Chapter 15
Yi Xiaotian was made uncomfortable by the landlord. After the landlord left, he took a hot bath and fell asleep quickly.

The next day, before Yi Xiaotian woke up, his cell phone rang.

It was the landlord calling.

"Hey, landlord, it's so early?"

"Little slob, haven't you woken up yet?" The landlord's voice was always so charming.

Yi Xiaotian had goosebumps all over his body, and he lost all sleepiness in an instant.

"Hurry up, I'll drive the car out and wait for you downstairs." The landlord smiled.

"Okay." Yi Xiaotian got up, washed up, changed into clothes that didn't look so shabby, and then went downstairs.

Although he has some money now, Yi Xiaotian hasn't had time to change his equipment, so he can go out today to have a look, and then buy a new set of computer equipment, wouldn't it be a pleasure.

When I came downstairs, the landlord was already waiting outside in her red Audi.

Seeing Yi Xiaotian coming over, the landlord smiled and said, "You can really sleep."

"Hehe, I'm used to it, and I can't change it for a while." Yi Xiaotian said haha, and got into the landlord's car.

"Landlord, where are we going?" As soon as Yi Xiaotian sat on the seat, he asked about the refreshing smell of perfume in the car.

"Go and dress you up first, and call me if you don't want the landlord in the future." The landlord started the car and drove out of the community.

"Then what should you call it better?" Yi Xiaotian asked awkwardly.

"Just call me Lan Lan, my real name is Chen Lan." The landlord smiled while driving the car.

Yi Xiaotian swallowed, Lan Lan, such an elegant name is worthy of the landlord's appearance.

But the age gap between myself and the landlord is here, so it's a bit inappropriate to call her that.

"Sister Lan, where are we going?" Yi Xiaotian changed his title and asked again.

"It's called Lan Lan, what about Sister Lan and Sister Lan, I'm calling you old, let's go to the shopping mall first."

Not long after, the car arrived at the Yintai Center located on Changjiang Road.

This is a luxury shopping mall.

Yi Xiaotian had also been here before, but it was just a group-buying meal on the sixth and seventh floors.

And judging by the landlord's posture, it is obvious that he is a frequent visitor here.

When they came outside the parking lot, the security guard who was in charge of getting cars in and out of the underground garage saw the landlord smiling and flatteringly greeted him.

No wonder the rent has not been paid for so long. The landlord is not in a hurry. It turns out that they are not short of money at all.

After the car parked in a VIP parking space, the landlord took Yi Xiaotian to the elevator entrance and directly entered the mall.

The first floor of this shopping mall is full of luxury brands of big brands, such as LV, Rolex, Gucci, Coach, Cartier, etc. Just looking at the prices of the above products makes people swayed.

Yi Xiaotian smiled and said, "Sister Lan, are we going shopping?"

The landlord gave Yi Xiaotian a white look, and said: "I've said it all, don't call me Miss Lan, call me Lan Lan, of course I'm here for shopping, but ah, it's not for me, but for you."

What, there is such a good thing?It's fine if you haven't paid three months' rent, and you still bring yourself to buy luxury goods?
Then what have you become?Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian was overjoyed, it was very good.

Although I don't know why the landlord suddenly kindly brought me to such a good place, but my heart is still full of small expectations.

When they came to the Rolex counter, the service staff had already seen the landlord, and hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile, "Ah, Sister Lan, long time no see, who is this?"

"This is my friend, I'll show him his watch." The landlord smiled lightly.

Those who are in the sales business naturally know how to read words and deeds. Since the landlord has said that Yi Xiaotian is his friend, there is no need to ask any more questions.

The salesman brought the two of them to the counter and asked the landlord and Yi Xiaotian to choose the style he was satisfied with.

"This green water ghost is not bad." The landlord saw the latest green water ghost at a glance.

Yi Xiaotian was startled, and glanced at the few zeros behind the price of the green water ghost, good guy, taking the income from yesterday's live broadcast as an example, it is enough to buy one-tenth of it.

This landlord, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that someone who can be a landlord should be worth a lot!
"Even if Sister Lan has a good eye, this green water ghost is the latest mechanical watch of our Rolex, and each one is custom-made, I will take it out and you can try wearing it." Store sales heard Sister Lan After taking a fancy to this green water ghost, his eyes immediately lit up.

Sister Lan took out the watch and handed it to Yi Xiaotian to let Yi Xiaotian try it.

"This..." Yi Xiaotian's hands trembled a little, he felt that he was not worthy of such an expensive thing.

As a result, Yi Xiaotian still wore the Rolex after thinking about it.

When the clothes on the cheeks are matched with this high-end watch, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a fake.

"Well, it's a good match." The landlord looked at the green water ghost on Yi Xiaotian's wrist and nodded. "It's just that the clothes are a bit poor, but it doesn't matter, let's do the same."

After speaking, he walked to the counter and directly swiped his card to buy it.

"I'll wear the watch first, and other things, such as outer packaging, can be delivered directly to my house." Sister Lan laughed.

The waiter immediately nodded in agreement.

After seeing off Sister Lan and Yi Xiaotian, the sales staff almost jumped up, Oye, this month's sales are stable!
Yi Xiaotian wore this piece of green water ghost anxiously, and accompanied the landlord to a high-end clothing store. There was a row of English letters on it, which Yi Xiaotian didn't recognize.

After walking in, the landlord directly tailored a set for Yi Xiaotian from head to toe, except for underwear.

With this body, although the price is not as high as the green water ghost, it is still enough to make Yi Xiaotian's forehead sweat.

After buying all these, the landlord nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile to Yi Xiaotian: "Sure enough, people depend on clothes and Buddha depends on gold clothes. You will be even more charming when you wear it like this."

Yi Xiaotian chuckled.

"Okay, it's almost done, let's go." The landlord smiled lightly.While talking, he walked to the underground garage.

After sitting in the car, the landlord leaned on the driver's seat, with his charming legs exposed, turned his head to look at Yi Xiaotian, and asked, "Brother, how is sister treating you?"

"Um, okay, pretty good, pretty good." Yi Xiaotian's heart began to jump up again.

"Then can you do my sister a favor?" The landlord leaned over to approach Yi Xiaotian while talking, and the mind-swaying fragrance flooded into Yi Xiaotian's nasal cavity again.

"Say it, say it." Yi Xiaotian leaned back consciously.

"In a while, my sister is going to meet someone. How about you, just pretend to be my sister's boyfriend, okay? You must pretend to be like that." When the landlord said this, there was a hint of pleading in his eyes.

"Yes, no problem." Of course, Yi Xiaotian would not refuse such a request.

"Then you kiss my sister now, let me feel it."

"What the hell!"

The corner of Yi Xiaotian's mouth twitched, why is this landlord still like this?

Isn't this some kind of seduction from Chiuchi?
Are all current landlords like this?
(End of this chapter)

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