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Chapter 29 It's So Touching

Chapter 29 It's So Touching
Tang Songwen thought to himself that he could not lose no matter what, if he lost he would have to sneak under Yang Yifan's crotch, which would be a big shame.

But what should we do now?Yang Yifan could even memorize poems with incomplete titles.

Many parents are urging Tang Song Wen to come up with questions quickly.

Tang Songwen suddenly thought of a brilliant idea, and said: "Yang Yifan, listen carefully, if you can't recite the questions I asked this time, then you have to slip under my crotch."

Yang Yifan said: "If you still have any harmful tricks, you might as well use them and see if I can break them."

Tang Songwen is indeed a person who is proficient in the study of Tang poetry and Song Ci. He actually played a short piece of music with his own mouth, and then he said to Yang Yifan: "Principal Yang, my topic is out, it's up to you to recite it."

The piece of music that Tang and Song Wen blew with his mouth is very sad, and it seems that there is still sadness and parting in the music, as well as the melancholy of resentful women.

That piece of music is crisp and loud, giving people a sad feeling.

If Yang Yifan had not done any research on ancient tunes, he would not have known what this piece of music was, let alone which poem or lyrics it was sung according to.

Among the [-] Tang poems and the [-] Song poems, there are many with the same lyrics and the same tune. Therefore, it is really not easy to judge the title of the tune based on only one tune.

At this time, many parents have veiled expressions on their faces. They don't know how to guess the theme of music with just a piece of music.

Many parents felt that Yang Yifan was going to kneel and slip under Tang Songwen's crotch this time.

Yang Yifan was also carefully looking for all the words that fit the tune. After searching, he found that all Song lyrics could not be sung in that tune, and only Tang poems "Pipa Xing" and "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" could be sung in that tune. Match that tune.

But the tune in "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" is sad and miserable, and the tune in "Pipa Xing" is a bit pleasant and uplifting. In the end, Yang Yifan concluded that the tune came from Bai Juyi's "Song of Everlasting Sorrow".

When Yang Yifan said the answer, Tang Songwen's head buzzed and said, " did you think of it?"

"It's really the tune of "Song of Everlasting Sorrow"! Isn't this amazing?" Many parents exclaimed.

Tang Songwen adjusted his glasses with trembling hands and said: "Because this piece of music is too desolate, many people are not willing to listen to it. In the music industry, only people who specialize in music will listen to it. There is another important reason. It is said that this tune is magical. If people who listen to it do not have strong resistance, they can easily become world-weary or even commit suicide. Therefore, those who study this music must have two things in mind when listening to this tune. Three people were present. This tune is classified as forbidden music, how could you..."

Of course Yang Yifan would not tell him that after drinking the essence of the Three Hundred Tang Poems, a golden screen appeared in his mind. As long as the content on the screen was about the Three Hundred Tang Poems, even a small anecdote recorded.

How could there be no records of the tunes spoken by Tang and Song Wen that can make people feel world-weary?
Yang Yifan said coldly: "You don't need to know about this."

"Okay! Our game is not over yet, you still have to memorize the Song of Everlasting Regret verbatim."

Yang Yifan knew that "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" was a long narrative poem written by Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi.The whole poem vividly describes the love tragedy between Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty and Concubine Yang Gui.The poet used historical figures and legends to create a moving story with twists and turns, and reproduced the reality of real life through the artistic image he created, which has infected readers for thousands of years. The theme of the poem is "long regret".

The poem had a profound influence on many literary works of later generations.

The full text has a total of 840 characters, each word is full of emotion, and every sentence is tearful, it is indeed a masterpiece of poetry.

Yang Yifan knew how to recite "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" when he was in junior high school, but if he didn't have the god teaching system, he wouldn't be able to recite it word for word.

Many parents were looking at Yang Yifan, listening to him recite "Song of Everlasting Regret" with great emotion.

Rather than saying that Yang Yifan is reciting "Song of Everlasting Sorrow", it is better to say that he is performing an art.

The intonation of his voice is ups and downs, and the words are correct, as if a person is watching the scenery on a mountain with thousands of twists and turns. The scenery is novel and wonderful, with endless aftertaste.

Listening to Yang Yifan recite poems is more enjoyable than eating a big meal. Their spiritual hunger seems to ask Yang Yifan not to stop.

Although many primary school students present did not understand the meaning of those poems, they could not stop dancing with the change of Yang Yifan's tone.

The most beautiful voice Tang Songwen had ever heard before was a star's singing. At that time, he felt as if he was playing in a fairyland. He hadn't jumped out of the performance for three days. After listening to Yang Yifan's recitation today, he couldn't believe it , There are still people in this world who can recite the Song of Everlasting Sorrow so wonderfully.

Others don't know the secret, how could Yang Yifan not know?This is all made by the god system.

According to everyone's hobbies, the teaching system helped Yang Yifan make the tune of "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" recited very touching.

At that time, several women were moved to tears by the poem Yang Yifan recited.

After Yang Yifan finished reciting, Qin Rushuang wiped away her tears, and she was the first to applaud.

Many parents and children applauded together, and suddenly, the applause was like thunder.

"He recited it so beautifully, it was the first time I heard such a beautiful recitation."

"I feel that his reciting is full of emotion and very realistic. He seems to let me see the picture of Concubine Yang being killed."

"I think he recited the love story between Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei vividly."

"What's going on? Isn't this just a recitation? Why do I feel like crying?" A strong man with a height of 1.8 meters actually shed tears while talking.

Zhao Xueyan also wiped away her tears and said: "Shangqiongbi falls to Huangquan, and the two places are completely lost. These two sentences are really recited very well, and I am filled with emotion."

"I would like to be a lovebird in the sky, and I would like to be a branch in the earth. These two poems actually reminded me of my dead wife, and reminded me of my wife and I. I... I..." A more than 50 The thin old man of [-] years old, wearing a thick hat, couldn't help crying.

As expected, the god teaching system adjusted the recitation tone according to each person's different tears and feelings. He could make those people combine with their saddest memories when listening to Yang Yifan's recitation.

There is also that kind of powerful appeal, coupled with the effect of illusion, it can definitely make a person who has no relatives shed tears.

Tang Songwen heard Qin Rushuang say that Yang Yifan had finished reciting it, and next asked him to fulfill his promise and get under Yang Yifan's crotch.

(End of this chapter)

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