Chapter 66
In the dark corridor, Mo Yuxuan collapsed powerlessly on the ground, the lights on the wall flickered on and off, there was no one around her now, only the lonely Mo Yuxuan was left struggling needlessly over there.

About ten minutes later, Mo Yuxuan suddenly felt a burning pain in the back of her head, and slowly she used her weak hands to support her heavy body from the ground.

Rubbing his eyes, when he opened his eyes, he found that there was no one in the corridor. Mo Yuxuan remembered the audio recorded in his mobile phone just now, and felt that he was deliberately knocked out, and the person who knocked him out was for this thing of.

Sure enough, Mo Yuxuan guessed it right. She nervously opened the phone and found that the audio inside had been deleted. When she was still conscious, she felt that the back of the person who knocked her out was very tall. The back of the medicated diet has something to do with it.

Then she stood up slowly with the help of the wall, ready to drive this matter to Lin Yan first, thinking that he could hear something from it, because she knew that Lin Yan was a thoughtful person and couldn't figure it out by herself. He always knows a thing or two.

Mo Yuxuan quickly tidied up his clothes, picked up his phone and walked straight to the elevator door, ready to go downstairs to find Lin Yan. In the elevator, Mo Yuxuan touched the back of his head and found that the back of his head was already there. There was a big bulge.

Now she couldn't care so much, she drove to Lin Yan very quickly, people outside were busy, Mo Yuxuan found Lin Yan and walked to his side, watching him talking to others.

After they finished talking, Mo Yuxuan patted him on the shoulder, and then Lin Yan looked at her.

"I have something to tell you now, can you come to a place with me first?"

"Oh, okay, don't worry, I'll come out with you now."

Lin Yan followed Mo Yuxuan's footsteps and walked into a small corner. She poked her head out and looked at the people coming and going outside. No one noticed them inside. Lin Yan felt a little strange looking at her, and then asked.

"What's the matter, so mysterious?"

"By the way, when I returned to the company, I heard someone discussing your matter, and then I recorded it. When I was about to leave, I was suddenly knocked out. When I woke up, I turned on my phone and found that the recording There's no one left."

Listening to Mo Yuxuan's words, Lin Yan's expression changed subtly. According to her, the matter of the medicinal diet was still ordered by someone, so in this way, someone can be found out more quickly.

But to use some of the most fragile things in the human heart, that is, suspicion and suspicion, Lin Yan wants to use these two common weaknesses of human beings to help him solve the case faster.

"You go back first, but pay attention to your back, and you must pay attention to safety. If the person who knocked you out just deleted the record, but did not hurt you, maybe he is going to go fishing for a long time, so you don't touch it yet. It's over."

"Well, you should pay attention to yourself, it doesn't matter to me."

She didn't want Lin Yan to worry about herself. She originally wanted to help him with the recording, but in the end, not only did she not help him, but she made him worry about herself.

After Mo Yuxuan was sent away by Lin Yan, he began to launch his next plan. After returning to the room, Lin Yan pondered for a while, and suddenly his thoughts were disturbed by a knock on the door, and then When he came back to his senses, he looked at Wang Youming standing outside the door.

He signaled him to come in with his eyes, and felt that it was not good to be outside all this time, and then he started thinking again.

Wang Youming looked at Lin Yan who was sitting in the room, frowning a little, wondering if there was something wrong and if he could help, then went in and sat beside him.

"Is there anything I can do for you? Anyway, I have nothing to do now."

"Oh, now that you said that, I thought of a way. You go outside and say that we have found the behind-the-scenes mastermind about the medicinal diet, and there is also conclusive evidence."

The two people discussed a lot of plans here, and finally decided to spread such news directly on the Internet, because information is broadcast quickly online, and if it is broadcast directly on the Internet, it is more likely to let the parties know, causing them to be discovered. illusion.

Afterwards, Wang Youming opened his own account on the forum and News Baidu, and they did not use the same number. For this plan, Wang Youming really put his heart into it.

Afterwards, this incident began to erupt on the Internet, and within just half an hour, there were already a lot of views, and the popularity began to soar in an instant.

"Lin Yan, look at the current data on the computer, is it ready?"

"It still needs to increase marketing efforts, and then this result can be sent to the best effect I think."

Another hour and a half later, the Baidu Tieba of the person behind the adulterated medicine incident was still hotly searched, and the real woman on the other side was afraid that she would be recognized by them when she appeared again, and then be caught.

Now she began to think of ways to escape this difficulty, so she began to think that if she could get out of this city first, then it would be very difficult for her to be held accountable for this incident.

The lights on the side of the road have been lit up, and the whole city has become brightly lit, which is very beautiful, especially the crescent moon in the sky, although it is not as bright and round as the full moon.

But today's moon makes people feel very comfortable in the heart, and the stars on the side also said that it is uniquely beautiful, standing out among them, that woman is going to go to the place overnight.

But Mo Yuxuan saw it when she came out, and she recognized that woman, so she began to seduce her with money and other things, and then Mo Yuxuan said to her.

"I know that the real person is not you. If you don't want to be involved in such disputes in your heart, and you tell me the truth, then there will be a large amount of money for you, enough for your living expenses in the future."

The woman made some sense when she heard what she said. Since she had already been seen, it would be better to say it directly, so that she could get some benefits from it.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but you have to promise that I will get a sum of money in the future."

"Of course, if you say it, it will be done."

Then the two went to a place where there was no one else and started talking.

"Actually, with regard to the medicated diet, someone anonymously asked me to ask someone to put some fake medicine in it. Because the price was not bad, I agreed. I didn't expect you to investigate so hard, so I was unlucky. That's the way it is. .”

"Okay, I understand. Now they won't trouble you anymore."

After listening to what she said, Mo Yuxuan fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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