Chapter 581

Lin Yan was not in a hurry, but just folded his arms, tilted his head, and looked at Wang Chuanqing very calmly.

As if everything in front of him had nothing to do with him, Wang Chuanqing clutched his waist, screaming in pain.

Even Lan Xiaodie, who was standing aside, couldn't help covering her face and turned her head away, feeling a little bit uneasy.

But Wang Chuanqing still screamed heart-piercingly, as if someone owed him a lot of money, looking at his appearance, it was as if thousands of ants were pricking his body.

"Lin Yan, you bastard, why did you want to kill me?"

Wang Chuanqing clutched his wound, shouted in pain, his whole body jumped up and down.

Lin Yan thought it was very funny. He straightened his hair, then looked at Wang Chuanqing calmly, and said, "Hold it now, aren't you very happy to scold me?"

Hearing what Lin Yan said, Wang Chuanqing became even more angry, and he didn't care that he still had a needle in his waist.

The bag on his waist was still bleeding, so he rushed over and hit him in the face with his fist.

But Lin Yan was not so easy to deal with, he turned sideways lightly, and dodged, Wang Chuanqing flew into the air.

He became angry from embarrassment, wiped his face, then looked at you fiercely and said, "Okay, you still dare to hide."

As he spoke, he wanted to grab Lin Yan again.

But what he didn't expect was that before he caught it, he found that the skin on his hand had begun to fester.

He was trembling slightly at that time, and he found that there was no strength in his hands.

Her skin also began to become red and swollen, and then slowly began to fester. In this scene, Wang Chuanqing himself was terrified.

With a straight "ah", he fell to the ground and looked at his hands in disbelief.

Lin Yan stood aside and looked at him calmly, and then said, "The bag on your body has caused the skin on your whole body to die."

Hearing this, Wang Chuanqing still didn't believe it, he looked at his face viciously, thinking that all this was caused by Lin Yan.

I didn't want to make myself feel better, so I made it like this.

But what he didn't expect was that he felt a sharp pain on his face, and he covered his face all of a sudden.

Lan Xiaodie screamed when she saw it, because she saw that Wang Chuanqing's entire face began to fester at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the whole person was like a monster, the skin began to rot and swell.

"Ah! It's terrible."

Lan Xiaodie couldn't help covering her mouth, her big eyes stared in horror.

Looking at Wangchuan Qing in front of him, he saw it. Not only was he frightened, he hurriedly grabbed the mirror and looked at his face carefully.

What he didn't expect was that his face was already rotten, almost half of his face was rotten.

Wang Chuanqing collapsed, he shouted loudly, and then tried hard to scratch his face, trying to restore his face to its original appearance.

However, all he did was in vain, the speed of his skin was very fast.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do about his face, he sat on the ground all of a sudden, his whole body was ashamed.

He looked at his hands, and the skin on his hands had also changed, it was spotty and full of spots.

His face was even more invisible, and then he felt pain all over his body like a fire. Before he could check it, he found that the skin all over his body had also started to rot, like lifeless flesh.

Seeing this scene, Wang Chuanqing was stunned. He quickly knelt down and begged, "Please, help me, can you give me some treatment?"

The cold sweat streaming down his forehead, the originally proud expression turned into a humble pleading, almost kowtow.

However, Lin Yan looked at him indifferently and said nothing, seeing him begging him so.

Lin Yan smiled, and then asked, "Do you still remember how you called me a quack doctor?"

Hearing what Lin Yan said, Wang Chuanqing twitched the corners of his mouth, and then said with some embarrassment, "It's my fault, it's my lack of vision, I shouldn't scold you like this. I beg you, adults don't care about villains, please help me." me."

Hearing this, he stopped laughing, drank tea slowly, and sat in his seat calmly, as if the person kneeling in front of him was an insignificant person.

But Wang Chuanqing himself looked at the rotting state of his body and knew that there was nothing he could do. Now he could only beg Lin Yan, very pitiful.

Kowtowed continuously, begging Lin Yan to help her heal, but Lin Yan ignored him, just drinking tea slowly there.

Wangchuan Qing knocked his head on the ground, making a loud banging sound, but did not receive any response.

Wang Chuanqing's eyes turned red, and he looked at Lin Yan with one eye. At this moment, Father Lan who was standing by the side couldn't bear to look any longer.

He couldn't help but said, "Lin Yan, why don't you help him? Saving one life is worse than building a seven-level pagoda."

After hearing this, Lin Yan glanced at it calmly, twitched the corners of his mouth repeatedly, and asked, "Do you want to continue?"

The meaning in the words was obvious, if Lan's father helped Wang Chuanqing at this time, it would be equivalent to letting Wang Chuanqing continue to fight against the Lan family after he recovered.

Isn't it worth the loss, helping one's enemy to be cured?

Father Lan could really figure it out.Lin Yan thought so, and looked at Father Lan, wanting to see what he was thinking.

Lan's father looked at Lin Yan's expression carefully, and he felt it vaguely.

Lin Yan seemed to have something to say and thought about it carefully.

Could it be?Did Lin Yan mean to kill Wang Chuanqing?

Father Lan didn't dare to imagine such a possibility, he frowned, then looked at Lin Yan, wanting to see what Lin Yan meant.

Lin Yan smiled slightly, and then said, "You begged me to save you, but think about how sarcastic you were at the beginning."

Wang Chuanqing didn't speak, because he had no reason to beg him now after all, so he could only lower his head and watch the skin on his body fester little by little.


Wang Chuanqing rolled on the ground, he felt his whole body aching like burning.

Lan Xiaodie couldn't bear to look at it anymore, he closed his eyes, and then quietly hid in a corner.

Lin Yan looked at Wang Chuanqing in front of him. Although he was suffering now, Lin Yan was determined not to save him now.

"Lin Yan..."

Father Lan seemed to be thinking about something, he hesitated, because he was a little soft-hearted now, but when he thought about what Lin Yan meant, he hesitated.

Lin Yan seemed to see the thoughts and worries in Father Lan's heart, he shook his head slightly, and told Father Lan with his expression.

As long as Wang Chuanqing can die this time, the Lan family and Wang Chuan family will completely cut off contact.

This is undoubtedly a good sign for Lan's father. Lan's father understood the meaning of Lin Yan's expression, he nodded, and made up his mind to leave this matter alone.

(End of this chapter)

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