Chapter 320
At the same time, the members of each team listening to Yi Xiaotian's interview were all shocked.

They never thought that the goal of Yi Xiaotian and Team Steel would be the world champion.

Even for first-class teams like Tianlu and Tianba, their goal is nothing more than to become the domestic champion. As for the world champion, they don't even dare to think about it.

The Chinese team is far worse than teams from other countries in FPS games.

Although China has become a great country that other countries dare not underestimate in the past few years, the traditional thinking in the bones of the Chinese people has not undergone any major changes.

Most of the parents in Huaxia think that playing games is a kind of playfulness, not to mention buying FPS-type games that cost hundreds of dollars each for their children when they were young.

However, the gap comes out little by little. There will definitely be a big gap between a person who has only been exposed to FPS games when he grows up, and those who have been exposed to FPS games since childhood.

It was also this gap in success that caused the domestic PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds teams to have no chance of winning any particularly good rankings when they played in the World Championships.

The year before last, and before the New Year's Eve, it was the top [-], and the results were even more pitiful after that.

The best time was just last year's semi-finals, and this was the result of 4AM's explosive seeding.

Even the top four made 4AM popular in China for a while.

Today, the sentence Yi Xiaotian said to win China's first world championship made them feel excited again.

It also allowed them to leave the name of Iron Warriors in their hearts.

Of course, these are the senses of the PCPI league teams in the training match. As for the PEL league teams, they first breathed a sigh of relief, and then they felt shocked in their hearts.

The reason why she breathed a sigh of relief was because of Linna's words that she heard that Team Steel will compete in the PCPI league next year.

These PEL league teams in the training match, one counts as one. After seeing the true strength of the steel team, everyone's heart was covered with a thick layer of fog.

What the hell, if Team Steel really came to play in the PEL League, wouldn't it be like a tiger entering the herd? Could there be any other results besides being abused?

We met a BG in the Spring Split, Shen Yi and the four monsters had already beaten us to death, but even though BG looks like a mountain, at least occasionally these teams can climb over it once in a while.

But the Everest of Team Steel, they are really daunting!

What a mess!
In the FPB team, four people are listening to Yi Xiaotian's interview with different expressions.

At this moment, the sniper suddenly said something.

"I don't think I need to retire, I can still play."

The other three people in FPB didn't laugh at him for changing his attitude so quickly, but felt lucky for him in their hearts.

They all saw Yi Xiaotian's sniper strength just now. A player with such strength, not to mention that their team's snipers can't fight against him, even if you pick him in the entire PEL league, you can't beat him. Can't pick out a player who can fight against Yi Xiaotian.

"Yi Xiaotian is too strong, and so is Shen Yi." Shen Hai, who had been silent all this time, also said suddenly.

"However, I don't think they can win the world championship with this configuration. Although Chen Haiyang and Xiebuyu are good, they are not as talented as the two of them. One day, they may also realize this."

There was a hint of deepness in the commander's brows and eyes, he nodded in agreement, and said: "Yi Xiaotian is definitely world-class now, but Shen Yi is at most only domestic first-class, and even worse."

"As for Chen Haiyang's reconciliation, it's just that he will reach the first-class side. If this team wants to compete for the PCPI championship, I think there is a high probability, but if they want to compete for the world championship, they are still a little younger."

"But fortunately, although they failed this year, they are definitely future fighters."

The observer didn't think as much as Shen Hai and the commander, his eyes were full of loneliness, it seemed to be disappointed in himself, and also seemed to be unwilling in his heart.

He didn't understand, how could there be such a big gap even though everyone was about the same age? This can't even be replaced by the word gap, but a gap.

Will I be as strong as him one day?

A trace of longing flashed deep in the commander's eyes, and he sat straight on the chair.

On the other hand, in the RNG team at this time, the atmosphere is also extremely awkward.

After being reprimanded by the coach, everyone in RNG felt a little uncomfortable.

Although they didn't say anything, they agreed in their hearts that the coach was just a decoration, and it was useless at all.

As for arranging tactics, it's even more nonsense. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has different positions in each game. How can there be any once-and-for-all tactics that can be implemented?

But the dissatisfaction in their hearts is dissatisfaction, and they still dare not say such words on the surface. After all, although RNG's discipline is not as strict as EDG, everyone still dare not go beyond the fire pool.

However, after seeing Yi Xiaotian's interview, everyone's hearts were really shocked.

Especially the sniper Ding Dong in the team, although he is also known as the debut of a genius boy, it has been a full year and a half since his debut today. Although RNG's performance has improved a lot since he joined, but In fact, it is not too ideal, and this is also one of the concerns of the team owner who is not willing to spend a lot of money to buy Yi Xiaotian.

You are very talented, but no one can guarantee that you can lead a team to truly play out.

For some reason, Dingdang felt that after hearing Yi Xiaotian's interview, there seemed to be a gleam of fire in his heart, but then it turned into a catastrophe, and the temperature of his whole body became high.

Little Ding Dong has forgotten that once upon a time, his dream was also to win the first world championship medal for Huaxia, but as he drifted more and more with the tide, this dream was also thrown into the corner by himself.

Knowing that now, this dream appeared in his heart again, and it could not dissipate for a long time.

"I've decided, I want to win the world championship too." Ding Dong's voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone didn't speak, not even a gleam of light appeared in their eyes, wandering a little confused, don't they feel passionate?
However, Wandering immediately seemed to understand something. Unlike him and Ding Dong, the other two members of the team were not at the peak of their strength. They were clearly on the way to decline.

The only thing I think about now is how not to drop the ranking, then retire, and then become a successful anchor.

This is actually the life trajectory of most professional players. Before wandering, I thought that I might become like this.

But today, an inexplicable sense of sadness rose in his heart. What's the point of such a career track even if it comes to the end?

For some reason, Youyou suddenly wanted to cry bitterly!
(End of this chapter)

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