Chapter 664
Who would have thought that Lin Yan could save a man who had lost a leg, the news spread quickly throughout the entire military camp, and all those who had military doctors in the military camp were sent to Lin Yan. The group of people who were there were also people who were dying.

"You said that Lin Yan inside is said to be able to bring people back to life. Is it true or not? It's unbelievable. It's obviously a lie."

"Who knows if it's true or not? That's what they say, and it has nothing to do with us. You must be more rational when eating melons, but don't let them hear the disdain in our tone. Gu, this is just because they know it and you don’t know how angry you will be. Let’s not talk about other things for now. Have you forgotten? There are so many embarrassing things out there. "

"It makes sense. The chaos ahead has finally calmed down. Let's go pick up a few barely alive corpses. Don't get tired, all of you, take a break and fight rounds."

They just leaned against the nearby tent and discussed in a low voice for a while, and then put everything back to the business. Lin Yan didn't hear what they were discussing, but just walked out of the tent after they left.

When he got out of the tent, the sky was dimly lit. He rubbed his eyes, yawned, and stretched his waist. This set of movements was smooth and smooth, and the people next to him also learned from him, thinking that doing such a set of movements would be able to Take some stress off.

"Speaking of which, does the set of actions you just performed have any special meaning? I saw that everyone started to imitate you. Could this be some secret secret of yours?"

A thick-skinned person sat next to Lin Yan, wanting to ask about it. Lin Yan was taken aback for a moment when he heard this, and then smiled.

"Of course it's not a unique secret. It's the most basic way of yawning, stretching and rubbing your eyes. You haven't rested all night, and you've been saving people. Can you not be tired? I just do this to make my body more stretched, not at all. What unique secrets."

The others looked at each other in dismay, and finally couldn't help laughing. After thinking about it carefully, it was indeed like that. The filter they put on Lin Yan was too strong, so when Lin Yan was doing anything, they would Subconsciously felt that this was practicing cheats and martial arts.

"How many people did you treat last night? Are you tired? Do you need to rest for a while? Let's take care of it for you. There are a few military doctors who can take care of other things. Those who are on the verge of death have died. They were almost saved by you."

"Okay, now that you've said it all, how can I not agree? Since that's the case, I'll agree first. Don't think it's strange to you."

Lin Yan nodded slightly and thought for a while, then felt that he was really tired. Then he found a secluded corner and started to take a nap.

"I'll just sleep for an hour. Call me if you have anything to do, or if there are any dead people who need my rescue, don't worry about waking me up."

After he finished speaking, he curled up in the corner and fell asleep almost as soon as he reached the place. Everyone's eyes widened in surprise when they saw him falling asleep so quickly.

"Why do you care so much? Go to Jun Zhao first, and see how the people he treated yesterday are doing now. Is it true that thirty or so dying people were saved by him? I'm afraid it was the Jade Emperor. Don’t you even dare to talk nonsense now, he’s holding himself up so high, isn’t it possible that he won’t be afraid of being miserable when he falls?”

He spoke casually, and glanced at Lin Yan with some disdain.

"Oh, sir, I didn't expect that we just woke up, and you still care about us when you come to see us, but there is no need to worry, we are all in good health, so don't worry.

Thanks to the divine doctor outside, if not for the reason of the divine doctor, I am afraid that we will never see the sun today again, then we should thank the divine doctor, we did not even see the shadow of the doctor when we just woke up. "

"He saved you all in one night yesterday, and he is so tired now that he is sleeping outside. When he wakes up, I will tell him your thoughts, and you don't need to worry now."

Long Cheyan also heard the news, and rushed over immediately when he happened to meet Lin Yan, and Yoyo woke up. Lin Yan opened his eyes and faced Long Cheyan. Long Cheyan was very excited, and then held Lin Yan shoulder said.

"Immortal, you have worked hard. You have saved everything this night. Are you tired? Do you need to order the kitchen to go to the mountain to pick some fresh food and cook some soup for you?"

"It's okay, I'm tired or not. I've been out for an hour just now, and I've already replenished all my energy. Next, I'll continue to see if there is anyone else who needs my help."

"You are so powerful, you are almost like a fairy. You should not really be some mysterious fairy in the Daluo world who came down to the earth to overcome the catastrophe. You happened to meet us, so you will cure the disease and save people."

"You should read less fairy tales. Where did so many gods and goddesses come from? Almost all of them do not exist. But in this world, there are only those who have respect for life in their hearts and write about saving lives and healing the wounded. Everyone has It’s not just me who can be a miracle doctor who can save lives and heal the wounded.”

Lin Yan said this, and Long Cheyan nodded. Since the other party is unwilling to admit it, he will not mention this matter anymore.

"My God, is this the young military doctor who cured the sick, healed the wounded, and saved many people? He looks too young and handsome. Is it really appropriate to hang out in the military camp like this? "

Those who had been treated or who had heard Lin Yan's name blew rainbow farts at him one after another.

They have all seen those people who were saved from half-dead, and now they have no doubts about Lin Yan's strength, and there is a deep sense of admiration in their hearts.

These words have always lingered in the ears of the military doctors. Even the people who have been treated by the military doctors are somewhat envious of those who were saved by Lin Yan.

"Damn Lin Yan, I really don't know where he came from. I said that these people are dead if they can't be saved, but you saved them all. Did you deliberately oppose me? What kind of monster is this? Could it be something? An unlucky species."

The military doctor muttered silently beside him. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. Obviously Lin Yan and himself were ordinary doctors, so why did he have a pair of hands that could save lives and bring the wounded back to life? Possession by something strange?

"Do you know? That's the one named Lin Yan. Why does he save lives and heal the wounded? Why do he want to save the people on our side? In fact, he secretly drugged everyone's body. They are the enemy's spies."

The military doctor ran directly to Long Cheyan's ear and began to speak ill of Lin Yan. He didn't even look carefully at Long Cheyan's expression, and kept talking non-stop.

(End of this chapter)

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