Chapter 666
"Nonsense?!" The soldiers who were rescued by Lin Yan became angry at once, and shouted at the military doctor, "He saved us by just talking nonsense, why can't you save us if you don't talk nonsense?"

"You, you?!" The military doctor pointed at the group of people angrily and said, "You are so kind as donkey's lungs!"

The soldiers didn't want to listen to this man's nonsense, so they surrounded the general doctor and kicked him to the ground. One of them tied the general doctor with a rope, turned his head and asked, "Immortal, what should we do with this guy?"

Lin Yan looked at the tied-up military doctor and thought for a while, and finally waved his hand and said, "Forget it, lock him up."

"Yes." A few soldiers picked up the heavily tied military doctor and locked him in a remote place.

Long Cheyan was a little puzzled, walked into Lin Yan and asked in a low voice: "Why didn't you just kill this traitor and hang it in front of the city gate, so that the people of Feng Kingdom would retreat and dare not arrange spies to come to us."

"This military doctor is also very important in the war. They will definitely save this military doctor if the loss is small." Lin Yan revealed a little information to Long Cheyan with a smile.

Long Cheyan thought about it, but still couldn't figure out what the immortal wanted to do.But I didn't ask any further. What the immortals must do is hard for ordinary people like them to understand. Why bother to think about it? Anyway, the immortals will definitely not harm them.

"By the way, there is one thing I would like to ask you to help with." Lin Yan felt that it was still necessary to train a small military doctor. It would be too busy for him to save the wounded soldiers by himself, so he wanted to train one. lend a hand.

Long Cheyan said earnestly: "If the immortal has anything to do, please just tell me. As long as I can do it, I will definitely work hard to help you do it."

Hearing Long Cheyan's words, Lin Yan felt a little funny when he saw his serious expression, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.Seeing Lin Yan smiling, Long Cheyan was a little puzzled, "Immortal, don't laugh, these words of mine are from the bottom of my heart, I guarantee that none of them are false."

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that it's not necessary." Lin Yan smiled and said, "I plan to train a military doctor. There are too many injured people. I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up, and some people will miss the rescue time."

Long Cheyan immediately agreed: "That's easy, we have quite a few drug boys here, you can pick them yourself, I'm afraid I won't pick someone."

"Okay, then take me to see it now."

Long Cheyan brought Lin Yan to a pharmacy. Through the window, Lin Yan saw some children busy with their work, but some adults were sleeping soundly or eating something.Long Cheyan obviously saw it too, and couldn't help frowning, "Is this how these people manage things? How outrageous?!"

Lin Yan sighed. He recalled that he was bullied like this before he got the medical contract. "You are a general, you can't handle this kind of thing."

"But at least I can intimidate these bullying people." Long Cheyan raised his eyebrows and sneered.

Lin Yan didn't object. Watching Long Cheyan kick the door open, he reprimanded the people inside: "You guys have a really good life."

The people inside were startled, and the children shrank in the corner immediately when they saw Long Cheyan.The person who seemed to be the shopkeeper immediately realized that this person was a famous general. He clasped his hands and greeted him with a smile, "Isn't this a famous general? What wind brought you here? The small shop is really shaggy. Hui."

Long Cheyan faced each other coldly, and said, "Is this how you treat child labor?"

The shopkeeper's forehead was covered with sweat, and he said vaguely: "Small, small, how dare you. Us, aren't we exercising and exercising these children?"

"Exercise?" Long Cheyan looked at the group of children huddled together, and sneered, "Oh, do you think I'm stupid? Exercise? I think you need exercise."

Seeing that the person in front of him was not easy to fool, the shopkeeper quickly knelt on the ground and shouted: "My lord, can you let the young one go? There are old and young ones on the young ones, so you can spare the young ones? The young ones will never dare again." gone."

The shopkeeper said so, but he didn't think so in his heart. He thought: Wait until this guy leaves, and see if I don't take care of these little bastards.

Long Cheyan nodded his head pretending to be satisfied, and said, "Since you know you were wrong, then you will only be fined twenty boards. As for the others?" Long Cheyan looked coldly at the group of people kneeling on the ground , Said: "As for you, just hit five big boards and use this as a lesson."

Although Long Cheyan was very angry, these people were only enslaved child laborers, not enough to be sentenced, at most they could only be punished.

"Thank you, General, for not being stupid." The group of people hurriedly kowtowed to Long Cheyan a few times, and then allowed themselves to be dragged away by the soldiers.

Seeing that the matter was over, Lin Yan slowly walked in, knelt down close to the group of children, and asked softly: "Which of you is willing to learn medicine from me? The process of learning medicine may be very hard."

Children, you look at me and I look at you, obviously hesitant.

Lin Yan waited patiently. After a while, the tallest child stood up and asked weakly: "Then your doctor is very good? Are you really willing to pass on your medical skills to me?"

"of course."

The child pursed his lips, looked back at his companions behind him, and said, "Then I'll go with you."

"Okay." Lin Yan smiled and added, "You should be able to bear it, right?"

"As long as I can learn medical skills, I'm not afraid of anything!" the little boy said firmly, as if no hardship could stop him.

"General Long, I have found our future little military doctor. You can go now." Lin Yan took the little boy's thin hand and returned to the barracks with Long Cheyan.As soon as Long Cheyan returned to the barracks, he sent someone to settle the children in the pharmacy.

Lin Yan asked someone to take the little boy to take a bath, and he prepared some medicinal materials so that the little boy could get to know each other.

After an unknown amount of time, the little boy was washed clean and brought to Lin Yan by the soldiers.Lin Yan looked at the little boy with a flushed face and smiled, and said softly, "I haven't asked your name yet? What's your name?"

"I... don't have a name." A trace of sadness flashed in the little boy's eyes. His parents sold him to a pharmacy when he was very young.Even the only grandfather who was kind to him passed away due to illness. At that time, no one was willing to treat the grandfather because they had no money, so he wanted to study medicine and help those who had no money to treat diseases.But the people in the pharmacy only knew how to beat and scold them, and didn't teach them any medical skills at all, so he followed the man in front of him.

"Then..." Lin Yan thought for a while, "I'll call you Lin Jun? Okay?"

Tears flashed in Lin Jun's eyes, he, he finally had a name, those people used to call him hello, little bastard and so on.Now he has a name too.

Lin Jun knelt down, kowtowed three times, and said in a crying voice, "Thank you, Master, for giving me the name."

(End of this chapter)

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