Chapter 500
Ouyang Feixue saw what he was thinking, and said: "This is Ouyang Xiu's Drunkard Pavilion. The whole set of tea sets is exquisitely carved, and the tea seems to flow down from the top of the mountain. The total value is 300 million. I told others I bought it with a lot of good words.”

Yang Yifan tasted the aroma of the tea, and said, "This tea set is really different, very grand!"

Ouyang Feixue said: "If you like, I can make another set for you."

Yang Yifan nodded and said, "I think it's necessary, I also have the tea set from Ouyang Xiu's Drunkard Pavilion."

"No problem! You are the first manager who dares to raise conditions with me like this. Do you know that even if Ding Jin came to my office, he would have to talk to me in a humble manner, because his fate is in my hands , if I don't let him do it, his job will be gone immediately."

"what about me?"

"You?" Ouyang Feixue smiled sweetly, and said, "You are an exception. You and I are equal, and our interests are shared equally. Of course you are different from them. Who can make a pill and sell it for 25 yuan?" Wan?"

"Also, well, now, can you take me to my office to see."

"The general manager's office can't be shown to you yet."


"Because the current general manager is Ding Jin."

"You have the final say, you can withdraw him now."

Ouyang Feixue thought for a while, and said, "Forget it, I can make an exception for you."

After Ding Jin's Golden Tiger car was dropped by Yang Yifan, he asked Huang Dayang to drive to repair it, and he drove back to the company's office by himself.

After he came back, not long after, he called all the senior executives of the R&D department, including the deputy manager, supervisor, team leader, and scientific research personnel, to the R&D department meeting room.

In the meeting room, Ding Jin had a gloomy face, as if there would be a storm at any time.

Those people sat there not daring to move, listening to his reprimand.

"Do I want you all to eat? How long has it been? How come the new drug that you have been researching has no results at all? We have invested almost one billion in new anti-cancer drugs, but in the end, there is nothing. We have also invested [-] million yuan in research, and what is the result? You say that after three years of research, you have not found a fart. What use do I need you? Why don’t you go home and sleep with your wives and children.”

The supervisor plucked up his courage and said: "Mr. Ding, we have been working very hard on research, and we are only one step away from the achievement of new anti-cancer drugs. As long as we can extract a new drug, our drug can be put on the market."

"What do you mean by that? Do you need to increase the funds?"

"Yes, it requires an investment of almost [-] million."

"Go away! Don't tell me these useless things. Your equipment is already at the leading international level. If I buy you equipment, the equipment has not been developed yet? How come people have developed new drugs abroad? Why can't we? ? Okay, stop talking, I will give you another week. After one week, I will only follow the results and not listen to the process. Those who succeed in the project research will stay, and those who fail in the research will pack up and get out."

"Boss Ding, we..."

" the time too short?"

Many people are very helpless, they are all sighing, some people have already done it, and they plan to leave when the time comes.

At this time, the door of the conference room was pushed open by Yang Yifan with a "stubborn" sound. Yang Yifan also heard Ding Jin's words just now. He looked at those who were looking at him and said, "Everyone, don't be nervous. I think this project Without success in research, there are many problems. It is not so easy to come out with a new drug. It must overcome various difficulties. Every difficulty has been overcome before this drug can be researched. In my opinion, Although the person responsible for R&D [-] is responsible, I think the manager of the R&D headquarters is more responsible. The manager of the R&D headquarters is like a locomotive. He knows where the train is going. The staff kept on cheering, the final direction must be a thousand miles away, I don’t know if I’m right? Ding Jin.”

Yang Yifan actually called Ding Jin's name directly. He blushed with anger and said, "Yang Yifan, what are you doing here again? Please watch your words and deeds. This is the meeting room of the R&D department. Are you here?" Don't you need to say hello to me? Security, where is the security? Get this man out of here."

Yang Yifan said: "You! I advise you to save your energy. If your security guards can really stop me, I won't come to this place."

"I don't care how you got in, please get out now."

"You let me out? You let me out, so who will hold today's meeting?"

Ding Jin said: "Of course I will hold the meeting, why? Do you still want to host this meeting?"

"Your meeting, I will also hold it."

"I think you are looking for trouble, right? Why does Boss Ouyang let you run around?"

Ding Jin called Ouyang Feixue and told him that Yang Yifan was going to sit in his place to preside over the meeting. Ding Jin's face was very ugly, and he said, "Mr. Ding, not Mr. Ding, how could you do this? I The new anti-cancer drug will be successfully researched soon."

"I think it's better to forget it. You should give up your position to Yang Yifan now. If you think it's acceptable to be a deputy manager here, you can become a deputy manager. If you can't accept it, you can do it now. Leave.”

"I can accept it, then I will take the position of deputy manager temporarily."

"Well, you must help Yang Yifan do his job well together with other researchers."

"I know, Mr. Ouyang."

After Ding Jin finished talking on the phone, he got up from the general manager's seat, gave Yang Yifan to the general manager's position, gritted his teeth at Yang Yifan, and said, "This seat is not easy to sit in. You sit firmly, maybe one day you will When you're in a meeting, you're going to get kicked out like I was."

"Thank you, Deputy Manager Ding, for reminding me. I will pay attention."

Ding Jin is also the deputy manager now. He looked around and saw that there were no chairs around, and he couldn't even sit.

When the deputy manager got up to give him his seat, Yang Yifan said, "The position of deputy manager Ding has not been approved yet, so just stand there! Each of you has a fixed position, and if anyone doesn't come to the meeting in the future, I'll check the position." Enough."

Ding Jin was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

Yang Yifan looked at it and said, "Everyone, my name is Yang Yifan, and I'm your Ouyang Feixue's partner. Please remember that you and I, Ouyang Boss, always share power and profits equally. You need me and your boss Ouyang to make a decision at the same time."

(End of this chapter)

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