PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Super Villain

Chapter 310 Who Am I Crazy For?

Chapter 310 Who Am I Crazy For?

The team guarding the left side of the hospital was called Team Tianhai. Although it was only a little-known PEL league team, the four members of their team showed expressions of righteous indignation on their faces at this moment.

There are two teams in the hospital, you leave the right entrance which is easy to get in, and attack my left entrance, isn't this f*cking obvious that you don't take me seriously?
It's like marching and fighting in ancient times. The two guards are Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. You let Guan Yu, who is weak in strength, not attack, but you come to attack Zhang Fei, who is strong in strength. What else can you do except look down on me? other reasons?

"I, Cao, these grandsons, I have to let them take a good look at me today, Zhang Fei, no, it's the strength of the Tianhai team. If the tiger doesn't show his power, he really treats me as a sick cat." The person who spoke was holding the M249 before. As a breakthrough player in the team, he was already a bit irritable, but now after seeing this scene, his nose is about to spurt out heat.

He has always claimed to be the most tempered commander of the Tianhai team, but now he is also uttering golden sentences and cursing loudly.

"Fuck you, you really look down on me."

"Back then, I was the Sanda champion in the third grade group of the No. [-] Primary School in Shanghai. If my dad hadn't agreed with me to take this path, I would have been the national Sanda champion by now. How dare you look down on me? Damn it. Today I will show you what a Sanda champion is."

The commander and the breakthrough hand stood side by side in front of the window on the second floor of the hospital, making up their minds to kill the team in front of them who looked down on them.

The sniper and observer behind the two also turned red at this time, but they were not angry at the attacking team, but laughed at what the commander said.

The two squinted at the commander's bloated figure, what the hell is the Sanda champion of the third grade group, you are the beaten champion of the third grade group!

For some reason, the two of them suddenly had the same idea inexplicably in their hearts.

Uncle is really wise!

If this physique really enters the world of Sanda, then I guess uncle will send a white-haired man to a black-haired man!
"What are you two thinking? Hurry up!" Seeing that there was only one person beside him, the breakthrough hand frowned and urged the two of them.

The two looked at each other with helpless wry smiles on their faces.

"Just two windows, how do you let the two of us get through!"

"Let's fight coldly at the back as we did before. Besides, if we both pass, who will get stuck in the other team? What if they take advantage of the fire and rob us?"

The breakthrough hand was taken aback by the words, and he hesitated and didn't speak.

The commander also nodded in agreement, and said: "You two go and get stuck with the team next to you first, I don't believe that the team downstairs can have so many smoke bombs."

"Today, I must let them know why the flowers are so red."

However, at this moment, as soon as the commander finished speaking, a bullet was shot out from the smoke grenade, and it accurately reached his head.

"No. 98 in the world knocked down Tianhai with a kar[-]k headshot, for whom am I crazy?"

The commander fell down holding his stomach in an instant, and shouted.

"My Cao, who is this? Who the hell is this! Did you turn on a small pass, and a shot in the cigarette smoked your head? What the hell is it that turned on a small pass! Report, I want to report!"

"Professional players cheating, I, Cao, I have to ban you for a lifetime, what, disgusting, disgusting!"

The snipers and observers looked at the commander who fell to the ground, and finally couldn't help laughing. How can this f*ck be a commander? It's clearly a joker, okay?
"What are you laughing at, why don't you hurry up and help me?" the conductor said angrily.

The observer suppressed his smile, walked to the commander's side, and helped him up.

"Damn it, I must report this No. [-] in the world." The commander shouted over and over while spraying medicine.

The sniper looked at the name No. [-] in the world, pondered slightly, and after a while, suddenly shouted.

"No. 4000 in the world, No. [-] in the world! I know who he is now. Isn't he the Yi Xiaotian who has become popular recently? It is said that AG spent [-] million and failed to win the anchor."

The commander was startled, and after hearing what the sniper said, he also remembered who the number one in the world was.

This name has been very popular in the entire PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds circle in recent days. No one believes that there will be a team willing to sign a new player with no experience and age.

Many people even sneered at the name Yi Xiaotian, thinking that he was just hyping up the popularity.

But after AG's offer of 4000 million was rejected by Yi Xiaotian, no one was discussing whether the news was true or not. The price of 4000 million undoubtedly slapped those who abused it severely.

"Do you still think he's cheating now? Captain?" the observer asked with interest, as if he didn't think it was a big deal.

The commander's tone obviously became a bit stuttering, not as fluent as normal.

"Yi Xiaotian, Yi Xiaotian, then it's okay!"

Although the commander is not convinced, he has to admit the fact that Yi Xiaotian is very strong, and he has also seen Yi Xiaotian's operation in the Internet cafe league. Compared with this shot, it is not difficult.

This shot just looks a little weird, but in fact the core is not to lose one's position in the smoke. As long as you use the sense of direction, it is reasonable to shoot this shot.

But even so, this shot is still difficult to fire.

This is a typical theoretical knowledge is very simple, but the actual operation is very difficult.

At this time, the breaker from the other window had fired another round of bullets, but he still hadn't killed a single enemy.

This also made his temper even more irritable. He couldn't figure it out. Although the smoke was not small, it was not too big. How could he not kill even one person with a full hundred rounds of bullets?

Could it be that he has been exposed to rain and dew?
"Who gives me some bullets, I'm out of bullets." The breakthrough hand shook his head to shake this thought out of his mind, and said to his teammates behind him with a frown.

If a breakthrough player has doubts about his marksmanship, then he is really finished.

At the same time, the Commander stood back on the window after filling up his blood volume, but this time he was more cautious, only showing half of his body, frowning as he faced the smoke that was about to spread downstairs.

However, at this moment, a 98K bullet suddenly shot out of the smoke, and entered the commander's head straight again.

"No. 98 in the world knocked down Tianhai with a kar[-]k headshot, for whom am I crazy?"

The commander fell to the ground clutching his stomach again, and roared with a sad face: "What the hell is it not to open Xiaotou? Even if he is Yi Xiaotian, he must have opened Xiaotou."

"Report, I must report!"

"God damn Yi Xiaotian, how can you be so shameless!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

(End of this chapter)

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