Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 630 Mr. Qiu Poisoned

Chapter 630 Mr. Qiu Poisoned
If it is this way, only the scorpion spirit can say it, Lin Yan thinks it might not be true.

But when Situ Shuang told him so clearly, there was only one way, and that was to let him travel back to 3000 years ago and save Mo Yuxuan according to the method that Xie Zijing said.

Lin Yan had to believe that this matter was true.

"Lin Yan, if you really want to save Mo Yuxuan, make a decision as soon as possible. Because her lifespan is only one month, the longer you delay, the greater the danger to her."

Traveling back to 3000 years ago is not an easy task.It is not a very feasible solution for him to disappear for no reason, or to fall ill in bed suddenly.

So Lin Yan needed to find a reason, a reason that would not make others suspicious even if he disappeared for a month.

When Lin Yan returned home, he had been thinking about this question.Later, he thought of the idea of ​​a business trip. He could tell Mo Yuxuan that he had a business abroad and needed to travel for a month.

Even if Mo Yuxuan had doubts in his heart, he could dispel her doubts.

After thinking of a solution, Lin Yanxin was not so anxious.

He returned home, intending to wait for Mo Yuxuan to come back at home, and then tell her about his idea of ​​going on a business trip.

But after waiting for a long time, Mo Yuxuan did not come back.

He ate lunch at home and didn't even see Mo Yuxuan come back.

Could it be that the company is very busy today?

Lin Yan thought in his heart, he might as well wait at home, anyway, today's matter is not that important.

If the medical clinic couldn't open without him, Lin Yan would have already thought of a way to solve this problem.

It is because he knows that even without him, nothing big will happen, that Lin Yan can be so relaxed now.

After waiting at home for a while, Lin Yan did not wait for Mo Yuxuan's return, but for a call from Mo Yuxuan.

"Lin Yan, my father is sick, can you come and have a look?"

When he heard the news that Mr. Qiu suddenly fell ill, Lin Yan was very anxious in his heart. This person was fine before, why did he suddenly fall ill?

Yesterday, Mr. Qiu handed Mo Yuxuan to himself. At that time, he looked at the other person's body and didn't see anything wrong. But just now, Mo Yuxuan called him and told him that her father fell ill.

Lin Yan felt that the illness came too suddenly.

Could it be that there are other very serious symptoms hidden in Mr. Qiu's body, which even he can't see?

Lin Yan was thinking about this problem in his heart, and he was also thinking about that problem when he went out.The whole person's thoughts seemed to be trapped in endless doubts.

When he arrived at Mr. Qiu's house by car, he found that Mo Yuxuan was at Mr. Qiu's house, which could also be said to be his father-in-law's house.

"Why not, take him to the hospital?"

As soon as Lin Yan entered the room, he asked this question first, and then went to see Mr. Qiu's current physical condition.

When he heard Lin Yan's voice, Mo Yuxuan felt that he saw hope.

"After get off work today, I plan to come back to see my father. As soon as I entered the house, I saw my father fell down by the dining table."

At that time, Mo Yuxuan was terrified.

At that time, she thought it was because her father didn't stand still, so she fell down, and Mo Yuxuan wanted to go to help him up, but she knew that his father fell unconscious after the fall.

She saw her father's eyes kept closed, no matter how much she shouted, Mr. Qiu didn't respond to her.

At that time, Mo Yuxuan was completely deceived, she didn't know what was going on now.

It took a lot of effort to help his father to lie down in the room, and then he called Lin Yan in a panic.

"Lin Yan, your medical skills are so superb, you must know what happened to my father, right?"

Because he firmly believed in Lin Yan's medical skills, Mo Yuxuan called him immediately instead of calling the hospital.

"Now your father is also my father-in-law, so I will naturally help him."

Lin Yan told Mo Yuxuan not to worry, and went to see Mr. Qiu's current condition first.

He came to Mr. Qiu's room.

I saw Mr. Qiu with a slightly blue face at a glance.He was lying on the bed, completely unconscious.

Judging by Mr. Qiu's current expression, it looks a bit like being poisoned.

Lin Yan also told Mo Yuxuan about his sincere guess.Knowing that his father fell because of poisoning, Mo Yuxuan was very surprised.

While being surprised, she still had many doubts in her heart.

"How could father be poisoned? Who would poison father?"

Before she married Lin Yan, she almost ate the same food as her father.

Even if the two of them didn't live together all the time, if someone poisoned their father, Mo Yuxuan should know a little bit.

But Mo Yuxuan didn't know at all.If it wasn't for Lin Yan's words, she wouldn't even know why her father fell down.

"Lin Yan, can you know what kind of poison your father has?"

Poisoning is not terrible, what is terrible is not knowing what kind of poison it is.Prescribing the right medicine is the best way to solve the virus.

In fact, Lin Yan has now seen that Mr. Qiu has been poisoned.It's just that in his heart, he couldn't believe that Mr. Qiu would be poisoned by that kind of poison.

"Lin Yan, tell me, what kind of poison did my father plant?"

Lin Yan didn't plan to say it at first, but finally said it.

"Gu poison."

That's right, when Lin Yan judged for the first time that what Mr. Qiu planted was Gu poison, he was very shocked in his heart.

You must know that Gu poison is a very rare poison, and Gu poison is generally only used by people with bad intentions.

In order to destroy a person, some people purposely put Gu on that person and let him be poisoned.

And people who have been poisoned by Gu poison have almost no cure.

When he heard Lin Yan say that his father was poisoned by Gu, Mo Yuxuan was so shocked that he took several steps back.

Lin Yan got some formulas from Xiaotiandi. According to the formula, he went to the medical clinic to grab medicine and make pills for Mr. Qiu to suppress toxins.

After Mr. Qiu took Lin Yan's special medicine, the toxins in his body were suppressed.

Mo Yuxuan was completely by Mr. Qiu's side, not daring to move easily.She was afraid that if she left, her father would be in danger.

Lin Yan must investigate Mr. Qiu's poisoning.

He wanted to know why Mr. Qiu was poisoned.

Lin Yan investigated Mr. Qiu's recent diet and found that there is no problem with his diet.

Afterwards, he went to see the medicine Mr. Qiu took recently, and then Lin Yan found out, a piece of news that shocked him very much.

The medicine Mr. Qiu took actually contained Gu poison.And the medicine he took was the medicine drink jointly sold by Lin Yan himself and Dean Zhang!

Lin Yan can guarantee that there is no problem with the medicine they sell.But Mr. Qiu did get poisoned by taking the medicine they sold.

(End of this chapter)

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