Chapter 563 Helpless Shen Yi

Yi Xiaotian squatted in the garage, quietly listening to the movement of footsteps outside the sand.

If the guess is correct, the remaining teammate from the team in the car is nearby.

One less teammate means less chance of eating chicken, not to mention that this game is very important, if Yi Xiaotian uses him to fish, his teammates will never sit idly by.

"Didn't I come to snatch the car because I thought we'd have to shake the car, but these bastards ran away with the car, and didn't even give me a chance to jump out of the car!"

No matter how I think about it, Shen Yi doesn't feel relieved, after all, he alone is far above the emperor, if these guys want to kill him, other teammates may not be able to help him.

It's just that if you jump off the car at this time, you will not only have no cover on the open sand, but you may be killed by them.

Xie Buyu was aiming at the golden sports car on the roof at the moment. Seeing it circled around the villa area and turned back, he simply changed into a rifle and zoomed in to shoot.

"Shen Yi, sit still, just grab the opportunity and run!"

A burst of crackling bullets hit the golden car, and it started to smoke.

"Damn, you're not giving me a way out, the car is about to blow up!"

Shen Yi looked at the speed of the car, at this escape speed, he would definitely fall down if he jumped off.

Either way, Shen Yi simply sat in the car and resigned himself to his fate. Anyway, these people were not in a hurry, at most, he was looking for a chance to jump out of the car before the car ran out of health.

Because the distance was too far and the terrain was rough, Xie Buyu fired [-] bullets, but he didn't catch a single person, and the car didn't explode.

The man who drove the car went around to a house next to the villa area and stopped. Shen Yi got out of the car and went through the window first, picked up a pistol, and the other three people around him were walking towards him in unison.

In desperation, Shen Yi went up to the second floor, only by bringing these people into Xie Buyu's sight would he have a chance to escape.

These people are numerous and powerful, Shen Yi only wants to save his life.

On this side, Yi Xiaotian confronted the people outside the sand for a long time, deliberately delaying time.

"Brother Tian, ​​this person is very slippery, we can definitely block him if we go separately."

Chen Haiyang only thought about solving the troubles in front of him.

"After landing for so long, we are not the only team in the villa area. We are scattered now, just as he wants."

The current members of the steel team are not in the same place, and it is easy to be defeated one by one.

Yi Xiaotian's hearing and eyesight have been strengthened by the system. He can clearly judge where a person is based on his footsteps indoors, but this person is clearly wasting time and searching for resources.

Seizing the timing is very important in the battle situation. The steel team is the first to land first, and naturally it is the first to obtain resources, and the longer his team lands, the smaller the advantage of the steel team.

I have to admit that the teams participating in this competition are all advancing and retreating, and it is difficult for the steel team to seize the opportunity.

At this moment, the team that picked up the gun in Dacang on the other side sneaked back, the fights are lively when there are many people, and they can take the opportunity to grab the head and reap the benefits, why not do it?
"Southeast direction, at least one team is coming this way, Brother Tian, ​​be careful."

Xie Buyu was at the highest point of the villa area, and if he saw someone, he reported it directly.

The opponent obviously also saw him, and the crackling was a burst of bursts.

Fortunately, Xie Buyu adjusted his position in time and hid behind the roof to spray medicine. This burst of gunfire attracted the attention of many other people in the villa area.

While Xie Buyu was spraying medicine, the long-dormant team on the second floor finally showed their guns.

"Brother Tian, ​​someone hit me on the second floor!"

Xie Buyu jumped off the roof and escaped with a trace of blood. He has no time to spray medicine now, and a team will rush in on the first floor soon. He must find a relatively safe place to adjust his state.

"Forget about the rest of the team that snatched the car, clear the upstairs first, otherwise the rear of the butt will always be unsafe."

As more and more people came around the villa area, Yi Xiaotian's thinking became clearer and clearer.

The people upstairs missed their guns and showed their steps at this moment, which is a good opportunity for Yi Xiaotian to fight back.

For the cooperation of the steel team at Chonglou Station, Yi Xiaotian's ear power is directly equivalent to the undercover perspective. As long as Chen Haiyang follows Yi Xiaotian, he will bump into those people sooner or later.

The two of them rushed into the second floor one after the other. Who knew who threw a bomb in this direction, disturbing the sight and hearing. A few seconds passed, and more footsteps were getting closer.

"Set up your guns, it will be very lively later."

Under Yi Xiaotian's signal, Yi Xiaotian and Xie Buyu blocked the two staircases behind him. If these people were not stupid, they must have heard the steps upstairs when they came here just now.

Even though Yi Xiaotian could guess which room the person hiding on the second floor was in, he didn't rush to go there. Wouldn't the two people upstairs panic when they came downstairs?

"Brother Tian, ​​I still have three, who of you can come and save me..."

Shen Yi felt like crying at this moment, he should not have come to steal the car from these gang of car thieves if he knew earlier.

"I believe you can handle it."

Yi Xiaotian gave a word of encouragement.

Sooner or later, three big men rushed up from the second floor where Shen Yi was, and he disabled one of them with a pistol, and ran away.

The other party obviously expected his move, and then rushed out from the first floor.

There is still a distance between this house and the center of the villa area, and there is no other shelter in the middle except for grass and stone brick walls. After running for two steps, Shen Yi retreated and turned into the house.

The person who was chasing after shot two shots at Shen Yi's buttocks, and he immediately lost half of his blood.

Fortunately, after entering, there was a gun on the ground, even though there were only two bullets in it, it was more powerful than the pistol in Shen Yi's hand.

That person followed Shen Yi directly, but he didn't want to get a slap in the face.

"HJ Orange Tiger was knocked down by Steel Team Shen Yi with S686."

The people who rushed in from the HJ team were stunned at the moment, and got another slap in the face.

"HJ Luoluohan was knocked down by Iron Team Shen Yi with S686."

"Yu Hang, you should hurry in!"

The knocked down Luoluohan roared at his teammates.

Generally, a gun only holds two bullets, and it takes time to reload the gun. What's more, Shen Yi only has one gun and a pistol now, so it is difficult to shoot a rifle that is too heavy.

"Damn, haven't all the guns and bullets in this room been picked up, how can this kid still pick up the trolls!"

Yu Hang saw two teammates fell to the ground one after another, subconsciously stepped back, wanted to pull them up first, if he rushed in and was sprayed to death by a sprayer, his teammates who were still in the villa area would definitely not be able to come to rescue him.

"Climb out!"

While pulling his teammates, Yu Hang watched Shen Yi's reaction.

"Why didn't you rush in just now, he probably has changed his guns and bombs now!"

Shen Yi obviously didn't expect two bullets to knock down two people. There were gunshots in the villa area, and he was forced to retreat now. The two bullets have been fired. This gun is equivalent to a useless gun. , He simply changed into a pistol and went to see the situation of the HJ team.

Hearing the footsteps, Yu Hang, the only one in the HJ team who didn't fall, instantly became alert. He turned his camera, but he didn't see Shen Yi coming out.

Pulling back his vision again, he saw Shen Yi holding a pistol and shooting at his head.

(End of this chapter)

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