Chapter 811 Angry
At this very moment, Mo Yuxuan touched the part of her stomach. Until now, she was still a little scared, afraid of what would happen to this child.

Not only that, but her stomach is still fine at this moment, and her stomach hit the table in front.

Seeing this situation and thinking of what she said earlier, Tian couldn't help but widen her eyes. She doubted whether what the other party said was true.

Situ Shuang also saw the other party's every move, and she laughed directly when she saw the other party's appearance.

"Mo Yuxuan, how come you can feel it now, don't you think I'm lying to you now, what I said is true."

Situ Shuang was talking to the other party there, and when he said this, the other party laughed happily.

Just after she finished speaking, the people inside also noticed the movement outside, and walked out directly.

Similarly, he also found that the other party had fallen to the ground, and he couldn't help feeling a little nervous, so he walked over and helped the other party up.

"Situ Shuang, I said that you are too shameless. Don't forget who this is, but it's not that your family can't tolerate your recklessness."

When Lin Yan saw the other party appearing here, he was also very angry. He didn't expect the other party to sneak out at this time.

Not only that, even if the other party ran out, he actually came to his house.Seeing this situation, if he hadn't just appeared in time, I'm afraid the other party would only be in danger.

"Lin Yan, you are finally willing to come out. I have been waiting for you in this place for so long." Situ Shuang was also very happy when he saw the other party appear, and called out to the other party there.

She originally thought that the other party must not be here, but she didn't want the other party to be here.

"Tell me, why did you appear here? It really surprised me. When did you run out? Do they know about your every move?"

Lin Yan couldn't help but speak for the other party, because the other party had been locked up before that, but at this time the other party suddenly appeared.

"Lin Yan, what's wrong? Are you surprised? Why do I show up at this time? I tell you that if I don't have a good time, you can't have a good time either." As soon as he said this, the other party's face became a little distorted. It was obvious that she hated them very much.

For what she said, Lin Yan didn't intend to take it to heart, because the current situation of this place is really bad.

"Situ Shuang, I advise you not to talk so much nonsense here. I didn't want to treat you like this, but your actions have already angered me."

Lin Yan originally didn't intend to do anything to the other party, but this time the other party's actions really angered him.

"Yuxuan, are you okay? Do you feel any discomfort in your body?" Lin Yan pulled the other party to the position next to him, and asked her there.

In the front, as soon as he came out, he found that the other party had fallen to the ground, and he was also very anxious.

In his line of sight, the face of the person next to him was not very good, it could even be said to be bloodless.

"I have nothing to do, but he just told me something else, so now I have some doubts whether I am really pregnant."

Mo Yuxuan touched the position of her stomach with one hand, she wondered if she had thought too much at the beginning, there was no such possibility at all.

Earlier, she didn't believe what the other party said, but after such a fall, she had to believe it.

Upon hearing what she said, Lin Yan couldn't help feeling a little worried, and he spoke there to comfort her.

"It's nothing, I'll be by your side, all these things will pass, and you don't need to pay attention to it."

Lin Yan told the other party that he was a little worried that the other party would think too much.

Because some time ago, the other party was an extremely sensitive person, even now, the other party is the same.

"I said why are you two deceiving yourself here? Don't you know whether she has it or not? It's all fake. "

Situ Shuang went on to say that just now, she saw through him at a glance, and when she saw the two people in front of her, she thought it was extremely funny.

After saying these words, Lin Yan's face became extremely ugly, and he glanced at her.

"Situ Shuang, okay, have you taken care of the things in your house recently? If you guessed correctly, you should have sneaked out today, so does Situ Molan know that you are here? ?” When Lin Yan said this, he directly took out his mobile phone, basically without any hesitation, he dialed the familiar number.

Originally, he planned to give the other party some leeway, but this person went too far, so he didn't want to give the other party face.

As soon as he heard him say this, the mood of the person opposite became obviously agitated.

Situ Shuang sneaked out when he was in the front, and not only that, but he found this location along the way. Now if the other party calls him, it is tantamount to exposing his location.

"Lin Yan, what exactly do you want to do? I advise you not to go too far. If you dare to call, I don't mind letting both of you die here."

There was a bad feeling spreading in her heart, Tian didn't want the other party to call.

"Then you can try it. I just want to see if you can live until the day I die."

After finishing a sentence, he also dialed a mobile phone number.

The moment the call was made, the person on the other side quickly connected.

"Situ Molan, if I'm not mistaken, you should be looking for Situ Shuang now! You don't need to look for her, she is by my side."

Lin Yan put the phone next to his ear and talked to the other party there. He said everything. He has plenty of ways to get rid of this person in front of him. If someone on the other party angers him, he doesn't mind sending her off in advance. to die.

Situ Molan on the opposite side was also a little surprised when he received his call, but when he heard what the other party said, he reacted.

"You're right, she had already left here today, because Situ Shuang and Shen Yi were going to divorce, so she brought the two of them with her today, I just didn't expect to be here today At that time, she actually took this opportunity to leave."

The person opposite basically had nothing to hide, so he told him the news.

(End of this chapter)

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