Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 541 See Tricks and Tricks

Chapter 541 See Tricks and Tricks
This God's ability to heal people is not great, but he has a lot of troubles to tear things apart.

When Lin Yan tested the pulse of Patriarch Lan, the genius doctor deliberately interfered with Lin Yan.


The miracle doctor muttered randomly, not knowing what spell he was practicing.

"Are you fucking sick? Do you think you are a lark, an old man in his 50s pretending to be a young carrot?"

Lin Yan spat on the ground, the old man was obviously disrespectful.

"You... why are you swearing like this?" the miracle doctor yelled at Lin Yan angrily.

Lin Yan simply took out two earplugs from his pocket, one on the left and one on the right, and now his ears were clean.

"Patriarch Lan is poisoned. If you want to get him out of danger, you must first seal the toxin in his body."

Lin Yan continued the movements in his hands while muttering about the next steps.

The genius doctor didn't want to let Lin Yan go. Although Lin Yan's ears had been covered, Lin Yan's eyes could still be seen.

"It's incredible, the Lan family's coffin is ready, and our Dr. Lin still wants to show off his skills."

The miraculous doctor wriggled around in front of the coffin, his appearance made it look like the priest and sorceress were indistinguishable.

'Clap clap clap'

Lan Xiaodie rushed over and slapped the genius doctor several times.

"Now that my father is critically ill, you still have the mood to laugh here. Why did you come to my Lan's house?" Lan Xiaodie stared straight at the genius doctor with scarlet eyes.

The miracle doctor smiled embarrassingly, this Lan Xiaodie is the main figure of the Lan family after all, he dare not offend.

"Go to the side and get a pot of hot water." Lin Yan ordered Lan Xiaodie, and Lan Xiaodie hurriedly obeyed.

When Lan Xiaodie came over with a pot of hot water, the miracle doctor deliberately stretched his legs and tripped Lan Xiaodie. On the forehead of the rock.

"Ahahaha, is this a drowned rat?"

Lan Hongliang laughed out loud, Lin Yan's appearance at the moment is really funny.

Lin Yan ignored the two of them, wiped the hot water from his forehead and continued to treat the head of the Lan family.

Although most of this basin of hot water was poured on his own head, a lot of it was also poured on Master Lan's body. Now, Master Lan's body is heating up, the pores of his acupuncture points are opening, and the cells inside are beginning to surge rapidly.

"It's about time."

Lin Yan smiled slightly, and then inserted the silver needles in his hand into different acupuncture points of Patriarch Lan. After a while, Patriarch Lan was pierced like a hedgehog.

"This... Lin Yan, what did you do to my father, he will be fine." Lan Xiaodie looked at Patriarch Lan very worriedly, and then looked at Lin Yan.

She pinned all her hopes on Lin Yan, but seeing her father tied up like this, she couldn't feel at ease.

"Don't get close. Make some space for Master Lan so that he can breathe as clean air as possible."

Lin Yan stopped Lan Xiaodie from coming forward, Lan Xiaodie looked at Patriarch Lan very nervously.

The old man, the miraculous doctor, still refused to admit defeat, and sneaked around behind Lin Yan on purpose, intending to pull out the needle on Master Lan's foot earlier when he was not paying attention tonight.

The genius doctor looked left and right, and Lan Hongliang still gave him a look. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, the genius doctor knelt down and tied his shoelaces on purpose, and his hands had already crept up to Patriarch Lan's feet.

Just when he was about to pull out the needle, he suddenly screamed loudly, "Ah!"

Lan Hongliang was taken aback, "What are you doing, you are making such a fuss and scaring people to death."

"He and I……"

The genius doctor's face was flushed, but he didn't dare to take out his hand.

He was asking for trouble, he really shot himself in the foot just now, when Lin Yan noticed it, the needle was directly stuck on his acupuncture point.

"I advise some people to stop thinking about it, otherwise they won't know who will be stabbed next."

Lin Yan picked up the silver needle in his hand and swiped it on the special silver polishing paper. Under the refraction of the sun, the tip of the silver needle was still shining.

Lan Hongliang was also really a little scared, he didn't want to make this trouble for himself in a while.

Several people stood quietly aside, Lan Hongliang murmured silently in his heart, wishing that Patriarch Lan would ascend to heaven in an accident earlier, so that Lin Yan could not only be charged with a crime, but also his cousin could be taken away. Thinking of such a beautiful picture, I felt Happy.

"My father's expression seems to have improved a lot, and his cheeks have begun to turn rosy." Lan Xiaodie exclaimed in surprise.

Her attention has been on her father, and she can clearly see the changes in his father.

Ever since his father fainted, his father's lips had been in a purple state. But just after the injection, his father's lips immediately turned red, and his cheeks returned to normal color. This scene made Lan Xiaodie Some couldn't believe their eyes.

Lin Yan seemed very calm. After all, he had expected this result a long time ago. If he couldn't bring Patriarch Lan back from the brink of death, why would he do such a move?
"Don't be so excited, Patriarch Lan is out of danger now." Lin Yan comforted Lan Xiaodie.

This person's mood fluctuated too much, and his body would be overwhelmed. He didn't want Lan Xiaodie to faint too.

"What's going on? Get out of the way, quickly."

Lan Hongliang pushed away the person in front of him and quickly went up to check.

Just now, the face of the head of the Lan family was as dark and ugly as that of the thousand-year-old zombie. Why has the color returned to his face now? Is it possible that Lin Yan really has some good skills?

Seeing that many people were looking at Lin Yan with admiration, Lan Hongliang shouted again.

"I understand, this poison must have been administered by him, otherwise how could he have cured the head of the Lan family so quickly."

Lan Hongliang directly pinned Patriarch Lan's fainted shit bowl to Lin Yan, Lin Yan didn't want to be a scapegoat.

"I'm not as capable as someone. Not only do I want to seize the position of Patriarch, but I also want to murder others."

Lin Yan whistled. Anyway, now that Patriarch Lan is out of danger, he doesn't have to worry anymore.

"I warn you, don't talk nonsense here." Lan Hongliang suddenly became nervous.

Although just now, I have imagined the picture of inheriting the position of Patriarch Lan in my mind.

But now that Patriarch Lan is getting better, if Patriarch Lan hears this, how will he gain a foothold in the Lan family in the future?

"Get out of the way, get out of the way quickly."

The genius doctor limped up to Lin Yan, Lan Hongliang didn't know what the hell he was going to do.

To Lin Yan's surprise, the miracle doctor kowtowed to himself several times, "Master, I'm here to be worshiped by my disciple."

The genius doctor knocked his forehead so loudly that Lin Yan was so frightened that he took several steps back.

(End of this chapter)

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