Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 603 Awakening

Chapter 603 Awakening
two months later.

The early morning sun is not very poisonous, but it makes people feel very happy. The young man beside the bamboo forest looked at the dazzling sun in the sky with resentment: "When will it rain?"

Next to him was an old man with thinning white hair, but he looked very strong, he said to the complaining boy.


The boy curled his lips and said, "You always speak quickly, but when will it rain?"

The old man's eyes dimmed. What he was talking about wasn't the weather at all, but the man who used the hand of the weather to insinuate his answers every time.

"Don't worry, Lin Yan is about to wake up."

This strange young man and old man are naturally Wang Youming and Shen Yi who said they want to take Lin Yan to the magic capital.

"Shen Yi, every time I ask you, you always answer quickly, but when is your size?"

He said helplessly: "You have to ask me almost every day when Lin Yan will wake up, but the vegetative person may wake up in a second, or may never wake up."

"Do I want to answer you, Lin Yan will never wake up?"

Seeing that Wang Youming was being told by him, Shen Yi was on the verge of tears and rushed to save him.

"However, I feel like Lin Yan is about to wake up recently." Shen Yi quickly comforted him.

Sure enough, after hearing this answer, Wang Youming showed a satisfied smile.

"Let's go back to the tent quickly."

The tent was not far away. Although it was very bright, the sun was just rising in the east. The two of them came out to find some food to go back, and they had to hurry after eating.

The two returned the same way, and the two saw a person standing in front of their tent.

Wang Youming winked at Shen Yi, he felt that this person looked a bit like Lin Yan.

Shen Yi also had this idea.

The man in front of the tent suddenly turned around.

The young man's aura is very strong, his eyes are as sharp as an eagle's, and he has thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Wang Youming and the others saw his appearance clearly and ran over in a hurry.

"Why are you awake? Even if you wake up, don't run around." Shen Yi said worriedly, looking left and right at Lin Yan.

"That's right, go back and rest quickly." Wang Youming echoed Shen Yi.

"Don't treat me like a fragile doll. I'm fine. I'm in good health." Lin Yan just received all the knowledge in the heavenly book, feeling very energetic and not tired at all.

They don't think so, Lin Yan has been lying on the bed for two months, it's impossible for nothing to happen, they feel that Lin Yan is holding on.

"Don't be willful, let's go back to the tent to rest first." Wang Youming directly forced Lin Yan inside.

"I really can." He couldn't laugh or cry.

Shen Yi stared at him for a while, his face was rosy, he didn't look like he was recovering from a long illness, on the contrary, he was very healthy, but based on his meager knowledge, the vegetative person was very weak after waking up, and finally, he came to the conclusion that he also felt that it was Lin Rock is talking nonsense.

"Rest well, don't run around."

Lin Yan opened his mouth wide, it's fine if Wang Youming doesn't believe his words, but why even Shen Yi, who also knows medical skills, doesn't believe him.

"Shen Yi, I don't believe you didn't see that everything is fine for me, and I'm not as weak as one or two of you said."

"If you didn't say this, why did you suddenly faint and make Wang Youming and I worry for a long time?"

"I was just too exhausted, fell asleep, and then had a little accident, and I just woke up now." Seeing that the two of them still refused to let him get out of bed, Lin Yan smiled helplessly, but could only answer his question.

"Both Shen Yi and I think you've become a vegetable." Wang Youming said.

"No, I just fell asleep." Lin Yan explained: "Where are we now?"

"On the way to Magic City."

Lin Yan asked suspiciously: "Why did you go to the capital?"

"Isn't it because Wang Youming has great ambitions, he thought you would become a vegetable, and then he said that he wanted to fulfill your wish and take you to the magic capital." Shen Yi said.

Wang Youming felt Lin Yan's gaze cast on his face, and he felt nothing when he said those words when he was unconscious, but now they are confronting each other face to face.

He felt embarrassed, and retorted with a reddish face: "Shen Yi is not the same."

"Think of my good brothers." Lin Yan congratulated sincerely.

"Since you are fine, let's hurry up." Wang Youming left first.

Lin Yan saw that his ears were reddish, smiled and said to Shen Yi who was still standing beside him, "We'll catch up too."

"No, you eat something before you leave. These are some wild fruits that Wang Youming and I picked outside."

"Have you ever eaten?" He took the fruit and asked.

"Wang Youming and I ate on the road, and these are reserved for you."

After Lin Yan got the answer, he stopped hesitating and ate the fruit.

After a while, the three started their journey again. They walked for nearly several hours, during which time Lin Yan was taken care of by other people.

Suddenly, Lin Yan saw a small town in front of him: "Is that a town?"

"Yes." Wang Youming's tone was a little excited. They walked the mountain road for nearly a month, and now they finally reached the civilized world.

Shen Yi was also in a good mood: "We have finally reached a place where there are people."

He saw Lin Yan's puzzled eyes, and Shen Yi added: "When you were still in a coma, Wang Youming and I took you on the mountain road for nearly a month, and you were almost sick. It's not easy to see now." Small town.”

"I see, let's go in quickly." Lin Yan then understood why they were so happy just seeing the town, just like pedestrians in the desert seeing a source of water.

When they came to the town, people looked at the three of them with strange eyes when they saw their dusty appearance.

Lin Yan ignored their eyes and asked the people next to him, "What are we doing now?"

Wang Youming, who originally wanted to take a good stroll, stopped thinking about it when he noticed the strange eyes of the people around him.

"Just find a hotel." He thought about changing his outfit before going out for a walk.

"What about you?" Lin Yan turned to the other side.

"Just do as Wang Youming said, I think you still need to rest." Shen Yi still refused to believe that a person who hasn't woken up for two months will not have any internal injuries, but will be in good spirits.

Lin Yan didn't expect that Shen Yi still didn't believe it, so he smiled helplessly, but still followed the two's ideas to find a hotel.

When they looked at the three-star hotel in front of them, Lin Yan felt that any hotel could be lived in, but the rest of them didn't think so.

"No, let's find another five-star hotel." Wang Youming refused to go in.

Lin Yan didn't think Wang Youming was picky before, so why is he so today.

"You haven't fully recovered yet, if staying in this hotel makes your..."

"Then do you think we can find a five-star hotel in this small town?" Lin Yan interrupted Wang Youming, he was speechless, obviously he had recovered from what he had said so many times, and there was nothing wrong with them alone. Neither of them believed in themselves.

The two were silent.

"I'm very happy that you care so much about me, but under the current conditions we can only live in this hotel."

"That's okay." Wang Youming no longer insisted.

(End of this chapter)

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