Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 570 Clearing the Portal

Chapter 570 Clearing the Portal
Everyone collapsed to the ground, seeing their own evil plan exposed, the elder also felt ashamed.

Lin Yan trampled on Lan's father directly, "What are you all waiting for here? There is such a scum in the Lan family, why don't you ask the owner to come and clean up the house?"

Lin Yan yelled at the crowd. In Lin Yan's eyes, these people are also Lan's father's accomplices. As Lan's family, it's fine if they don't work together to fight the enemy. They even negotiated such an evil plan for the Patriarch in private. The means are really disgusting.


The housekeeper at the side faltered and couldn't speak. Father Lan had some status in the Lan family anyway. If they went to file a complaint now, Father Lan turned around when the time came, and these servants might not be able to eat and walk around.

"You still want to help the tyrants do evil? If such people don't get rid of the family as soon as possible, they will stay at home and endanger the family?" Lin Yan was extremely angry.

Now that the two of the Lan family have been controlled by him, they only need someone to report to them. They never expected that these people would be so timid.

"Bah, you don't even look at what you are, but you dare to yell in front of my Lan family, do you think they will obey your arrangement?"

Lan's father struggled hard, but due to the heavy force under Lin Yan's feet, he could not break free from the restraints. Under such circumstances, Lan's father still refused to forgive.

"Damn you, I really thought I was some kind of Lan family elder, don't you see how vicious these dirty things you have done."

Lin Yan slapped him directly, and he didn't need to be polite to the Lan family.

Father Lan's mouth is vicious, so it's no wonder that Lan Hongliang's fate is unlucky. It can be said that his ancestors did not accumulate virtue and repaid these evil virtues to their descendants.

"Lin Yan, you have to die a good death. Do you think that if you become a lackey of the Lan family, the head of the Lan family will really be good to you? You don't even think about what kind of person he is."

Father Lan began to insult Patriarch Lan. In his eyes, Patriarch Lan was no better than shit. Lin Yan and Patriarch Lan were just a nest of snakes and rats mixed together.

Wang Youming, who was on the side, was not idle either. He rushed up again and slapped Lan's father and Lan's mother loudly. He dared to insult his brother in front of him. He really didn't take him seriously.

"You are all prisoners now, what are you still doing here? Do you really think someone will come to rescue you?" Wang Youming sneered.

Father Lan is old anyway, and has experienced many things in the world. He doesn't believe that Father Lan doesn't have the slightest sense of sight.

Although Lin Yan has not yet ascended to the position of Patriarch Lan, it will be a matter of time. Father Lan is talking nonsense here, without thinking carefully about the consequences.

"The Wangchuan family will not let you go, you all wait here for me."

In desperation, Lan's father directly broke the news. Hearing the words 'Wangchuan family', Lin Yan was also very shocked.

The Wang Chuan family is a family of ghost doctors, and they often deal with ghosts and gods, so the world often calls them living hell kings.

The Wangchuan family was located in the magic city, and it was far away from Fengcheng during that period. Lin Yan never thought that Father Lan would cooperate with the Wangchuan family.

Lin Yan looked at Father Lan in surprise, seeing that Lin Yan stopped what he was doing, Father Lan thought Lin Yan was afraid, and became more and more arrogant.

"Don't know that I have a backer now, Lin Yan, I won't let you go easily, I will definitely contact the Wangchuan family to beat you to death."

Father Lan's eyes widened and his fists were clenched tightly. He tried his best to get rid of Lin Yan's restraint, but his strength was too weak, so he was still suppressed by Lin Yan.

Lin Yan didn't pay attention to what Lan's father said. He just kept thinking about the Wangchuan family. At this time, the head of the Lan family also ran in from the door.

The timing of Patriarch Lan's arrival was really coincidental, and he happened to hear about the deal with the Wangchuan family mentioned by Father Lan just now. Patriarch Lan rushed forward and slapped Father Lan several times.

"Fortunately, you are still my Lan family, why do you have contact with the Wangchuan family, what exactly do you want to do?" Lan Patriarch snapped.

He never thought that it would be difficult to defend against family thieves by day and night, in order to draw a clear line with the Wangchuan family.He repeatedly emphasized that no contact with members of the Wangchuan family is allowed. He never expected that Father Lan and his father would dare to reach an agreement with the Wangchuan family in private.

Judging from Father Lan's arrogant tone, I'm afraid that Father Lan and the members of the Wangchuan family have known each other for a long time.

Lan Xiaodie also looked at the two elders of the Lan family in shock.

Normally, they just thought that they didn't do things for the family, but now it seems that they are really moths in the family.

"What right do you have to ask me here? If it wasn't because of your threat, why would we establish contact with the Wangchuan family?"

Father Lan yelled at Patriarch Lan again, and everyone was very surprised when he heard his words. Maybe when did the Patriarch threaten Father Lan?
"Don't open your mouth and shut up and slander others. I have always been an upright person, and I have never oppressed anyone." Patriarch Lan replied unceremoniously.

As a family, he is naturally the leader of the family. If he was narrow-minded, how could he have been the head of the family for many years? This Lan's father was really telling lies in broad daylight.

"You are so hypocritical, why did your father choose you to be the head of the family?"

Regarding the selection of Patriarch back then, Father Lan is still brooding. In his eyes, he is much better than Patriarch Lan.

"Don't change the subject for me here, tell me clearly why you have contact with the Wangchuan family!"

Patriarch Lan grabbed Father Lan's collar tightly and shook Father Lan vigorously.

If he doesn't explain this matter clearly today, he won't let Father Lan go easily.

"Hahaha." Lan's father suddenly sneered, looking very crazy, "You are extremely stingy, even if you want to ask for some cultivation methods, you refuse to give them. In desperation, you will approve other methods later, otherwise you will eventually become a Your caged bird."

Lan's father had no sense of guilt for anything he had done, and even put the blame on the head of the Lan family. In his eyes, it was all because of the stinginess of the head of the Lan family that he was where he was now.

"I'm confused. If the cultivation method can be widely popularized, do you really think I'm not willing to let everyone practice it together?"

Patriarch Lan frantically slapped Father Lan's face, this man was simply unreasonable.I was wholeheartedly thinking about these people, but I never thought that in Father Lan's eyes, I would be such a stingy and despicable person.

"Patriarch, don't talk nonsense with him, deal with him earlier." Lin Yan interjected, he was too lazy to listen to Father Lan's yelling.

The crutch in the hands of Patriarch Lan slammed on the ground, making a loud noise, and the cleaning of the house officially began, and Father Lan and his father were about to be exiled to the frontier.

(End of this chapter)

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