Chapter 656
He is naturally grateful to Lin Yan in his heart, but he also has his own pride in his heart, and he is not willing to give in at all. Lin Yan doesn't mind about it, as long as Long Cheheng and Long Cheyan don't make trouble in this life, and let the self in the previous life live peacefully. .

Lin Yan was too tired after giving Long Cheheng the needles, so he wiped his hands and said to Long Cheyan, "After the rest is up to you, it will be your little apology."

Afterwards, he told Long Cheyan some precautions: "This dirty blood mixed with water is poured on the wasteland, the toxin is still very strong, then apply this medicinal powder to your brother and bandage it up."

Then Lin Yan took out a medical book from the small space and threw it to Long Cheyan: "This is for future rehabilitation exercises and massage."

"However, it is still extremely difficult for Long Cheheng to stand up now. It's just that the toxins are exhausted, but if he wants to feel some legs and feet, he needs to massage his leg muscles. After all, he has been paralyzed for so long." Lin Yan warned: " When he feels his legs and can exert a slight force, he will be supported by someone beside him. It must be strong enough to support Long Cheheng at any time. During this period, you will take the place first, and then wait until you leave with me. Find someone else."

Then he handed a piece of paper to Long Cheheng: "Boil the medicine according to this piece of paper within 15 days. I have clearly written down how often and the amount of medicinal ingredients. Show it to someone who knows some medical skills, and then use this piece of paper later. Although the discharge is clean, the root cause of the disease still remains, so don’t think it’s enough just to recover, the medicine can’t be stopped, and the tonic soup is not needed.”

Long Cheheng nodded, feeling a little complicated. Although he was not willing to completely reconcile with Long Cheheng, the removal of the toxin was also due to Lin Yan, so he still wanted to say thank you to Lin Yan.

Afterwards, Long Cheyan sent Lin Yan back to the yard, and then went back the same way. He was about to give Long Cheheng a massage, but Long Cheheng gave him a hard look.

Touching his nose, Long Cheyan also knew that Long Cheheng was still wary of him, so he didn't force him, so he simply threw his medical skills to him, helped him to sit on the bed, and went back to his bedroom.

Lin Yan was pushing open the door to enter the previously arranged yard.

As soon as he crossed the threshold, he heard a rustling sound. Most likely it was Su Qiao sharpening his knife. After all, he had been with her for a long time, and he knew some of the sounds she made.

However, because in summer, the trees were a little luxuriant, Lin Yan didn't see Su Qiao's figure for a while.

Hearing the sound, he searched for the past, and saw Su Qiao crouching under the peach tree, taking his knives seriously.

There is a whetstone under Suqiao's knife, and there is a basin of clear water beside it. After grinding for a while, he puts a handful of water on it with his hands, and then continues to grind.

The knife has been sharpened, but Su Qiao is still dissatisfied with it.

Lin Yan frowned: "What are you?"

"Don't you want to plot against Long Cheyan?" Su Qiao lowered his head and said, because he was a female ghost, his words seemed to be cold.

"This is a little unnecessary. It is definitely impossible for Long Cheheng and Long Cheyan to completely break the ice and get back together. After all, Long Cheyan followed Long Cheheng's life from the beginning. This matter can't be resolved by a single emperor. Things? Not to mention the strength of the two of them, the throne belongs to Long Cheheng." Lin Yan squatted beside Su Qiao: "But although the two of them will not be reunited, Long Cheheng still has the measure. After all, his I also healed the leg, and Long Cheyan pretended to be my apprentice."

Lin Yan held down Su Qiao's knife, forcing Su Qiao to move and sharpen the knife.

Su Qiao tried to struggle, but he couldn't push it, so he gave up altogether, but held the handle of the knife weakly.

"So as long as there is no obvious conflict, they should be able to get through it, and they will definitely not get involved."

Lin Yan thought that he had persuaded Su Qiao, so he let go and stood up: "Come to drink tea?" Seeing that Su Qiao still didn't respond, he continued to comfort him: "Don't mess with me in this life, I'll see it all. Anyway, Long Cheyan will follow me back to modern times, and then Long Cheheng will inherit the throne."

"Not plotting against Long Cheyan will save one trouble. There is really no need to commit another murder case before leaving."

Su Qiao bit his lip and said nothing, then suddenly raised the sharpened knife and slashed at Lin Yan.

Lin Yan frowned, and dodged sideways, throwing the tea cup in his hand on the ground, and the debris fell all over the ground.

"It's inlaid with gold..." Lin Yan sighed regretfully.

Su Qiao was even more anxious when he heard this.

"Why are you crazy?" Lin Yan dodged Su Qiao's knife, feeling a little baffled.

Su Qiao didn't say a word, but his lower lip had already been bitten out, and it was obvious that there was a wound.

"So what about me? When you return to modern times, leave me here... What do you think of me?" Su Qiao shouted suddenly: "I should have realized long ago that everything you arranged is for you Think for yourself, never think about me."

Lin Yan felt a little strange, and then said: "Then what are you doing with the knife? Do you want to kill me?"

Su Qiao smiled miserably: "Yes, I will die with my true love..."

"Otherwise, what do you think? If they didn't like you, who would want to play the bride and groom game with you here? How could it be possible for you to stab others with a knife and get blood on their hands." Lin Yan vaguely saw The corners of Su Qiao's eyes are moist, can ghosts also have tears?Lin Yan thought in his heart.

Then Su Qiao twitched the corners of his mouth: "But it doesn't matter, the two of us stay here together, anyway, I can't get you, then you don't want to go back to modern times and reunite with that woman. The three of us lost at the same time." My beloved, oh, yes, and Long Cheyan, without you, he would not be able to reach the modern age, and he also lost the throne."

Lin Yan was a little dazed, he didn't expect that Su Qiao was willing to be his fake bride in ancient times because he liked him, and then he quickly explained: "No..."

With Su Qiao already slashed over, Lin Yan saw her blood-red eyes, and knew that Su Qiao was probably unconscious now, and the impulse occupied her brain for a while.

Lin Yan frowned, feeling that it was difficult to handle, and he blamed himself for being too slow. If he could have discovered Su Qiao's thoughts earlier, Lin Yan would definitely not let her pretend to be his wife, let alone let her accompany him now. by my side...

Su Qiao is not conscious now, but it is impossible for Lin Yan to attack this partner who usually gets along day and night.

Lin Yan is now extremely grateful that he has traveled to ancient times and learned internal skills, so it is still very easy to deal with Su Qiao.

He took out a few silver needles from his pocket, and fortunately, Su Qiao didn't have any defensive posture when attacking, so it was easy for Lin Yan to fight back.

The needles were aimed at Su Qiao's numb tendons. Although the daughter was irrational now, her sensitivity was improved, and she dodged all the silver needles when she bent down to dodge.

Turning around, the blade directly aimed at Lin Yan's lifeline. Lin Yan understood that Su Qiao really wanted him to die.

But in fact, Lin Yan was not completely unaware of Su Qiao's signs.

(End of this chapter)

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