Chapter 174 Fairy Operation
Looking at the killing information displayed on the game screen, a smile appeared on the corner of Yi Xiaotian's mouth.

It seems that I didn't trust the wrong Sima, he really completed the task I gave him very well.

In fact, although Yi Xiaotian's wave seemed a little ordinary, it was actually extremely dangerous. If he opened a distance of 100 meters, it would be easy for him to snip these four people.

But in this close-range shooting situation, even if Yi Xiaotian thinks that his rifle skills are a first-class master, it is obviously too far-fetched to kill four at a time without cover. .

The most important thing is that Yi Xiaotian's position can't be moved yet, because once he moves even a centimeter and pulls away the fast stone beside him, the other pair behind him who are eyeing him will instantly smash him into a sieve.

Now in this situation, he was the first to blow up one with a grenade, and it was only possible to complete it with a shot from Da Sima's god.

"Teacher Ma is amazing!" Yi Xiaotian looked at Teacher Ma with eyes full of admiration.

To be honest, he thought that Teacher Ma would take at least two shots to kill the last enemy, but he didn't expect that Teacher Ma, who has always behaved normally, suddenly gave himself a surprise.

PDD and Xiao Tuantuan, who were watching the battle, were obviously also shocked. Is this the big Sima they both knew.

"Awesome, Jinlun, why didn't I realize that you have such strength before, I think you can be called the number one sniper god."

"Teacher Ma is awesome plus, your operation is simply astonishing, please accept my knee."

Yi Xiaotian couldn't help but see a few black lines appearing on the heads of the two who were so touting. You guys are exaggerating too much, but a sniper headshot of tens of meters is the first sniper?Then this first sniper god is too cheap.

On the other hand, Da Sima, his hands trembled slightly, as if he couldn't believe that the shot was actually fired by himself.

However, listening to PDD and Xiao Tuantuan's praise, his doubts about himself disappeared in an instant, and his confidence instantly rose.

"Then take a look, do you think my title of gold medal lecturer is in vain?"

"To tell you the truth, I have been keeping a low profile all along, just to have a chance to make a big splash."

"It seems that today is destined to be the time for me to show my strength. Anyway, since I have already shown my strength, let's show it thoroughly."

However, before Da Sima's self-satisfied energy passed, a person suddenly tiptoed behind him, and threw a frying pan onto his head.

After that, he even gave him the chance to speak, and directly made him up cruelly.

The three of Yi Xiaotian were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. Could it be that this is the legendary act of pretending to be forced and being struck by lightning?
But this thunder came a little too fast, Mr. Ma must have only pretended half of what he wanted.

In the live broadcast room, the screen was originally full of barrages praising Da Sima, but the mood changed in an instant.

"Hehe, is this just hiding your strengths and biding your time? It's really funny. I hope Teacher Ma will continue to hide his strengths and bide his time underground."

"Haha, the group of people who exaggerated Sima just came out to wash the floor, why did they disappear all of a sudden, it's too real!"

"I really amuse you to death. I actually believed Da Sima's words for a moment just now."

"Isn't this the scene of being slapped in the face? Teacher Ma is also a bit too miserable. Not only was he headshot by the pan, but he was also instantly mended."

"Da Sima's food is still the same as before, and someone can't find it even if he touches it nearby."

"It's over, now it's Brother Tian who is having trouble, it's a bit too difficult for one person to kill a pair in such a small drug circle."

"Indeed, the main reason is that Brother Tian's strongest sniper technique has much less room to play."

"Hold the grass, look, Brother Tian actually got his headshot shot by the person who attacked Teacher Ma in an instant."

"Hold the grass, Brother Tian is still fierce!"

"Brothers, cheer up Brother Tian, ​​I see that this game is not dead, and there is still a chance to turn it over."


Speaking of the game, Yi Xiaotian shot 98k at the moment when the enemy sneaked up on Da Sima, knocking down the enemy, and then shot again to kill the man.

The method seems to be exactly the same as that person's treatment of Da Sima, the main reason is that the weapons in his hands are different.

After killing the person who attacked Da Sima, Yi Xiaotian instantly left the stone beside him and entered the territory that originally belonged to the other pair.

Now it is different from just now, without the restraint of another pair, Yi Xiaotian has more room to play.

But four people, no, only three people, he is confident to eat them with the 98k in his hand.

Yi Xiaotian, who changed his position, was lying on the ground with the 98k in his hand, and his breath slowly came down, like an old hunter in the giant forest, waiting for the appearance of the prey.

The three people on the other side of the poisonous circle are obviously not as calm as Yi Xiaotian, and they can see their inner panic from the non-stop moving steps of their characters.

"What should I do, the poison will be behind me soon, should I rush or not."

"Let's go, the three of us can still beat one."

"Didn't you see that person's ID? No. [-] in the world. How many times has his name appeared in the upper right corner of this game? It is estimated that he killed at least forty people. How could we be his opponent?"

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, what do you say?"

"That's right, his side is far away from the poison, and our side is close to the poison. If we drag it down, we must die first."

After a short silence, the voice of speaking came back again.

"Yes, potatoes, tomatoes, how many mines do you have in your hands?"

"I only have three left, and I have four more."

"I still have six mines in my hand, Tudou, you give Tomato all the mines in your hand, and then both of us give Tudou all the first aid kits. After a while, we will put it in the direction of No. [-] in the world." Lei, damn it, it’s only a few tens of meters, and it’s thrown by a woman. Even if these thunders can’t blow him up, he will probably be forced out. At that time, we will fight with that doggy number one in the world, as long as If we knock out half of his blood, we will surely win."

"good idea!"

"Just do it."

Another few seconds passed.


In an instant, thunders flew towards every corner as if they didn't want money. For a while, the safe area seemed to have become a bombing area, and the sound of thunder filled the ground.

But what shocked the two of them was that even so, the number one figure in the world did not appear in their sight.

"It doesn't matter, go out and mow the grass, and fight with him."

However, just the second after the two of them showed their heads, a bullet shot through the air instantly and entered the head of the person named Tomato.

Before the other person had time to react, another bullet shot through the air, and both of them fell to the ground.

After firing these two shots, Yi Xiaotian silently retracted his legs from the poison ring, and walked step by step in front of the packing potatoes.

With a smile on his face, he said, "Hello!"

(End of this chapter)

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