Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 662 Taken to the Front

Chapter 662 Taken to the Front

"Second prince, I'd better not go. You see, I'm not suitable for going there." Lin Yan didn't want to go, so he made up an excuse.

"You make it up, you make it up. Are your health still not good? You might as well pretend to be poisoned in front of me. Oh no, immortals can't be poisoned, right?" Long Cheyan asked and answered himself, without giving Lin Yan a chance to speak.

Su Qiao came in and heard what he said just now.

She didn't want Lin Yan to go to the battlefield, so she knelt in front of the second prince: "Second prince, why don't you take someone else with you, he really doesn't know much about the battlefield."

Lin Yan felt quite uneasy when he saw Su Qiao kneeling down for him.

The second prince asked someone to help Su Qiao get up, and said sharply: "Don't kneel down, I will definitely leave with the immortal, you, a girl, don't get involved in these things."

After hearing this, Su Qiao felt worried but didn't dare to say more.

Lin Yan didn't want to go, but no matter whether he refused or Su Qiao pleaded, Long Cheyan didn't seem to hear, this person seemed to be unable to hear other people's words.

"At first, I wanted to give you some time to prepare, but now that the king has made up his mind, you can follow me now." Long Cheyan was worried that Lin Yan would slip away, and he would have no helpers at that time.

Long Cheyan regarded Lin Yan as his military adviser and lucky star, as long as Lin Yan was around, he would not be afraid of anything.

He was so brave that he dared to stab the sky.

"Come on, Second Prince, let's discuss it."

"No discussion."

Later, Lin Yan was taken away overnight by Long Cheyan, and Su Qiao yelled after him, but Long Cheyan remained indifferent, and even asked his subordinates to drag Lin Yan away quickly.

"Hey, why is this woman's voice so loud? If she shouts again, I'll have someone feed you dumb medicine."

Perhaps Su Qiao heard it, and there was an instant silence behind Lin Yan.

She thought that Su Qiao would just let it go, but unexpectedly, she rushed to catch up and stood in front of her: "Second Prince, my man doesn't want to go, so don't be a man."

Not to mention, Su Qiao at this moment made Lin Yan look at him with admiration.

"You have yours. If you dare to block my prince's way, are you not afraid of death?" Long Cheyan sneered at the woman in front of him. She was thin and thin, and she didn't know where the courage came from.

"I'm afraid of death, but if I die for Lin Yan, I think it's worth it."

Lin Yan was a little moved when he heard this, and knew that Long Cheyan was not easy to mess with, so he stepped forward and said to Su Qiao, "You go back, I'll go back as soon as I go." He made a very indifferent look.

How could Su Qiao be willing.

I just vowed to be a couple for a lifetime before, but now it's good, if I haven't met you for a day, the person will disappear, how can I be a couple for a lifetime.

"Going to the battlefield, do you think it's just shopping? Go back as soon as you go!" Su Qiao cried anxiously: "You clearly said that you would stay with me forever, but now, it's only been a day."

"At that time, I was just talking..." Lin Yan murmured softly.

"What!" Su Qiao opened his throat and roared.

Lin Yan was in a hurry to comfort: "Our hearts are always together, no matter where we are, my heart will always remember you, you wait for me to come back."

"Okay, you have to remember your promise, I'll wait for you to come back." Su Qiao whimpered and cried, tears falling down while choking.

It's like a never-ending flood.

Lin Yan didn't want to see this battle, so he asked Long Cheyan to take him away quickly.

It seemed ruthless, but before leaving, Lin Yan did not forget to ask Long Cheheng to take good care of Su Qiao before leaving with Long Cheyan.

Su Qiao watched Lin Yan and his team leave further and further away. The wind on the city wall was strong, but she didn't feel the cold at all.

Long Cheheng persuaded: "Go back, he will definitely come back." Lin Yan left very suddenly, and at such a sudden time, he could still think of himself, Long Cheheng felt that he could not let him down.

"You trust him so much?" Su Qiao couldn't accept this kind of loneliness for a while.

Just like the feeling of being a wandering soul alone for hundreds of years, there is almost no big difference, and the pain in my heart is even more obvious.

Su Qiao thought that as long as he had a flesh and blood body, he would not feel the biting cold anymore.

But when Lin Yan left, she felt it.

She was particularly worried that Lin Yan would die...

"Yes, I believe it." Long Cheheng not only believed that Lin Yan would come back, but also believed that he would see a safe Su Qiao when he came back.

Now that you have promised, you must do it.

Long Cheheng has always kept his word.

Seeing Long Cheheng's determination, Su Qiao breathed a sigh of relief: "Perhaps, I should trust him as much as you do."

The group of people headed to the border in a mighty manner. Lin Yan did not want to ride a horse, so he sat in the carriage. The second prince saw that he had not spoken a word and was very arrogant at first.

Lin Yan didn't speak, so he didn't speak either.

After walking for a day and a night, no one spoke.

Long Cheyan had no choice but to take the initiative to speak: "Immortal, are you really angry? Are you angry with a mortal like me?"

"Immortal, Immortal, also has a personal name, and is also human. My temper is still there." Lin Yan realized that he had heard the second prince call him an immortal so many times that he accidentally thought he was an immortal.

Long Cheyan did not continue.

At the beginning of the journey, Lin Yan has been meditating, reading books from time to time, or learning about the situation in Xiafeng Kingdom.

Later, he started to be in a daze.

Seeing this, Long Cheyan guessed: "The immortal must miss his wife very much. There are really not many such ladies who value love and righteousness." In fact, he felt a little guilty towards Lin Yan.

"How can you tell that I want a woman?" Lin Yan asked.

He is not that kind of person. Lin Yan doesn't like to be misunderstood by others in such matters. This is an insult to his personality and a slander to his taste.

This is absolutely not allowed.

This was the first time in the past few days that Lin Yan had spoken to himself so seriously, and Long Cheyan was still a little excited.

Communication is better than no communication.

"Seeing that the immortal has been in a daze, I thought he was suffering from lovesickness." After Long Cheyan finished speaking, he laughed, but seeing Lin Yan's calm and serious face, he stopped abruptly.

"What's lovesickness? I'm not the kind of person who hanged from a tree." Lin Yan said contemptuously.

Su Qiao's method is indeed a little touching at the moment, but Lin Yan has never been a person who lives in the past, and he cares most about the present.

Just like, he didn't want to go to war before, but now that he is going, he has accepted the reality.

This is Lin Yan, who can face any situation and enjoy any situation.

"Isn't an immortal the kind of affectionate person?" Long Cheyan seemed to remember that he and Su Qiao had a very good relationship.

Lin Yan grinned, with white teeth appearing at the front, he looked at Long Cheyan meaningfully: "I didn't expect you to be this kind of person."

"I'm talking about you, Immortal." Long Cheyan was a little cautious.

"Affection doesn't prevent me from being affectionate, so I'm going to babble with you." Lin Yan then taught Long Cheyan a lesson, Handbook for Scumbags.

Long Cheyan was stunned for a while after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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