Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 648 2 Prince's Hobbies

Chapter 648 The Second Prince's Hobbies
The second prince talked with Lin Yan, and the more he talked, the happier he was, so he invited Lin Yan to his bedroom at night.

I want to chat with Lin Yan all night.

After hearing this, Lin Yan waved his hands and said, "This is not very good, I think we should just chat here."

The second prince shook his head, waved his hands excitedly, and then said, "No, master, you must come to the bedroom with me. We will have a long talk all night. Talking to you, I think I am very lucky."

Lin Yan couldn't help but frowned when he heard this, he didn't need to be so exaggerated when he complained in his heart.

However, facing the second prince's kind invitation, Lin Yan had no way to refuse.

So Lin Yan agreed, but he wanted to ask the second prince, where did he take Su Qiao?
The second prince listened, smiled, then waved his hands, and said with a very relaxed face, "Don't worry, that girl, I have already brought her to a palace and asked my servants to treat her well."

Lin Yan was relieved after hearing this, he nodded easily, and then thanked the second prince.

After hearing this, the second prince waved his hand generously and said, "Say thanks, the person I should thank is you, you are my savior."

Lin Yan smiled slightly, nodded with a smile, and said, "In that case, I'll go back to have dinner first, and come to your bedroom to talk to you at night."

The second prince nodded happily, and asked his servant to send Lin Yan back.

Lin Yan returned to his mansion, sighed, he never thought that something he made up at the moment would miraculously save his life, it's really strange.

It was night soon, Lin Yan dressed himself up, and then went to the second prince's bedroom.

However, when he arrived, the second prince was already waiting for him at the door.

The servant outside the door also treated Lin Yan with respect when he saw him. After all, this man was an honored guest of the second king and the second prince.

When the second prince saw Lin Yan, he happily took Lin Yan to the palace and said, "Master, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Lin Yan was dragged away by the second prince. He waved his hand and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Let's walk slowly. Don't be in a hurry."

But I was secretly complaining in my heart, good guy, it's like I haven't seen anyone in hundreds of years.

When the two entered the bedroom, the second prince asked all the guards to go down, and he wanted to have a good chat with the immortal about life
Lin Yan looked at the empty hall and there were only the two of them, and he murmured silently in his heart, it doesn't have to be like this...

On the other side, Su Qiao originally thought that she would be imprisoned in a dungeon by the second prince's subordinates, but unexpectedly, she was just taken to a palace.

All kinds of delicious food and drinks were served to her, and she was treated like a princess.

Su Qiao slapped the table, looked at the servants and asked, "Where is Lin Yan?"

A smaller maid was trembling with fright at Su Qiao's aura, and said weakly, "I don't even know about it." The voice was as small as a mouse.

"Where is he? He won't be made things difficult by the second prince!"

Su Qiao frowned, sensing something was wrong, and hurriedly wanted to go out.

The servant next to her hurriedly stopped her, and said in a small voice, "I'm sorry I can't go out now."

After Su Qiao was stopped, he was very angry and his beautiful eyes widened.

"Why not? I'm going to find Lin Yan, you ask Lin Yan to come here for me."

"I... I don't know where Lin Yan is now."

The maid lowered her head, her voice was very low, like a mosquito humming, she didn't dare to raise her head at all.

The woman in front of her looked very imposing, and she was so beautiful that people didn't dare to look directly at her.

"Okay, you stop me. I want to see if you can stop me."

Su Qiao put her hips on her hips and smiled slightly, with a smug smile on her face. Looking at the pillars outside the door, she thought of a way to get out.

The servants all looked at each other, at a loss, not knowing what the beautiful woman in front of them was going to do.

Su Qiao smiled slightly, flipped over sharply, stepped on the pillars in the corridor beside him, and flipped out.

Then he ran directly towards the prince's palace. Those guards and servants never imagined that the seemingly fragile woman in front of them was actually possessed of martial arts.

"Miss, wait for us, don't run away."

Waiting for Su Qiao to turn over all of a sudden, the guards and servants at the back panicked all of a sudden, dragging their skirts and running out following Su Qiao while holding their swords.

And here, Lin Yan and the second prince had a happy chat in the bedroom.

The second prince asked with a look of admiration, "Master, can you tell me how can I grow as outstanding as you? How can I grow taller?"

After Lin Yan heard it, he felt a little proud. After all, he was praising himself, who wouldn't be happy after hearing it.

Lin Yan deliberately pretended to be sophisticated, walking around with his hands behind his back, and then said, "I know a way to make you taller and taller."

"Really.? Quickly teach me, master."

The second prince immediately got excited, looked at Lin Yan happily, and hoped that Lin Yan could teach him the method.

Lin Yan smiled slightly, and then said slowly, "I have a unique secret recipe called bone setting, which is to use hand strength to straighten the bones."

The second prince desperately wanted to be tall and straight, so he pointed to himself happily and said, "Master, come on."

Lin Yan asked the second prince to lie down, grabbed the second prince's shoulder with one hand, and supported his head with the other.

Hearing a "click", the second prince yelled loudly, but his neck felt much more comfortable.

Su Qiao managed to find the vicinity of the second prince's bedroom, and before he entered, he heard a cry of "Ouch" from the bedroom.

Su Qiao wrinkled and was very confused. What were these two people doing?

At this time, the two husbands walked over while watching the night while chatting, Su Qiao quickly hid, shrunk into a small ball, and hid beside the vase.

I only heard one of the old fathers sigh and said, "Our second prince is good everywhere, but I have a special hobby... hey."

The other old man echoed and said, "Who said it wasn't? It's a pity, didn't the Second Prince arrest a handsome young man today, hey, I guess..."

"No, that good-looking man is favored."

The old man shook his head and sighed helplessly.

Seeing the two old men drifting away, Su Qiao came out from a small dark corner beside him, clenching his fists tightly.

"What? The second prince, that bastard!"

Su Qiao's face was flushed red, she could not allow her husband to be defiled by the second prince.

So, Su Qiao was so angry that he rushed to the door of the second prince's palace.

When the guard at the door saw Su Qiao, he quickly yelled, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Su Qiao smiled coldly, didn't speak at all, and directly and neatly knocked down the two guards.

Then he raised his foot, kicked open the door of the palace, and walked towards the inner hall in one go.

(End of this chapter)

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