PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Super Villain

Chapter 521 Gold buys bones and gold buys fire

Chapter 521

Although several of Ming Kai's teammates did not see Ming Kai's face at this time, the camera just caught Ming Kai's expression at this time.

All of a sudden, the audience on countless live broadcast platforms fell silent.

The word Ming Kai is undoubtedly synonymous with inspiration in everyone's hearts.

I have struggled in the professional arena for nearly ten years, from the era when the e-sports industry was said to be playful, and I have persisted until now.

During this period, there have been glories, downs, countless praises, and countless abuses.

What even made everyone feel funny was that Ming Kai even retired for a while and became a coach in transition.

But in the end, he returned to this stage and picked up the dream in his heart again.

Even, for Ming Kai now, his dream has changed from winning the world championship to entering the world championship.

He just wanted to fight again so that his youth would have no regrets.

However, time is really cruel for this veteran who has been fighting for nearly ten years.

"Damn it, it's really good, it's really good, why are these people in EDG so good, Ming Kai is one against three, and they can't beat one of them? Is it really a draft!"

"I really feel sorry for Ming Kai. Seeing his expression just now, my heart twitched suddenly. It really hurts so much."

"Ming Kai is still old, but no matter what, he is the most respected professional player in my heart."

"Veterans don't die, they just wither. I hope Ming Kai can wither slowly so that he can survive this summer split."

"Please, let Mingkai enter the World Championship again, and fulfill his dream well. Could it be that God really doesn't pity him at all. He has been fighting for ten years, ten years!"

"E-sports is so cruel. Ming Kai is strong, but his era has passed. Even though he is struggling, he can't resist the tide of the era. I feel sorry for him, but it's really useless."

"Fart, with Kaizi's operation just now, do you dare to say that his era has passed? You fart your mother!"

"Ming Kai may make one such operation in a day's game, but his opponent, the Steel Team, can make ten in a day. What do you want me to say? Can Kai still play against his conscience? I'm sorry, I can not do it."

"I feel sorry for Ming Kai, but time will not love him. Time is cruel to everyone, especially to professional players like them who eat young."

"Steel Team, what the hell is Steel Team, why, why are there such a few strong people appearing!"

"Team Huaxia has truly become stronger!"

Like the audience in the live broadcast room, Xiaoxiao and Xika on the commentary stage, their eyes became moist after seeing this scene.

If Xiaoxiao and Sika respect God Wei, then Xiaoxiao and Sika respect Ming Kai.

Respect and respect, the difference between one word, but the world.

There is no professional player who doesn't respect Ming Kai. Even in the strictly disciplined EDG, Ming Kai has never been uttered a word of disapproval by the leaders of EDG.

Who gets up the earliest, sleeps the latest, trains for the longest time, and concentrates the most on training. Who has the right to criticize such a player?

When Ming Kai debuted, he was also called a genius boy, but even a genius boy couldn't resist the word time.

After genius, Mingkai stands for hard work.

Since I am not a genius, then I must at least work twice as hard as a genius. This is what Ming Kai himself said. It is sad but true.

"Kaizi, he tried his best."

"If it wasn't for Yi Xiaotian's perverted operation, this wave of Mingkai would definitely save the building."

"But sometimes, there is only a thin line between success and failure, and Yi Xiaotian's abnormal strength also pushed Ming Kai into the abyss of failure."

"I don't think there is anyone to blame for this wave, not Ming Kai, nor Hope and Sister Kong. Their positions are inherently disadvantaged, and Chen Haiyang is not weak."

"There is a gap. In all fairness, there is definitely a gap between the two teams, and the difference is not even one star."

"But I believe that Ming Kai will never be knocked down by this defeat, nor will he be afraid because of the gap between the two teams. I believe in Ming Kai. He will definitely set sail again and start again. No matter when, I believe Kay."

"Although as a commentator, it may not be appropriate for me to say this sentence in this place, but I still want to say, Ming Kai, go for me, come on!"

In the magic city, in the artificial gymnasium, in the backstage lounge.

In the PCPI league, although there is no lounge for specific teams, there is a temporary rest space for the staff of the major teams.

At this time, EDG's Ed Zhu and coach Abu are here.

Similarly, they also saw Ming Kai's expression, desperate and helpless.

Edzhu's expression changed slightly, he got up and stood up, and said to Abu beside him, "I'm going out to smoke a cigarette."

Abu saw Edzhu's back, got up and followed him out.

The two were silent all the way, and walked to the smoking area like this.

Edzhu took out the cigarettes in his pocket, took out two cigarettes, and handed one to Abu.

Abu hesitated for a moment, but still took the cigarette handed over by the boss, even though he didn't know how to smoke.

Somewhat strangely, Edzhu gave Abu a cigarette, but did not give him a fire. He just lit the cigarette in his mouth and put the lighter back into his pocket.

After taking a few puffs, Edzhu turned his head to look at Abu.

"The current EDG is like the cigarette in your hand. It has eyes but no fire. It is destined to be a waste."

Ed Zhu took another puff of the cigarette in his hand, and continued: "Now, I want to find a fire for EDG."

Hearing Edzhu's words, Abu was stunned for a moment, then a shocked look appeared in his eyes, but he gradually became lost again.

"Boss, this fire will be very expensive, and this cigarette may not be a pleasure for a non-smoker like me."

There was no wavering in Edzhu's eyes. He looked in the direction of the playing field and said softly, "He deserves what I do."

"And I have made a lot of money in the past few years. What do I earn money for? It's just for spending."

"Since they all need to be spent, why don't I spend them happily?"

"In the past, there were thousands of gold from the ancients who bought bones, but now there is my daughter, Dezhu, who buys fire."

Edju threw the cigarette in his hand to the ground, and then extinguished the flames in his eyes with his feet.

"Let's go, this game, I'm really sad to watch, I need to go home and get a good sleep now."

"Spread the news, money is not a problem, as long as you are a truly capable player, you can come and try."

(End of this chapter)

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