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Chapter 62 Illiterate Students

Chapter 62 Illiterate Students
Qin Rushuang shook her head and said, "No need, you pressed me so hard that all my urine was squeezed out."

Yang Yifan was still worried about her just now, but now hearing her say that, he was a little angry, and said, "Can you be normal? I'm so worried about you, why can't you just say you want to go to the bathroom?"

"I'm sorry, please don't be angry with me. I'm embarrassed to say it. I want to go by myself, but I'm afraid it will hurt my stomach."

Yang Yifan said: "Okay, I'll help you there, but let me say first, you have to go to the toilet by yourself."

"Don't worry, I'm still uncomfortable with you here."

Yang Yifan helped Qin Rushuang to the toilet, he waited at the door, and after hearing the sound of flushing water, Qin Rushuang came out of the toilet.

After Yang Yifan asked her to lie down, he continued to sleep on the side of the bed.

At around [-] o'clock in the morning, patients got up to wash up one after another. When Yang Yifan opened his eyes, he saw that Qin Rushuang was no longer on the hospital bed. He was still very worried. When he was by the sink outside the toilet When I found Qin Rushuang, she was washing her face by the sink, and said that her stomach pain was gone and she could get out of bed and walk.

After hearing this, Yang Yifan was still a little worried. He helped Qin Rushuang back to her hospital bed, and carefully checked her pulse for a while. When he was sure that the peristalsis of the small intestine was very powerful, he said with a smile: " Your condition is all right. If you are worried, you can stay in the hospital for another day until the doctor checks you and says you can be discharged. I will pick you up in the afternoon."

Qin Rushuang was very grateful and said, "Teacher Yang, I don't even know how to thank you. If it weren't for you, my small intestine might have been removed. I am only 28 years old this year. If my small intestine is removed No, it’s impossible to digest anything so well in the future, thank you so much.”

"You're welcome! Who made us good friends?"

Qin Rushuang grabbed Yang Yifan's right hand and said, "What's wrong with your hand? Is it hurt? Let me see!"

Yang Yifan wanted to withdraw his hand, but Qin Rushuang caught him straight. Qin Rushuang could only see the bandaged place, but she couldn't see the extent of the injury on that hand.

Yang Yifan said: "Don't study it any more, you may not believe me if I tell you that I am hurt."

"I believe everything you say, because there are really too many secrets in you."

"My hand was pricked by the needle when I gave you the needle last night."

"The needle is piercing downwards, how could it pierce the palm of your hand?"

"I said you wouldn't believe me if I told you. Sure enough, you didn't believe it at all."

"Although I can't imagine how you stabbed me, I believe what you said. You suffered because of my illness."

"Don't be polite to me. I'm relieved to see that you look good. You stay in the hospital and I'll pick you up in the afternoon."

"Thank you!"

Before Yang Yifan left, he even bought food for Qin Rushuang. When he reached Ziyun Academy, it was almost 7:[-], and Fan Zuiren was already there waiting for Yang Yifan.

When Fan Zuiren saw Yang Yifan, he warmly greeted him and said, "Mr. Yang, good morning! I was afraid of being late, so I got up at six in the morning and rushed over at seven."

Yang Yifan was still a little sleepy, but after seeing Fan Zuiren's enthusiasm for studying, he didn't feel sleepy at all. After opening the door, he said, "Come in! Just come to class on time from now on, don't need to be too early."

Yang Yifan hung a signboard at the entrance of Ziyun Academy, "During class, no admission!"

As soon as Fan Zuiren entered Ziyun Academy, he felt a fresh air surround him. He was in a very happy mood and said, "Mr. Yang, I brought over the three hundred capitals of Tang poems. Shall we start learning Chinese characters first?" ?”

Yang Yifan sat behind the desk, asked Fan Zuiren to do the same, and said, "Are you really illiterate?"

Fan Zuiren lowered his head and said, "It's not like I don't know every word. For example, I know my name."

Yang Yifan said: "Can you understand pinyin?"

"I still know the 26 letters. Teacher Yang, do you think I can recite three hundred Tang poems in this situation?"

Yang Yifan said: "It doesn't matter, no matter how poor the foundation is, as long as he is willing to learn, he can learn."

Yang Yifan made 26 letters appear on the big screen, and Fan Zuiren knew them all, and he also knew the pinyin. He also said that he tested three hundred Tang poems in phonetic versions, and Fan Zuiren could read them word for word.

Fan Zuiren himself said that if he read the [-] Tang poems in the phonetic version, there would be no problem. In addition, Fan Zuiren himself could recite [-] Tang poems, but if he wrote down those [-] Tang poems, he would not know them himself. those words.

Yang Yifan asked Fan Zuiren again: "What is your purpose for learning the three hundred Tang poems?"

Fan Zuiren didn't even think about it, and said: "I study the three hundred Tang poems for two purposes. First, I want to set an example for my son. I always want my son to go to the Qizhi Group's three hundred Tang poems recitation class." Studying, however, my son always said, as a father, you only know how to play games with your mobile phone every day, why do you let me study? If you want me to enter the recitation class of [-] Tang poems, unless you first read Tang poems Three hundred poems will be recited. Teacher Yang, I am not afraid of your jokes. When I was young, because my family was poor and there were many brothers, my mother and my father worked hard in the fields and could not earn much money a year. Brothers and sisters You said, I am the boss, can I watch my parents suffer? So, I took the initiative to say that I can’t learn anything at school, and I don’t want to. My parents also persuaded me Many times, but I couldn't bear them to work too hard, so I dropped out of school. After dropping out, I took care of my brother and sister at home."

As Fan Zuiren was talking, he shed tears unconsciously. Yang Yifan handed him a tissue for him to wipe, and said, "If I were you, I would drop out of school at that time. Your filial piety is commendable. You like it, although you lost the opportunity to learn at that time, but you got something more important than learning. I think your parents will definitely be proud of you."

Fan Zuiren sniffed and said, "I'm not as great as you said, but I'm still selfish. I want to go to school. Whenever I have a chance, I want to make up for the regrets of the year. It's just that I don't know many words now, and I don't know what to do. Where did you learn it from?"

Yang Yifan said: "It doesn't matter if you don't know the words. There are three hundred Tang poems. After you memorize them, there are not many words you don't know. You don't have to worry about this. You still say that you want to learn the three hundred Tang poems." What's the second reason?"

(End of this chapter)

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