Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 653 Isn't it a throne?

Chapter 653 Isn't it a throne?
Lin Yan noticed Long Cheheng's shocking eyes, but still looked at Long Cheyan lovingly.

Long Cheyan also sensed the gaze that cannot be ignored. He followed the gaze and found the location of the gaze. When he saw Long Cheheng, who was indifferent to everything in the past, he met Long Cheheng's gaze.

The two looked at each other.

Long Cheheng, who was able to control his expression well in the past, only woke up when he saw Long Cheyan looking at him. It turned out that he had been looking at Lin Yan for so long, and he was more annoyed and showed his emotions.

"Who is your boss? How did you know each other?" Long Cheheng asked.

"I won't tell you." Long Cheyan said provocatively.

Long Cheheng smiled: "Forget it, I won't ask you." After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Lin Yan, "Who are you? How did you meet Long Cheyan? You tell the truth, otherwise."

he said threateningly.

"You don't need to be like this, the eldest prince, I'm just an ordinary citizen." Lin Yan said.

"Can ordinary people make Long Cheyan obediently listen to you? What an ordinary person." Long Cheheng taunted: "Go up! Take down the person who bewitched the prince."

The surrounding guards surrounded Lin Yan, and Long Cheyan saw them pointing their swords at his boss, and wanted to send the helpless people among them to rescue him.

"Disciple, there's no need to do anything."

When Long Cheyan heard Lin Yan's words, he stopped thinking. He looked at Long Cheheng with a resentful expression, who was still looking relaxed.

In fact, Long Cheheng's heart is far from what it appears on the surface.

"Eldest Prince, with all due respect, you have to call me Master with Long Cheyan." Lin Yan said.

"Don't talk nonsense, I have never seen you before, so why would Master kill him for me?" Long Cheheng said.

Long Cheyan was worried that the sword had no eyes, so he already shouted worriedly: "Be careful."

But Lin Yan, who was pointed at by the sword, still had a calm expression, as if he didn't care about being killed at all. To be precise, he didn't care at all, because Long Cheheng would not kill himself.

"There are some words that are suitable for the three of us, the master and the apprentice." Lin Yan looked at Long Cheheng with a smile, his eyes were sure to win, and Long Cheheng would definitely agree to his proposal.

It has to be said that Lin Yan guessed right.

"Go down."

The guards surrounding Lin Yan had all retreated.

"Master's order is my order. You also stand back. If anyone comes, stop them."

Soon, there were only three people in the room.

"Good boy, call me Junior Brother." Lin Yan looked at Long Cheyan.

"Junior Brother." Long Cheyan called out proudly, and he finally won the round, but he was born relatively late and called him brother for so many years.

"Stop talking nonsense." Long Cheheng still didn't believe it: "Lin Yan, don't play tricks, just speak up if you have something to say."

"Long Cheyan was my great apprentice in my previous life, and you are my second apprentice. Should you call him senior brother?"

Long Cheheng's face was a little pale, he hadn't realized it yet, it was impossible for them to have a master-student relationship in their previous lives.

He quickly calmed down, what past life?It simply doesn't exist in this world, he looked at Long Cheyan with pity, this grandson was fooled by a fool.

They thought that Lin Yan was some kind of powerful person, but Long Cheyan was so convinced by him, he was just a fool who was immersed in his own fantasy.

Not in contact with people with IQ problems, Long Cheheng has judged that Lin Yan is not a threat to him, he looked at his younger brother, and said sarcastically.

"You got kicked in the head by a donkey, he is a fool, are you too? Do you still believe in past lives?"

"Who are you calling junior brother? Do you understand respecting elder brother? Have you forgotten what you usually said in the study room? Is there any record of previous life in the book?" Long Cheheng asked.

"My boss is right. You are the idiot, the idiot. It is also said in the script that there is a past life. Don't just talk about me because you have little knowledge."

"The drama book? It's just a book to deceive children. You are so old, and you still read it. If you have the time left, why not read more of the Four Books and Five Classics." Long Cheheng said.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Long Cheyan mockingly.

It's been like this since childhood, they all like Long Cheheng and don't like me, so what's the use of being familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics?Some stupid content.

There are stories in the playbooks, which are extremely interesting. They didn’t feel the fun in them, so they said that I am ignorant. Similarly, I am not interested in those books, and they insist on imposing their own ideas on me. body.

But I don't like it.

Long Cheyan looked at Long Cheheng angrily, and sure enough, he saw a mockery of himself in his eyes.

"The second prince doesn't have to believe what I say, but you don't want to attack my apprentice personally."

"I have some ideas that are different from yours. In my eyes, people who read "The Analects of Confucius" or people who read the play are the same. As long as you don't like it, you don't need to look at other people's ideas."

Long Cheyan looked at Lin Yan gratefully, he was still the boss who understood him.

"What are you? Saying these outrageous things in front of His Highness."

Long Cheheng said.

"Because I am your master, even if it is the master in the previous life, that is, one day master and one day grace."

Long Cheheng laughed out loud, and the smile went straight to the bottom of his heart. He couldn't help laughing when he saw Lin Yan talking about his past life in a serious manner: "You don't need to talk anymore. Communicating with a fool is simply wasting my time."

"Really? You have already been poisoned. If you don't treat it in time, you will die soon. Is this enough to prove what I said?" Lin Yan had already seen something strange about Long Cheheng.

"Long Cheyan told you." As early as in the confrontation with Long Cheyan, when he heard him say that he was poisoned, he was skeptical. How did he know, and Lin Yan knew that it must be Long Cheyan? Said.

"Is what Master said true? Are you really short of time?" He thought that the poison he mentioned was just a small poison, which would not pose a threat to his body, but he didn't expect it to be life-threatening.

He forgot when it started, as soon as he got close to Long Cheheng, he could smell the medicine. What the boss said must be true, Long Cheyan knew it, but he still didn't believe it, he couldn't believe it.

"It's impossible for me to lie to my lover." Lin Yan said.

But Long Cheyan looked at Long Cheheng, he wanted to hear Long Cheheng's answer.

"It's not a big deal, it's just a small poison." Long Cheheng pretended to be relaxed and said, seeing Long Cheheng's anxious eyes, he couldn't bear to lie anymore.

"Your master is right." He already believed Lin Yan's words more than nine times.

When Long Cheyan heard the definite answer, he should not be in a hurry, he had to calm down. After a while, he had already calmed down. Master could save him. After thinking of a way, he looked at Lin Yan in relief.

"My dear student, you were too rude before and didn't show any respect to the eldest prince. You should apologize to him, it's an apology." Lin Yan said.

"Eldest prince, isn't what you want the throne? What's so difficult about it?" He continued.

(End of this chapter)

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