Chapter 328
During the game, at the moment when the two teams were defeated, everyone rushed towards the box on the ground as if they were in a racing competition.

Shen Yi, who was rushing over from a distance, saw the icons of his three teammates moving rapidly on the small map, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and said badly in secret.

It is estimated that this wave has nothing to do with me.

It was too late to say, but it was too soon. Although the three of them ran towards the box almost at the same time in Xiaotian, they still lost to Chen Haiyang who had been planning for a long time.

Chen Haiyang ran to the box first, and started to lick it with a winner's smile, but when he saw the contents of the first box, Chen Haiyang's smile suddenly froze on his face.

DP-28, M16A4, first-class head armor with residual blood, and some bullets and bandages.

"This nima is too poor." Chen Haiyang couldn't help but cursed when he saw these equipments, and said, "I have seen poor ones, but I have never seen one as poor as you. I don’t have dots and holograms, so I came out to learn from others to grab airdrops.”

"Using what my favorite Yaojiang said most often, do you match it!"

After Chen Haiyang finished spraying, he still seemed to feel unrelieved. He gave another kick to the corpse that hadn't disappeared on the ground, and then ran to another box.

On the other side, Xie Buyu also looked at the box under him with disgust, and made exactly the same movements as Chen Haiyang.

This successive scene made the four VG members who were obsessing the Iron Team at this time have livid expressions on their faces. If they hadn't been unable to turn on the microphone, they would probably have yelled at the Iron Team on the spot.

Damn, if our group is wiped out, we still think we are poor. If we are not poor, will we take the risk of picking up airdrops?

Just as Chen Haiyang and Xiebuyu showed bitter faces, Yi Xiaotian showed a completely different expression at this time.

I saw a new look on his body in an instant. Not only did the head and armor have been replaced with a third-level head armor, but even the secondary gun on his back has changed. It is the gun that can only be fired during airdrops—MK14 , is commonly known as the sister-in-law's bursting sniper.

Unlike the SKS which is very floating, the MK14 is an air-drop gun after all, and has excellent performance in terms of stability, and its power is much greater than that of the SKS, although it is not as good as the 98k, which can explode a second-level head with one shot. , but only two shots.

Yi Xiaotian, who is holding a sister-in-law, wanted to show off the gun in his hand to his teammates, but after a long time of concave shape, he found that his three teammates were all licking their bags without even looking at them. look at him.

This Yi Xiaotian couldn't sit still anymore, insisting that he must share the good news with his friends, Yi Xiaotian gently pulled the finger on the trigger of the sister control.

Immediately, a clear and clear voice sounded, different from 98k's Chen muffled voice, the sister control gave people a very light and agile feeling.

"My Cao, someone is sniping at me!" Chen Haiyang was startled when he heard the gunshot, and immediately prostrated himself on the ground, looking in all directions.

Seeing Chen Haiyang's embarrassing appearance, Xie Buyu's face darkened, and the violent thought of wanting to kill him suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Someone shot at your head, you can't tell where the gunshots came from?"

Chen Haiyang froze for a moment, and then looked towards the direction of the gunshots. After seeing Yi Xiaotian, he asked in doubt, "Brother Tian, ​​why are you spying on me?"

Yi Xiaotian smiled, sometimes it is a happy thing to have a good time, and then he pretended to be a bit ashamed and said: "Oh, my, my, the parrot I raised just now suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. It flew over, startled me, and accidentally pressed the left mouse button down."

"Hai Hai, are you alright? The sister control in my hand does quite a lot of damage, so it probably didn't hurt you!"

"It's okay, it's not hurt." Chen Haiyang responded quickly, but then he seemed to realize something, and suddenly said loudly: "I, Brother Tian, ​​you have a sister control!"

"And it's still a third-level head armor. Did you lick the box with the airdrop?"

The smile on Yi Xiaotian's face became wider, and he looked at Chen Haiyang with more satisfaction, saying: "Luck, luck."

"Awesome, Brother Tian!" Chen Haiyang did not hesitate to praise him.

And Xie Buyu and Shen Yi at the side had black lines all over their faces at this time, isn't my brother playing with a fool today!

Xie Buyu was completely speechless, Yi Xiaotian's words were full of Versailles literature, probably only Chen Haiyang couldn't understand.

In the training room, Jie Buyu and Shen Yi looked at each other, then moved the chair a little towards Chen Haiyang, and not only that, even in the game, the two quickly ran to the furthest point The box at the top continued to lick up.

My mother taught them from an early age, don't play with fools, or you will become fools too.

Soon, the four of Yi Xiaotian licked the boxes of the two teams. Although the VG team located in the water station is a little poorer, the Tianba team located in the mansion is really rich.

The worst weapon everyone carries is also an M416. It seems that the saying that mansions are rich in weapons is indeed true.

But mansions also have their disadvantages. Although mansions are rich in weapons, relatively few weapon accessories are refreshed in mansions.

However, this may be a problem for others, but for the four members of the Steel Team located in St. Maarten, they didn't take it to heart at all.

St. Maarten has the most things, not guns, nor medicines, but piles of weapon accessories!
After licking the boxes of the two teams, Yi Xiaotian and the others can be said to be fat and oily.

Even Chen Haiyang, who is the poorest on the field, has an M146 and an AK at this time. There is actually a MINI14 on the field, but in Chen Haiyang's opinion, it is better to use M14 to connect points instead of using MINI416. He may It will be more accurate.

As for the magnification lens, each person has a quadruple magnification lens. In addition, Yi Xiaotian and Shen Yi also have an [-]x magnification lens.

Looking at the equipment on everyone's body at this time, even Yi Xiaotian couldn't help sighing.

"Those online investment experts are not deceiving me. There really is a huge profit project in this world, and that is robbery!"

At this time, Chen Haiyang also echoed with a smile on his face: "Hey, with my ingenuity and Brother Tian's strong strength, our robbery combination is simply invincible!"

When Shen Yi and Xie Buyu heard this, the blackness on his face suddenly deepened, and he quietly moved the chair under him towards Chen Haiyang again.

On the other hand, Chen Haiyang, watching their operations, said with some doubts: "Isn't it uncomfortable for you to play the game so obliquely? Be careful that the cervical spine can't bear it."

After moving the seats twice in a row, not only the keyboard and mouse of the two of them had turned into a strange oblique angle, but their bodies were also slightly tilted.

"It's not uncomfortable, I'm quite comfortable like this."

"I like to play the game at an angle, and I can better play my level."

Hearing the two people's answers, Chen Haiyang became even more puzzled, and said to himself, "Two weirdos!"

(End of this chapter)

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