Chapter 316 Peach Picked?
Although it seems that there is not much difference between the departure time of FPB and Iron Team, in this small safety zone, sometimes even if there is a difference of one second, you will fall into a disadvantage.

Even though they wanted to help the Tianlu team, the current safety zone greatly restricted their actions.

If you go around in the direction of the steel team, you will be caught by the two snipers in the hands of Yi Xiaotian and Shen Yi, but if you go in the opposite direction, you may also be sniped by the enemy far away in G Port.

At this time, not only the Tianlu team, which was stuck by the steel team, was in a difficult situation, but even the FPB team was also in a deadlock.

But if you move, there is still a chance of survival, but if you don't move, you will definitely die.

FPB has no choice but to survive from the dead, looking for the weak chance of survival that is almost gone.

Between the threat of the steel team and the threat of the enemy in Port G, the four of FPB chose the latter without even thinking about it.

One is an illusory threat, and the other is a real crisis right under our noses. Besides, those shots in front of Yi Xiaotian brought too much psychological pressure to the four members of the FPB team. It seems that there are only two answers, but in fact there are only two. Just one.

Fortunately, although FPB's position is very poor, they are really lucky. They just walked under the eyes of the enemy in Port G, but they didn't encounter a single shot from the beginning to the end.

But before they had time to breathe a sigh of relief, 98k's voice sounded again.

Everyone frowned, they didn't think that they would not be discovered by the steel team if so many people left at the same time, but their sniping speed is too fast!
The FPB commander frowned and looked at the rest of his teammates, but to find that they were not down at this time?

Could it be that one of Yi Xiaotian and Shen Yi was wrong?
This thought came to the commander inexplicably, but when he saw the kill information in the upper right corner was refreshed, a wry smile appeared on his face, and then he mocked to himself: "It's possible to kill yourself. How could it be possible for Yi Xiaotian and Shen Yi to mess up!"

"A gentle shot used a kar98k headshot to knock down Tianlu and Symphony Liuli."

Team Steel defeated Team Tianlu again!
When they saw Shen Yi sniping one member of the Tianlu team again, the rest of the steel team also showed a smile on their faces.

"Can you make it up?" Yi Xiaotian raised his eyebrows and asked.

Shen Yi shook his head, and responded: "It's hard, they retreated directly, I want to make up for them, I have to go around a little further."

Yi Xiaotian looked at Shen Yi's position, pondered for a moment, and then said: "No hurry, you just need to put pressure on them. The team that is our neighbor has already left the hospital. It is estimated that it may be a hindrance. You first Don't move, wait for us to come."

Shen Yi nodded, didn't say much, and continued to silently watch the members of Team Tianlu.

Yi Xiaotian and Chen Haiyang who were staying in the hospital didn't procrastinate, they left the hospital directly, and spared a sniper spot in a further direction.

These two sniper spots were the positions Yi Xiaotian had already chosen before letting Shen Yi and Xiebuyu take action, in order to be able to completely eat this small Tianlu team.

Yi Xiaotian prefers to avoid future troubles compared to the words "poor and mo chasing".

With Shen Yi's card gun, Yi Xiaotian and Chen Haiyang's running point is not in any danger.

I have to say that Yi Xiaotian was a little surprised by this. He thought that another team that left the hospital would intervene at this time, but they didn't seem to have this plan?
After Yi Xiaotian took his seat, the three members of Team Tianlu became clearly visible in his field of vision.

A sneer appeared on his face, and he muttered to himself, "It's hunting time."

Skillfully open the scope, aim, and pull the trigger, the whole process is done in one go.

'Bang', a 98K bullet flew out of Yi Xiaotian's gun and shot into the head of the enemy in front of him.

"Number One in the World uses a kar98k headshot to knock down Tianlu, July Fire."

'Bang', Yi Xiaotian didn't intend to give the Tianlu team a chance to react, and shot out again.

"Number One in the World uses a kar98k headshot to knock down Tianlu and Symphony Liuli."

Two shots and two people, the power is terrifying.

At this time, the four members of the Tianlu team had extremely aggrieved expressions on their faces, but even so, they did not give up the game, and were still struggling to climb towards the blind spot of Yi Xiaotian and Shen Yi's vision Go, want your teammates to help you up.

However, at this moment, behind them, the sound of bullets was suddenly heard, and they were fired at them fiercely.

The four members of the Tianlu team watched their computer screens all turn gray, and finally couldn't bear the anger in their hearts any longer, and cursed at the Iron team.

"I'll fuck you, Steel Team, it's really disgusting."

"I found out that these dicks are playing with us to boil frogs in warm water, driving us to death step by step."

"This forced position is also Tai Sima, the side is so fucking empty, I can't even run if I want to, shit!"

Hearing the complaints from his teammates, Wu Fan, the commander of the Tianlu team, also looked extremely ugly. This game seemed to be that the steel team's sniper ability far suppressed them, but in Wu Fan's heart, it was him who caused the consequences. This command player's problem.

"It's my fault. I should be more cautious. You shouldn't be allowed to park in that position. Blame me."

"Captain, what are you talking about? This is a matter decided by everyone. How can you blame it alone? You are right, Wei Xuan." Wang Zhuo was the first to refute Wu Fan.

Wei Xuan also nodded, and said: "Xiao Zhuo is right, the decision was made by everyone, it has nothing to do with you, besides, we lost to them in this game, so we can fight back in the next game, can't we?" , It’s just a training match.”

"Emmm, I don't want to disturb you to split the pot, but have you noticed that the one who killed us was not the Steel Team, but FPB." Ma Tian said looking at the actual kill information in the upper right corner.

Wang Zhuo and Wei Xuan were stunned for a moment, and then looked at the actual kill information in the upper right corner of the game. When they found out that it was not the Iron Team that killed them, for some reason, a sense of joy from the bottom of their hearts suddenly rose stand up.

"Haha, I didn't expect Team Steel to work for nothing, and someone else picked up the peaches in the end."

"I'm Cao, I'm dying of laughter, these steel teams are really doing good deeds without leaving names."

There was also a rare smile on Wu Fan's face, obviously he was in a very happy mood right now.

At the same time, the four members of Team Steel fell into hysteria.

"Who is it, who is it!"

"I made a detour again, there are sniper, finally knocked down all the Tianlu team in front of me, only the last one can destroy them, you dare to snatch food from my innermost part!"

"FPB, I will never spare you!" Yi Xiaotian shouted angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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