Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 624 Proposals

Chapter 624 Proposals
After Lin Yan heard the two families' proposals to him, he was a little dazed. He never thought that the two families would value him so much. After all, what they just proposed is not something that can be obtained for a small price. .

One side provides medicinal materials for himself, and the other side provides channels. Anyone will be happy to hear these words, but Lin Yan feels flattered by these words, and even begins to doubt whether he is capable of taking on this role, and his position is becoming more and more important. The higher he is, the more people will push his reputation higher and higher, accusing him of saying that he is unworthy or that he is not capable enough.

"Thank you two Patriarchs for trusting me so much and being willing to provide me with opportunities. The opportunities for both of you have been sent up. If I have no reason to say no to it, then I will readily agree. Thank you all here first, and I will definitely not To disappoint everyone, I will let you know that the streets you provide me today will be able to produce new benefits one day in the future."

Lin Yan was a little choked up when he spoke, although he didn't want to cry, but it feels good to be trusted.

"Okay, young people, stop crying. The brothers all know what you want to say. Everyone is like a mirror in their hearts. You can rest assured and concentrate on doing the things in your hands, and don't worry about the rest. Now, if you have anything to do, you can just mention it to the brothers, and the brothers who can help will definitely help."

After the two Patriarchs finished speaking, they patted Lin Yan on the shoulder more, and there was endless expectation in their eyes. The two of them looked forward to Lin Yan being able to show them something new.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not let everyone down, I will definitely succeed."

When he said this, he stood up deliberately, and then bowed seriously to the two people in front of him. The bow was very serious, but when the two people saw this scene, they shook their heads and helped her up Then said.

"It should be the two of us who should bow. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid we would never have such good grades in this life, so it should be us who say thank you to you. Only when you continue like this can the relationship between us appear The relationship is estranged."

The two of them didn't seem to be joking. Lin Yan was slightly taken aback when he heard it, but he didn't expect the two of them to say such a thing.

"Thank you."

Wang Chuanliu and Lan's father finally made no difference this time, and they actually apologized to Lin Yan. After hearing this, Lin Yan nodded and happily accepted what the two of them said to him. If he doesn't accept it now, then he will There is a possibility that people may think you are pretending to be noble, so instead of being embarrassed, it is better to accept everything, so that anyone who sees it will feel happy in their heart.

Everyone got drunk, and after chatting about this, they all went to their respective places. Mo Yuxuan was a little thankful, but fortunately, she had opened a hotel for the two of them in advance, otherwise they might have had to go to the hotel that night. Sleeping with Lin Yan in this poor place.

"Thanks to you for predicting all this in advance, otherwise I really don't know where to leave these two guys."

Lin Yan loosened his body, and then leaned against Mo Yuxuan, feeling unprecedentedly relaxed. After hearing this, Mo Yuxuan also leaned on Lin Yan's shoulder, and the two looked at each other affectionately.

They left Lin Yan the next day, feeling lazy, and it was time to get busy with new things. Too many things happened in the past few days, and he himself was ashamed to pretend that nothing had happened. Such a calm appearance, so this time I also want to talk about other things with a better attitude.

"Hey, isn't this Lin Yan? You are a very busy person. I have finally waited for you for so long. What have you been up to lately?"

When Dean Zhang saw Lin Yan, he hit it off right away. He didn't even question him, and he greeted him directly.

"What else can I be busy with? It's a bit troublesome to be busy with medical matters, but fortunately, it's my point of interest, otherwise I really wouldn't have so much leisure time to solve these things."

Lin Yan's voice was a bit lazy, but he still had great respect for the dean.

"I think so, but what cooperation do you have with me, kid?"

Lin Yan was slightly taken aback after hearing this, but then he began to bring up his own thoughts. He thought of a lot of good things this time, but he didn't know how many of them were in the things that could be formed.

"What the dean said just now is roughly my thoughts."

The dean was shocked when he heard it, because most of the methods proposed by Lin Yan were meaningful to them, but the benefit ratio for Lin Yan was not that great. I almost thought I heard it wrong.

"Are you sure what you just mentioned is your suggestion? Are you sure you didn't specifically mention the benefits that belong to our academy? You don't make much money."

The dean repeated his plan again and asked again and again.

"Dean, you heard me right. This is what I thought of, and it was mainly for your benefit. I proposed cooperation. In the past years, I helped a lot, but now I have my own abilities, too. It’s time to repay you.”

Lin Yan's eyes were extremely serious, and his speech was very serious. No matter which angle the dean looked at, he didn't feel that the young man in front of him was lying.

"But I also know that your medical clinic also needs money. If I take all the benefits, what should you do if you can't turn around?"

The dean is still thinking about him at this time, so he is still asking him what he thinks.

"Don't worry, no matter what I can provide, I can get all the resources, medicinal materials, or channels you want. If you agree, just sign the agreement. If you don't agree or feel Where it is unreasonable, even if you propose to modify it, I will modify it all.”

His sincere eyes and sincere gaze moved the dean. When the dean picked up the pen and was about to sign, he realized that the things he said just now were definitely not something ordinary people can get in their hands overnight.

"Lin Yan, tell the dean whether you have taken the wrong medicine or committed a crime. If your resources are stolen, you should go to the police station and surrender yourself. Stealing is not right in this era. I don't want You do those unconscionable things in order to cooperate."

The dean held Lin Yan's hand, and his eyes should be as sincere as possible. If Lin Yan saw it, if he didn't know himself well enough, he would feel that he must have done something bad.

"It's not that you really think too much."

(End of this chapter)

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