strong. At this time, the strongest team on the surface no longer directly comes out of the gate outside the resurrection point, but detours.

Listening to the footsteps, Yi Xiaotian immediately turned around and shot.

"Steel Team Yi Xiaotian used UMP9 to knock down the strongest team on the surface, the Scissorhands."

At this time, the submachine gun was out of bullets, and Yi Xiaotian was out of ammunition.

In this map, resources need to be replenished, and the only way is to lick the bag or respawn.

Young Master Xichen, who followed the Scissorhands, was holding a rifle.

"Master Xichen, the strongest team on the surface, used SCAR to kill Yi Xiaotian from the steel team."

If the submachine gun held by Yi Xiaotian had no bullets, the lethality of the rifle would not necessarily be stronger than that of the submachine gun.

"What guns are you reporting now?"

Logically speaking, this can be obtained by killing the points to obtain the resource situation of the birth point refresh, and Yi Xiaotian also wants to verify this.




It seems that we have reached the stage of the rifle now. From the observation of the battle, Yi Xiaotian found that the rifle does not have any accessories except the basic mirror, which means that each contestant needs to consider the understanding of the gun's characteristic parameters in order to hit the highest damage.

The resurrection was quick, and half of the 15-minute game was over. In the beginning, Team Steel was far ahead, but now it is being overtaken by the strongest team on the surface.

Iron Sentai's current strategy has gone awry.

"Find a safe place for everyone to gather together, so that the fight will soon be dragged down by them."

According to Yi Xiaotian's observation of the strongest team on the surface, the strongest team on the surface is good at individual battles, and the steel team is good at team battles. If the steel team is dismantled, it will give the strongest team on the surface an opportunity.

Competitive competition itself is the honor of the team, and the steel team must make good use of their advantages in cooperation.

Not long after Yi Xiaotian made his confession, Team Steel was directly wiped out.

This situation also confirmed his thoughts, the strongest team on the surface is indeed very strong in individual strength.

"It seems that the strongest team on the surface didn't disappoint me too much."

Yuan Miaoting finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the reversed record. Fortunately, Haosheng Group did not train a bunch of waste and did not waste resources.

"They have been practicing hard recently, but the teamwork is still weak."

Xu Fu's evaluation of the strongest team on the surface is very objective. Although they temporarily tied the score, their shortcomings are also obvious.

In the game, almost all the strongest teams on the surface are blocked at the birth point of the Iron Team, and they also want to let the Iron Team feel the taste of despair.

Fortunately, Yi Xiaotian had figured it out a long time ago, and had already gone to the river boundary, waiting for the time when his teammates would be resurrected.

Also waiting for the strongest team on the surface.

"Why didn't you see where Yi Xiaotian was?"

While waiting, Scissors Hands counted the kill messages on the game's public screen.

Except for the time when Mr. Xichen killed Yi Xiaotian outside the dog cave, Yi Xiaotian was never seen again. Shouldn't he be resurrected long ago?

"Maybe he hasn't been resurrected yet."

Brother Hei held his gun resentfully, as if he saw a double-decker luxury submarine suite beckoning to him.

The later the game was played, the longer it would take to revive, Brother Hei said it was not unreasonable.

"Someone has come back to life."

As soon as Mr. Xichen opened his mouth, someone locked his head.

Yi Xiaotian remembered this outfit, and he would never forget whoever killed him, so Xi Chen was the first one he struck.

"Steel Team Yi Xiaotian knocked down Master Xichen, the strongest team on the surface."

After Mr. Xichen fell, the strongest team on the surface discovered that there were people in the river boundary behind them.

When did Yi Xiaotian pass?

It was too late to think, as soon as the people at the resurrection point came out, they staged a back and forth attack with Yi Xiaotian.

"Steel Team Yi Xiaotian killed the strongest team on the surface, the Scissorhands."

"Steel Team killed Brother Hei, the strongest team on the surface in one day."

Right now, only Long Shao is left in the strongest team on the surface. He walked around behind the bookcase with less than one-third of his health left.

Yi Xiaotian couldn't stand on the river boundary anymore, he turned over and jumped down, and shot Long Shao in the air.

"You still have Yi Xiaotian on your head!"

Before Long Shao could catch his breath behind the bookcase, he was reminded by his teammates watching the battle.

Before he could react, he heard footsteps, followed by marksmanship from the sky.

Since Long Shao's e-sports career, he has never suffered such a shame.

In the past, he was the one who showed off others, and he never thought that he would be shown off one day.

"Steel Team Yi Xiaotian killed Long Shao, the strongest team on the surface."

With the strongest team on the surface being wiped out, the game officially ended, and the Iron Team achieved a crushing victory with an absolute advantage.

"Congratulations to Team Steel for winning the double-decker luxury submarine suite. This is your room card."

The organizers were amazed at the performance of the two teams. The strength of the two sides was very different, but the Iron Team won the game. This has to make people reflect on something.

As the team that lost the game, the strongest team on the surface came out in despair, took their room card and left.

(End of this chapter)

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