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Chapter 5 The Road Killer

Chapter 5 The Road Killer

It was too late, but soon, Yang Yifan slammed the electric car to the right, the car hit the rear wheel of the electric car, and rushed directly to the green belt in front.

Yang Yifan was thrown five meters, and the clothes on his right arm were rubbed with a hole, and he was in a panic.

"Which one doesn't have eyes? Can you drive?"

Just after Yang Yifan finished cursing, the divine religion system said in a cold electronic voice: "As the most attractive teacher in the world in the future, how can you say foul language casually?"

"Teachers are human too! That bastard almost killed me just now."

"Saving people first, the BMW is on fire and may explode at any moment."

"What? It might explode at any time? When I was saving someone, the car suddenly exploded. Did I lose my life? Don't do it!"

"Ka Ka Ka..." After a series of typing sounds, a line of words appeared in Yang Yifan's mind:

[Trigger side mission]: Quickly rescue the people inside the burning BMW.

[Task Reward]: 100 teacher ethics points (points can be exchanged for various props in the points mall, such as Shou Yuan Dan.)
After seeing the three words "Shou Yuan Pill", Yang Yifan ran over with a "swish". At that time, the front of the BMW car was on fire, black smoke was billowing in the cab, and an explosion might happen at any moment.

In this situation, ten out of ten people would have the same idea as Yang Yifan, hide away, and either watch the fun or make an emergency call.

It is impossible to step forward to save people.

Yang Yifan pulled hard on the car door, which was locked. He patted on the window, but no one responded. He must have fainted, or worse, after all, this was at a speed of 120 yards.

Yang Yifan hit the glass with a hammer, and as a result, the window glass did not move at all.

Yang Yifan shook his right hand in pain, feeling extremely anxious.

"Can't you find a rock?"

After hearing the system prompt, Yang Yifan ran to the left, picked up a fist-sized rock, and with the sharpest end of the rock, smashed it down the car window glass in the lower left corner.

With a bang, the glass was shattered. Yang Yifan saw that the head of the long-haired female driver was bleeding. It is not certain whether there is any problem in the body, but at the moment of life and death, even if it causes a second fracture, it is still possible. Better than no life.

He forcibly pulled the female driver out of the driver's seat and hugged her in his arms. Before he could take two steps, he heard a "boom", the BMW exploded, and violent air waves rushed from inside the car. It came out and pushed Yang Yifan's body away.

When Yang Yifan landed, he happened to block the female driver's body with his body, and his face was still pressed against the female driver's.

"It's dangerous!"

"Leave quickly, there will be a second explosion in the BMW."

After hearing the cold electronic sound reminder, Yang Yifan had no time to rest, he picked up the female driver on the ground and ran forward desperately.

He felt that the speed was already his limit. However, when he ran two meters away, the BMW made a huge explosion.

The sound was twice as loud as last time, and the air wave was ten times louder than last time. If Yang Yifan didn't get up after the first fall, he would definitely die this time.

Yang Yifan was knocked to the ground again by the air wave, and once again pressed on the female driver's face.

Under the pressure of the explosion and Yang Yifan, the female driver slowly came to her senses. She opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of very foul-smelling vomit.

There was also a strong smell of alcohol in the vomit.

Yang Yifan thought to himself that the smell of alcohol is so strong, this is drunk driving, if I was able to escape from under your car, it must be smoke from the ancestral grave.

After a life-and-death catastrophe, Yang Yifan got up from the female driver, sat on the ground and let out a long breath, as if he had gained a new life.

At this time, many people were watching around, and some people had already called for emergency treatment.

The female driver glared at Yang Yifan and said, "Why did you save me? Just let me die. I'm too tired from living."

Yang Yifan felt that he risked his life to save her, and she had to say thank you at least, but she complained about herself, which made Yang Yifan very angry, and said: "Don't be a street killer if you want to die. Did you want to kill me just now? Will I be buried with you to death?"

"I really never thought about asking you to be buried with me. It's Lin Feng who wants to be buried with you."

Yang Yifan felt that this woman was really unreasonable. He saw that the ambulances around him had already arrived, and felt that it was unnecessary for him to be here, so he let go of the female driver, helped the electric car that was not seriously damaged, and continued to ride towards go forward.

When Yang Yifan left, he found that many onlookers took many photos of him with their mobile phones.

He didn't think too much, he just wanted to find a place to stop as soon as possible and see how his mission was completed.

After Yang Yifan stopped, he used his spiritual sense to control the sea of ​​consciousness, moved the taskbar to look, and was pleasantly surprised.

[Trigger side mission]: Quickly rescue the people inside the burning BMW. (Remarks: The task has been completed and rewards can be claimed.)
[Task Reward]: 100 teacher ethics points (points can be exchanged for various props in the points mall, such as Shou Yuan Dan.)
"Will you receive a reward?"


I saw that the green button "Yes" sank a little, and when it got up again, it had turned black.

[System prompt]: 100 teacher ethics points have been collected and can be viewed in the props. The points can be exchanged for various products in the points mall.



Yang Yifan clicked on "Exchange", and a point mall page appeared in front of him.

There are only two products in the mall, one is Shouyuan Pill, and the other is a lucky draw.

The one-year Shouyuan Pill is priced at 10000 teacher morality points. After Yang Yifan saw it, he felt that the exchange was a sky-high price. He only exchanged 100 teacher morality points for saving someone once. If he got 10000 teacher morality points, he would risk his life to save someone One hundred times, one year's life span is only increased by one hundred times. Thinking about it, it's a bit uneconomical, so I looked at the second lottery.

"A lottery consumes one hundred teacher ethics points. Do you want to draw a lottery?"


Click on the lottery draw, and a big red turntable appeared in front of Yang Yifan.

There are six kinds of products on the turntable, one-year longevity pills, five-year longevity pills, charms for attracting ghosts, essence of three hundred poems of Song Dynasty, and thank you for participating.

In addition to these five items, the most deceitful item is the one-day experience card of being a pig.

"What the hell is the pig-for-a-day experience card?"

"Just turn you into a pig and experience the daily life of a pig."

"Can you give up if you draw it?"

"No, according to the rules of the system, if you give up the punishment, you will become a stone statue forever."

"You cow!"

"Think carefully, whether to draw a lottery? Risks and opportunities are the same. If you want to get greater benefits, you have to pay the same price."

"Draw! As long as you don't get a pig day experience card."

With excitement, Yang Yifan clicked the lottery draw button, and as a result, the red arrow turned like a red light curtain on the turntable.

After about 30 seconds, Yang Yifan could see the red arrow.

The red arrow changed from "Thank you for participating" to "Five Years Longevity Pill", Yang Yifan was excited and said silently "Stop, stop, stop quickly, I can call you ancestor, this is five years of life ! Five years, one person can do many things."

"Don't leave. If you leave, you will be a pig for a day. I don't want to be a pig."

Maybe whatever you are afraid of in this world will come to you. Yang Yifan looked at the red pointer and bypassed the "Five Years Longevity Pill" and came to the "Being a Pig for a Day Experience Card".

"Did you make a mistake?"

From Yang Yifan's eyes, you can see how desperate he is.

Isn't this punishment too inhumane?

 Seedlings please take care!

(End of this chapter)

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