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Chapter 451 Sleeping in the Exam Room

Chapter 451 Sleeping in the Exam Room
Yang Yifan rested his head on his hands, and fell asleep at some point.

His head tilted violently, almost hitting the table.

Dong Xianling was sweating profusely, thinking, oh, what should I do?Yang Yifan, don't you fall asleep?If I had known this was the case, I shouldn't have made you so tired last night.

Chen Tiangui smiled and handed the test paper to Cao Renyi's desk, and said, "Professor Cao, the questions this time are too easy, aren't they? I finished them all in less than 50 minutes."

Looking at the clean test paper, Cao Renyi kept nodding his head and said, "Mr. Chen, go over there and rest for a while. It's not up yet. Let's wait."

Chen Tiangui nodded, turned around and sat on the side.

Dong Xianling anxiously knocked on the table with her hands, but Yang Yifan still didn't wake up.

Cao Renyi discovered Dong Xianling's intentions and said, "Teacher Dong, please be quiet. This is the examination room. If you make any noise again, we have no choice but to ask you to leave."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll pay attention." Dong Xianling deliberately said "I'm sorry" very loudly, but Yang Yifan remained indifferent.

Yang Yifan didn't know how many questions he had done, why did he suddenly fall asleep?Could it be that he was too tired when he was concocting alchemy last night?
This is how to do?
Dong Xianling was almost in a hurry. If he really lost, he would call Chen Tiangui his ancestor.

Chen Tiangui saw that Yang Yifan was still sleeping soundly, even snoring, the more he watched, the happier he was, just like looking at his bride at the wedding night in the bridal chamber, he was in a great mood.

His body pressed the test paper tightly, so others couldn't see how many questions he had done.

But Dong Xianling knows that listening comprehension is 10 minutes, reading comprehension, cloze, and Chinese to English, and small composition. He can only do it for 10 minutes at most. He probably didn't really do anything.

You know, the English CET-90.00 test questions are very difficult, and it is an extraordinary performance to be able to pass the test. [-]% of the people can hardly even pass the pass line.

The CET-10 test is also very time-consuming. It is difficult to make a correct answer without [-] minutes for a reading comprehension.

An English geek like Chen Tiangui also takes 5 minutes.

Yang Yifan, wake up quickly, the time is almost up!

Dong Xianling looked at the phone, wiped the sweat with his sleeve, and stretched his neck to see that Yang Yifan was sleeping more soundly.

Zheng Hongwei, dean of the English Department, looked at his watch, then turned to Cao Renyi and said, "Professor Cao, it's time."

Cao Renyi also looked at his watch, nodded and said, "Just one second has passed! We can declare that the exam is over."

Zheng Hongwei got up and walked in front of Yang Yifan, saying, "Yang Yifan, it's time, hand in the paper."

Yang Yifan raised his head and said in surprise, "What? It's time? I... haven't finished my questions yet?"

Cao Renyi said seriously: "Yang Yifan, according to the exam rules, you are not allowed to answer the questions after the time is up. If you don't listen, then we will have to punish you for violating discipline and give you zero points."

"Disciplinary violation? I haven't answered the question now. Now that the time is up, I will give you the paper."

After Yang Yifan handed in the test paper, Cao Renyi asked Yang Yifan and Chen Tiangui to wait outside, and they would correct the score soon.

Yang Yifan walked out of the office listlessly. Dong Xianling pulled him aside and blamed him: "What's wrong with you? Why are you still sleeping in this kind of situation? Do you know that if you lose, you will call him An ancestor."

"Not once, but three times!" Chen Tiangui walked over proudly from behind Dong Xianling, and said, "Xianling, don't forget, if Yang Yifan loses, you can be my girlfriend."

Dong Xianling rolled his eyes at him and said: "You don't get complacent, you won't succeed."

"You can ask Yang Yifan yourself to see how he answers the questions. The eighth grade test paper this time is not generally difficult, it is ten times more difficult than the ones I usually do. Those who can usually get [-] points in the test, do that one. The test paper is only thirty points at most."

Dong Xianling said: "Then how much score can you get in the test?"

"I estimated that reading comprehension can take the full score, and the small composition can get almost 28 points, and the English to Chinese translation will be full. The rest of the listening will be deducted by two points, because I didn't understand one answer, and the other questions are all full marks. Almost 96 points."

Dong Xianling knew that Chen Tiangui's estimated scores were always accurate, and at most he would be wrong by one or two points. He said that if he could score 96 in the test, the real score would not be too far off.

Her heart became more nervous, and said: "96 points, not a perfect score, how do you know that others are not as good as you in the exam?"

"Hmph! You can take a look, Yang Yifan slept in the examination room for so long, where did he have time to answer the questions? I think he can score 30 points in the exam, which is not bad."

Dong Xianling asked Yang Yifan, "How much do you think you can score?"

"I feel that all the answers are right, but all the answers seem wrong. It may be zero points, or it may be [-] points."

"Hahaha..." Chen Tiangui laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten his waist, and said, "Maybe zero points, maybe 50 points? Isn't your gap too big? Let me give you a compromise, [-] points, you think it should be Can you take the exam?"

Chen Tiangui laughed like he had eaten honey.

"Teacher Chen, the scores are out, come here!" Zheng Hongwei opened the door of the office and shouted to Chen Tiangui.

"Let's go! Let's go and check the scores. In fact, the result is the same. Yang Yifan is sure to lose. After all these years, no one has passed my English test?"

After Chen Tiangui entered, Dong Xianling pulled Yang Yifan's clothes and said, "Are you sure you can win against him?"

Yang Yifan said: "Don't you still have confidence in me?"

"Confidence is one thing, strength is another. What's the matter with you sleeping in the examination room?" Dong Xianling pouted angrily.

"I'm too sleepy, sleep and refresh myself. Let's go, let's go in and have a look!"

The air in the office was a bit tense, especially when Dong Xianling closed the door, it was like a battlefield, making it difficult to breathe.

There was no expression on Cao Renyi's bronze-colored face, as if it was made of wax.There was no expression on the faces of the other three professors. They frowned, making the wrinkles on their foreheads more obvious.

Chen Tiangui's heart suddenly became tense, and he said, "Professor Cao, please announce the results!"

Cao Renyi said seriously: "The grades have already come out, but the four of us corrected the papers anonymously, and no one knows who made which papers. Therefore, although there are grades now, the owner of the papers It’s still anonymous, which means that we won’t know who got what score after we completely open the papers.”

Chen Tiangui said: "That should be the case. Although Yang Yifan and I took the exam this time, we organized it spontaneously, but I spent 1 yuan to get the eighth grade test paper from the eighth grade education center. The four professors are also Highly respected professors, they are rigorous in their studies, fair and just, I can trust them."

(End of this chapter)

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