Chapter 600

Lin Yan caressed his heart lightly. For some reason, he always had a strange feeling, but he didn't know where to start. Everything around him was the same as in the past, but he always felt something different. Something is wrong.

He leaned against the stone next to him, and began to recall the things he experienced on the promotion day and the people he met. Without exception, almost all the things he could think of were turned in his mind, but unfortunately he still didn't come from among these people. See what clues.

"what happened to you?"

The female ghost came to his side and asked slowly. In the past few days, she could see that something was wrong with Lin Yan. The female ghost had some bad thoughts in her heart, but she didn't say that she just asked what was wrong. , Subconsciously express the state of concern.

"I don't know, but I feel uneasy. You shouldn't have done anything wrong recently, right? I'm wondering if it has something to do with you."

As soon as Lin Yan looked up, he saw the female ghost. At first, he thought that he should not tell him about his affairs, but then he thought that the two of them were also in a cooperative relationship, and the female ghost did not do anything to him. As long as this kind of thing has nothing to do with him , It’s okay to talk about it, so I said what I was flustered and worried about.

"So it's like this. I think you just think about too many unreasonable things in your head, so that such things happen. In the future, you can relax your mind a little bit, and everything can be solved by thinking about it. Many things Often you force yourself to come out, let yourself go and you will find a new and different light."

Lin Yan nodded unconfidently after hearing this, and there were some compliments for the female ghost in his heart.

Since he had known the female ghost for such a long time, this was the first time he heard such philosophical words from her mouth.

"Okay, then follow what you said. I'll relax a little these days and try to clear my mind. I want to see if your method works."

After he said these words, he fell asleep quietly. At this time, the female ghost who had been floating in the air quietly opened her eyes. She did not dare to sleep, and the worry in her heart became even more.

She stared at Lin Yan non-stop, insisting on seeing something, so she sat beside her and guarded her, preventing her from getting hurt. Lin Yan knew nothing about these things, and was still roaming freely in her dreams. .

Gradually in the middle of the night, Lin Yan fell asleep too early and opened his eyes directly, but he found the female ghost sneaking around beside him. He didn't know what kind of ritual was going on. I had some bad guesses, but I was dissuading myself from telling myself that the female ghost is not that kind of person and shouldn't pose a threat to me.

The female ghost's perseverance seemed to be talking to someone there. Lin Yan gave up concentrating and wanted to hear everything clearly with her own ears, but she couldn't hear a word or two vaguely, like killing or taking something. He was a little worried about something, it must have something to do with him.

He was also worried about himself. He brought the female ghost with him. Could it be that he had raised a wolf-hearted person for such a long time and waited for him to kill him? Thinking of this, tears gradually appeared in his eyes. Once, I kept a female ghost by my side for such a long time, only to encounter this kind of thing again.

At this time, he saw the female ghost approaching him with something, he still didn't want to scare the snake, and wanted to continue to think about what the female ghost was going to do, so he stayed there quietly and waited. "

Suddenly the moonlight shone in, and it just happened to shine on the thing held in the female ghost's hand. With the help of the reflected light, Lin Yan could also see that what he was holding in his hand was a dagger, an extremely sharp and radiant dagger .

"This female ghost actually wants to kill me. It's really a conscience that fed the dog and raised a white-eyed wolf for nothing."

"Damn it, I finally let this guy fall into my hands. The ambush these days has finally worked. I'm going to kill you now, old man. Let's see if you still dare to do it."

The female ghost whispered in her mouth, and then the dagger was directly inserted into Lin Yan's body. Lin Yan couldn't wait any longer. When the dagger was still a few centimeters away from him, he jumped and dodged before rolling down. Beside, the female ghost's dagger just hit the air.

"What are you running for? I almost succeeded. Doesn't this make me fall short? I finally fell asleep, but you are still awake."

The female ghost's tone was a bit accusatory, but Lin Yan no longer wanted to care so much at this time. His life was almost gone, and it would be in vain to care so much.

The moment the dagger was inserted into Lin Yan for the second time, the moment Lin Yan was about to dodge again, the female ghost quickly possessed Lin Yan and entered directly into his body.

Lin Yan wanted to drive the other party out, but at this moment, he felt an unprecedented sense of smoothness in his body. The hot and uncomfortable feeling of the past few days also disappeared. Now his body is like Wang Qingquan, It is refreshing.

His eyes were a little dazed. Although he didn't know what happened, he could guess it with just his toes. There must be a female ghost causing trouble.

Maybe it's because the soul was kicked out of the body, and without the favor of the physical body, he could relax a little bit, but things couldn't be so simple.

At this moment.As soon as Lin Yan lowered his head, he saw that the female ghost continued to possess him, and two worms landed quietly on the ground. The big blue flesh worms twisted and twisted on the ground. They looked disgusting and kept spitting thick liquid. Like tentacles, its whiskers cling to the ground next to it, leaving a blue-green color.

"What the hell does this happen?"

Lin Yan returned to his own body after the female ghost kicked the bug out.

He fell in love with the female ghost who came out of his body, and hugged her soul body. At this time, the female ghost was already ethereal under his embrace, and her whole body was transparent and glowing with white light. to be reduced to nothingness.

"What's going on here, don't just open your mouth and don't speak, what did you do when you entered my body? What did you help me?"

After returning to his body, he felt his body become transparent for a while, and he felt nothing in the painful place before, so he asked the female ghost in surprise.

"Cough, cough, cough." The ghost hooked the empty body, coughed a few times, and then tremblingly held Lin Yan's hand and said.

"It's just to repay your kindness. You helped me so much and gave me a body for nothing. I know I can't do anything for you. The reason why you feel uncomfortable these days is because your body was swallowed by those bugs. It happened to me I know from your description, I know that I can't do anything for you, I can only save you in this way, after the rescue, my strength is almost used up, and I should be out of my wits."

(End of this chapter)

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