Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 753 Physical weakness.

Chapter 753 Physical weakness.

"Damn, does this thing really exist in front of our eyes? It's unbelievable to be true. I didn't expect that the situation of Situ's family really appeared in front of us. I thought you were lying, but I didn't expect it to be so truth."

After Wang Youming saw it, he slapped his thigh repeatedly. He hadn't thought that this kind of thing actually existed. Before, he always thought that Wang Youming was just talking nonsense to them, but when this kind of thing really appeared in front of him Only then did he realize his own insignificance and the strength of others, perhaps he has always been an insignificant role compared to the other party.

Thinking of this, Wang Youming even felt a slight chill on his neck. As soon as the wind came, he shrank his neck and thought that it would not be so unlucky. He just thought about it behind his back. Unexpectedly, he was stared at by the owner. The unlucky thing is this. Zhu Donghan felt a hot gaze looking at him, and subconsciously wanted to look back to see who the owner of the gaze was, but he didn't expect it to be because of the accident. It was because of his own self-stress response that he behaved like this. He never thought that he would frighten the other party's expression.

"What's wrong? What happened, Wang Youming, are you scared by me? Sorry, I didn't notice it just now. It might be you. I forgot that there are only three of us here. I'm afraid that someone else has moved on us. You have a crooked mind, that's why your eyes were so sharp just now, I hope you can forgive me, don't blame me."

He said embarrassingly, Zhu Donghan had already calmed down from the emotion just now, and now he felt indifferent, so he nodded.

"It's okay, it's okay, I was scared just now."

Lin Yan didn't pay attention to the conversation between the two of them, but put all his thoughts on the picture scroll in front of him. This scene is too real, and Situ's house is relatively peaceful at this time, at least there is no trouble. , he doesn't have to worry about it.

"Zhu Donghan said, who did you learn from? It's a bit admirable. I wanted to learn this skill a long time ago, but I never had a chance. If I had such a skill, wouldn't I Just draw a blueprint, and you can let it fly to any place you want to go."

Zhu Donghan shook her head when she heard it. She was not very happy to hear what Lin Yan said. She didn't know why she felt a little offended, but she didn't know where this nameless anger came from.

"This skill is not so easy to learn. I have learned it for a long time just as you can see, so there are still so many things waiting for us, and we need to learn it. Do you really think Are these things that simple?"

After he finished combing, he tilted his head and took a look. The threat in Lin Yan's eyes was particularly obvious. After Lin Yan saw it, he felt as if he was being watched by a cheetah, trembling all over his body.

"Well, I already see what you mean."

"That's right. I learned this with great difficulty. It's not long after I learned it. You two must not steal the teacher."

He sternly told Lin Yan that the two of them were not afraid that the two of them would learn their skills secretly, but were just a little worried. As for what he was worried about, he didn't say so much, but quietly hid all his thoughts.

Lin Yan sensed the weakness in his tone, and raised his head to look at him. Sure enough, it was just as he guessed. The two of them were not allowed to learn because they were afraid that something unexpected would happen to their bodies.

We are friends, and he doesn't want his reasons to lead the two friends into these so-called crooked ways.

It's just metaphysics, people are talented in this thing, if people without talent learn it, the effect will be the opposite, they won't succeed, and they will go crazy because of it.

Lin Yan moved invisibly behind Zhu Donghan and looked at her back. Just as he had guessed, Zhu Donghan had a large amount of sweat on his back. He was already covered in sweat. The clothes at the back were soaked with sweat. He was very afraid that other situations would occur and other accidents would occur.

"Okay, okay, I'm not very rare about your skill, I just feel a little strange. To put it bluntly, I am a little envious of your own strength. Compared with you, the rest of us seem to be nothing. , just being a reckless man, Lin Yan is so much better than me, staying with you guys makes me feel uncomfortable."

Lin Yan smiled when he heard Wang Youming's words.

"You are also great and an excellent person. Think about how many detours we would have to go without you by our side, so everyone is a shining star in the night sky, and naturally they will not be hidden by the dark night trace."

Lin Yan looked at him with a smile and said, as gentle as you want, it seems that his gentle appearance is only shown to his friends, and it is extravagant for other people to see more.

"Are you okay?"

There was also a slight concern in the tone, the key point was that he supported the other person's shoulder.

Zhu Donghan was too weak for some reason, but fortunately Lin Yan found out, otherwise, he would be stuck headlong into the ground now.

Someone has already relaxed on Lin Yan's shoulders a few times, making his body a little more comfortable. Although he is still weak, at least he can breathe some fresh air now.

Lin Yan put his hands on his shoulders and kept filling him with internal energy, instilling all his own internal energy into him. In this way, if it was someone else, he could replenish his physical strength, but Lin Yan He is also not sure whether these small abilities of his own will have a suitable effect in the face of metaphysics. If there is a backlash, he himself cannot guarantee the consequences.

He glanced at the other person's expression inadvertently, and found that his expression had improved, and his lips had gradually turned red, which should have improved. Zhu Donghan also felt that his body was much more comfortable.

"Lin Yan, do you have enough internal energy to transmit it? If not, I also have some internal energy. Although it is scattered, I should help you support it for a while."

When Lin Yan heard Wang Youming's words, before he had time to agree or refuse, he saw that the other party had released his inner strength, and the three of them turned their eyes back to the place where the air was still, and it turned out that Situ Shuang was taking a bath at the other end of the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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