Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 561 Random Doubts and Suspicions

Chapter 561 Random Doubts and Suspicions

The clues were cut off again, and everyone entered into a heated discussion, but the Lan family really had no doubtful candidates, which made people feel very puzzled.

"Some time ago, I remembered that Miss Mo's family came to our house, could it be her..."

The servant put forward his conjecture, upon hearing this, Lin Yan's face changed suddenly.

He never expected that these people would suspect his wife again.

He knows better than anyone what kind of person Mo Yuxuan is, and a scumbag like Lan Hongliang cannot stand in Mo Yuxuan's eyes.

"I advise you to keep your mouth clean and don't talk nonsense here." Lin Yan grabbed the servant's collar and warned sharply.

Even if they doubted him about this matter today, he wouldn't say anything more, but if he put this shit on Mo Yuxuan's head, don't blame him for being rude.

"All of you keep your mouths clean for me, our Yuxuan is not such a dirty and nasty person."

Wang Youming on the side also rushed out to speak for Mo Yuxuan.

Mo Yuxuan has a cold temper, sister Yu, how could she like a villain like Lan Hongliang?
What's more, Lan Hongliang is still having sex with people in the prison cell. Even if there are women who want to sacrifice themselves, no one should have sex with men in such a bad place, except for those who are very despicable.

"Why are you so angry? Could it be that you were hit by what we said and became angry from embarrassment, so that's why?"

The servant talked back to Lin Yan, he already had some dislike for Lin Yan.

Lin Yan, as the son-in-law of the Lan family, has taken away the goddess in many people's hearts, so it's fine if he doesn't cherish Lan Xiaodie, and a wife appeared from other places out of nowhere.

Thinking of this incident, everyone felt that there was a bad breath in their hearts and they couldn't swallow it.

At the beginning, everyone was only polite to Mo Yuxuan on the surface, but in fact they also speculated about Mo Yuxuan's origin in private.

"Mo Yuxuan has stayed at our Lan's house for some time, and I don't know what she has been doing these days. After all, she will not be seen for a long time."

The servants were discussing a lot, and now that the topic has been turned on, many people poured this pot of water on Mo Yuxuan one after another.

There are only a few women in the Lan family's mansion, and the nannies are absolutely impossible to get close to Lan Hongliang because of their low status. Even if these nannies take the initiative to sacrifice themselves, Lan Hongliang may not be able to play to the point of exhaustion.

Only when a woman is beautiful enough can a man rush forward regardless of caring for his body.

Now, looking around, in Nuo Da's Lan Mansion, except for the three women Situ Shuang, Mo Yuxuan, and Lan Xiaodie, no one else has this possibility.

"You people are so funny, just because of the scenes you see in front of you, you come to slander others casually?"

Wang Youming was really angry. If he hadn't come to visit the Lan family this time, he wouldn't have known that his niece would be so unbearable in the eyes of the Lan family.

Since childhood, Mo Yuxuan has always been a goddess-like existence. At school, I don't know how many people sent Mo Yuxuan love letters and chocolates, but Mo Yuxuan dismissed them.

How could a greasy, fat man like Lan Hongliang win Mo Yuxuan's eyes?

When these people spoke like this, they not only insulted Lin Yan, but also insulted Mo Yuxuan.

"You have to act impartially, and you must not cover this person just because this person is a relative of yours."

The people who followed also became a little excited.

Anyway, now we only need to investigate the real culprit behind the junior high school.

Judging from the current situation, all the spearheads were pointed at Mo Yuxuan, and they had to be suspicious.

The attitudes of Lin Yan and Wang Youming also made them feel very uncomfortable.

Mo Yuxuan just had some connection with these two people. Now that the two of them have shirked all the guilt, thinking about it carefully, they feel unfair for Lan Hongliang.

Even though Lan Hongliang did many evils, he was still a member of the Lan family.

The members of the Lan family also don't want Lan Hongliang's death to be unknown. If this matter gets out, where will the Lan family face it?
Wouldn't it be ridiculous for a young master of the Lan family to die because of playing with women?
"I advise you not to speak too much. If Mo Yuxuan really did it, how could the head of the family teach us so much knowledge?"

"Don't keep your stinking mouth open all day long, you man, you have to know that you have to pay a price for anything you say."

"This ungrateful bastard, if I knew it earlier, I would have asked the young master not to pass on the cultivation method of the new inheritance to him, let him continue to practice the bad inheritance, and send him to the Palace of the King of Hell."

Everyone began to blame this person.

Getting along with Lin Yan these days, everyone also changed their views on Lin Yan.

In the minds of everyone, Lin Yan is a very qualified young master, and it is impossible to cover someone at will because of other things.

These days, everything that Lin Yan did in the Lan family was seen and remembered by everyone. Everyone thought that Lin Yan was a very upright and upright gentleman.

Everyone can see the relationship between Lin Yan and Mu Yuxuan. If Mo Yuxuan really did such an unbearable thing, how could Lin Yan be with Mo Yuxuan?This person is really insulting Lin Yan.

"I'm just telling the truth, don't be fooled by lard and deceived by him."

This person is still bold and reckless, and keeps teasing Lin Yan this time.

He thought that these people were all bought by Lin Yan, and they were fascinated by ghosts for a while, so they slandered against him. This fact is right in front of him, why are these people still unwilling to believe it?

"You fucker say one more thing, believe it or not, I will slap you to death, and let you stay here if you have a bad mouth. If I knew it, I would just send you to the temple to light the lamps."

Wang Youming rushed up directly, and was about to slap this person several times after pulling him past.

Lin Yan seemed much more sensible.He directly pulled Wang Youming aside, his eyes signaled Wang Youming not to do anything.

This is really an urgent moment, if they act first, I'm afraid it will lead to misunderstanding by others, they have done nothing wrong, and they are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.

"I'm really disappointed in you. These days, in order to save your lives, I have been thinking about the method of cultivation and inheritance every day. I didn't expect that your conscience is really eaten by dogs."

Lin Yan sneered, now, he is also chilled by this person.

He has paid a lot to the Lan family these days, and he didn't ask for anything in return, but this person inevitably seems too hurtful.

"You are the young master of our Lan family. This is what you should do. It seems like you have done something so important."

This person smiled disapprovingly, but he thought that Lin Yan's efforts were justified.

"I repeat, Yuxuan definitely did not do this. If you think she did it, please show evidence."

Lin Yan repeated his own words word by word, but this person couldn't produce evidence at all.

(End of this chapter)

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