PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Super Villain

Chapter 325 Team Tianba’s Decision

Chapter 325 Team Tianba’s Decision

Miramar, the city of lions.

Li Ning, who had easily eliminated another team in the city, did not have any joyful expressions on their faces at this moment.

The team that landed in the City of Lions was far, far worse than Team Steel.

Defeating such a team will not give Li Yunsheng and the others any confidence, but will make them feel even more frustrated.

The four of them had only one goal in mind, and that was to kill Team Steel, but for Li Ning now, this goal was undoubtedly pressing on their hearts like a mountain.

"If what the coach said is not wrong, then the Iron Warriors should undoubtedly fall to St. Martin."

Li Yunsheng continued with a somewhat hoarse voice: "There has only been one kill message about the Steel Team from the upper right corner of the game for so long, and they should be the only team in San Martin."

Zhou Yi's expression was also a little confused, and he opened his mouth and said, "They should be very fat, at least a little fatter than us."

Li Yunsheng nodded in agreement. Although the Lion City is also a big city, the big city is also divided into three, six, and nine grades. Obviously, St. Martin is much, much better than the Lion City.

"What about Feiyou? We don't necessarily have to beat them." Wang Hu said with his eyes wide open, dissatisfied.

Li Yunsheng was silent for a while, and then there was an affirmative voice, saying: "Wang Hu is right, no matter how fat you can be, you won't carry one more gun than us."

"As long as it's a game, we have a chance to win. Let's quickly search the Lion City, and then wait for the next circle to rush directly to the core point. If we are lucky enough to get a destiny circle, let's not say that we are killing the steel Once the team is formed, eating chicken is not an extravagant hope."

Listening to Li Yunsheng's words, Li Ning's four people finally showed a smile on their faces, and continued to search for supplies in Lion City on their own.

Lion TV, in the live broadcast room of Wuhai.

If the steel team coached by Li Changfeng is the first focus of Wuhai today, then the Li Ning team coached by Bian Cang must be closely behind.

After seeing Li Ning's team easily wipe out another team that was also in Lion City, not only Wu Hai, but even Li Changfeng showed a hint of surprise on his face.

Wu Hai looked at Bian Cang with great interest, and said playfully, "I didn't expect that God Cang, your Li-Ning team is actually version 2.0 of the Li-Ning team."

"These few players inside should not be underestimated. The core output point of Li Ning's team is Zhou Yi."

"In addition to the three rookie champions of the PEL League, your Li Ning team seems to be preparing to win the championship!"

"You know, the price of these three rookies combined is not low. As far as I know, the owner of the Li Ning Club has always been stingy. How could he be willing to spend so much money to buy them this time!"

There was also a trace of pity in Li Changfeng's eyes. He was too familiar with the three IDs on the field.

Hu Xiao, Liang Sheng, Yun Qi, aren't these the three former teammates of Shen Yi?
If it wasn't for Shen Yi who joined QG secretly, he should be following these three to continue galloping in the PEL league.

From Li Changfeng's point of view, these three are definitely Shen Yi's three best teammates, even compared to Yi Xiaotian, Chen Haiyang and Xiebuyu, he hopes Shen Yi's teammates are these three.

Following behind Yi Xiaotian, Shen Yi will undoubtedly grow faster.

But this kind of growth is more like a rootless duckweed, Yi Xiaotian will leave one day, and Shen Yi may never find another Yi Xiaotian again.

If they were teammates with these three, although Shen Yi would grow slower, as the mainstay of the team, Shen Yi would definitely grow much more solidly. No matter what team Shen Yi joined, he would instantly become the core.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world, and the current steel team is not bad, or even better.

Team Steel and Team Li Ning are both very strong, but if you had to pick one out of them, no one would choose Team Li Ning, even if Shen Yi and Zhou Yi swapped each other, no one would choose Team Li Ning.

Yi Xiaotian is really too strong, if you are so strong, you will subconsciously think that he can win the world championship.

At least Li Changfeng himself definitely thinks so.

This steel exhibition will win the world championship. When Yi Xiaotian said this, Li Changfeng had the premonition that he could really win the championship.

Just as Li Changfeng was thinking, Wuhai's voice rang in his headset again.

"Look, Team Steel is ready to move. They haven't even finished searching St. Martin's. Are they going to stretch out their tiger claws towards other teams?"

"Looking at the route they took, it should be the airdrop that landed on St. Maarten."

"Wow, we're going to have a good show. This airdrop fell on St. Martin, the water station and the mansion. The three parties actually formed a triangle shape."

"And at the same time that Team Steel was leaving, not only VG at the water station moved, but even Team Tianba, who was in the mansion, also moved, pointing directly at the location of the airdrop."

Miramar, the Tianba team located in the mansion.

Except for the new sniper Jiang Feng who is a rookie, the other players of the Tianba team are basically veteran players who have experienced many battles.

Unlike Team Steel, although Tianba's snipers have always been very strong, most of them still rely on the team's breakthrough players to launch attacks.

The breakthrough player of the Tianba team is named Quan Tianqi. Although he is 21 years old this year, his age has not slowed down his operation in the slightest. On the contrary, it has made his marksmanship more sophisticated.

If all PCPI breakthrough hands are ranked in one place, Quan Tianqi will definitely sit firmly in the top five positions on the list.

The commander and observer of the Tianba team are called Zeng Ke and Ma Xiaotian respectively. They have been in the same team since their debut. If we talk about tacit understanding, no one will be their opponent.

Sometimes, Zenke basically doesn't need to say a long speech, Ma Xiaotian can easily understand his focus and execute it accurately.

For example, right now, after Zenko first said that he wanted to compete for the airdrop, Ma Xiaotian immediately lay down in the best backslope to observe the movement of St. Martin.

"They were wary of us, and they didn't look for that airdrop from our direction." Ma Xiaotian said aloud, watching the steel team's moving steps in the magnifying glass.

Zenke closed his eyes, remembering the location of the airdrop. After pondering for a while, there was a trace of appraisal in his eyes, and he said, "We have fought. This is a good opportunity for us to destroy the Iron Team."

"If I remember correctly, there shouldn't be any bunkers in the airdrop area, and the power of their sniper rifles is almost nonexistent there. If we don't kill them here, the next poisonous circle will be difficult to fight."

(End of this chapter)

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