Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 651 Reminder

Chapter 651 Reminder
As Lin Yan said, he pulled Su Qiao onto the bed and threw her on the bed.

Seeing this, Su Qiao was stunned. When he reacted, his face immediately turned red and he looked at Lin Yan with a shy look.

"Lin Yan, is this the kind of rest you mentioned?"

Hearing Su Qiao's words, Lin Yan gave him a strange look, and then said: "Of course, otherwise, how would you like to rest, you should go to sleep, I'm going to rest too, we still have a lot of things to do tomorrow Woolen cloth."

After saying this, Lin Yan covered Su Qiao with a quilt, and then he directly made a floor bunk on the ground, then lay on it, and soon fell asleep.

Su Qiao, who was lying on the bed, stared at Lin Yan's series of operations dumbfounded. He waited until Lin Yan was completely asleep before he realized that he had misunderstood. Lin Yan really just wanted to Resting, he didn't have the idea of ​​what happened to him. After realizing this, Su Qiao almost died of anger.

However, Su Qiao was not a person who wanted to suffer, so when he felt unhappy, he did not intend to make things easier for Lin Yan, so he immediately jumped up from the bed, walked up to Lin Yan, and kicked him awake. .

"Lin Yan, get out of here!"

Soon Lin Yan was kicked awake by Su Qiao. After being kicked awake by him, Lin Yan was a little helpless.

"Su Qiao, what's wrong with you? Didn't I tell you that I still have a lot of things to do tomorrow? I will go to the Leng Palace to investigate the eldest prince early tomorrow morning. Please stop making trouble and let me have a good rest. Okay?"

After saying this, Lin Yan couldn't resist the drowsiness and fell asleep again. Seeing this, Su Qiao was dumbfounded. He wanted to kick him awake again, but in the end he held back and didn't continue to do it.

Because even if you wake him up again, you will still fall asleep soon. He can't keep staring at him, so Su Qiao finally turned around and went to bed, closed his eyes and rested.

So Su Qiao soon fell asleep, and when he woke up the next day, Lin Yan had already gotten up and walked to Leng Palace.

However, on his way to the cold palace, he met the second prince who woke up in the morning.

When the second prince saw Lin Yan, he was a little surprised, and quickly asked, "Master Lin, what's the matter with you entering the palace so early?"

After being discovered by the second prince, Lin Yan did not panic at all, showing a calm expression. After hearing the second prince's inquiry, he looked at the direction of Leng Gong pretendingly, and said: "I Looking at the sky at night, I found that there is my apprentice's reincarnation in that direction, so I came here to check it out this morning, to see if what I discovered last night is true."

After listening to Lin Yan's words, the second prince suddenly showed a look of surprise, and he also looked in the direction of Leng Gong, and suddenly realized.

"It turns out that the reincarnation of your apprentice, Master Lin, is my eldest brother, so hurry up and go to Lenggong to have a look, maybe you can become master and apprentice again!"

Seeing that the second prince was so upbeat, Lin Yan was very satisfied, so he immediately showed him a look of approval, nodded and said: "You are right, I really should hurry over, then the second prince, I will take my leave first Now, go and do your own thing."

After saying this, Lin Yan planned to leave, but before leaving, Lin Yan stopped again and glanced at the second prince again.

"By the way, Second Prince, don't tell others about my going to the Leng Palace today, otherwise something bad will happen, you know?"

Hearing Lin Yan's words, the second prince felt a little curious, and couldn't help asking: "Why? Master Lin, can you tell me the reason?"

"Because the secrets of heaven cannot be leaked, I just told you too much. Originally, I couldn't tell you these things, but because you are already my apprentice, I can still reveal some to you, but if you tell If others say it, then it is equivalent to completely leaking the secret of heaven, and then you will be punished by heaven, understand?"

In order to prevent the second prince from leaking the news that he went to the cold palace to investigate the first prince, Lin Yan deliberately made the matter a little more serious, and wanted to use this to warn the second prince not to act rashly.

Sure enough, Lin Yan's method worked quickly. After hearing Lin Yan's warning, the second prince's face immediately changed, and a deep fear was revealed in his eyes.

"Is that so? In that case, Master Lin, I will never reveal this to anyone else, so don't worry!"

After getting the second prince's assurance, Lin Yan was completely relieved, so he nodded to the second prince again, then turned and left.

After leaving there, Lin Yan was completely relieved. After all, the second prince is not a cheap lamp, even though he successfully fooled the second prince by fooling him before.

But once he reveals any flaws, he will definitely be exposed by the second prince. At that time, the second prince may become angry and may directly do things that affect his plan, so Lin Yan dare not have too much contact with him, just worried about the second prince. The prince found out that he was deceiving him.

After all, the second prince is not a kind-hearted person. Even though he respects him very much now, as long as he loses his use value to him, he will definitely turn his face and be ruthless. After all, that's what he did to his elder brother, the eldest prince.

Because the reason why the first prince entered the cold palace was because he was harmed by the second prince, and before the second prince exposed this side, the first prince never discovered the second prince's true face, and was completely kept in the dark.

Therefore, Lin Yan is very cautious when dealing with the second prince. After all, he only looks easy to deal with, but he is actually not an easy person to deal with.

But just as Lin Yan breathed a sigh of relief, the second prince suddenly followed him and said, "Master Lin, I suddenly remembered that I haven't seen my eldest brother for a long time. Why don't I go to the Cold Palace with you to meet him."

Hearing the second prince's request, Lin Yan was a little helpless, but he couldn't refuse him, so he could only take him with him, and the two of them went to the cold palace together.

But after entering the cold palace, the two of them were almost kicked out by the eldest prince.

Because the first prince hates the second prince so much, he naturally doesn't want to see him, so he hates the house and black, so naturally he doesn't like Lin Yan.

Seeing this, Lin Yan was already prepared, so he showed his immortal tricks in front of the eldest prince, and successfully fooled the eldest prince.

Lin Yan saw that he was fooled, so he immediately took out the speech he had prepared a long time ago, claiming that he was his master.

(End of this chapter)

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