Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 53 Misunderstandings

Chapter 53 Misunderstandings
While Lin Yan and Wang Youming were chatting together, suddenly a person came over and said that Dean Zhang was looking for him and asked him to come over.

So Lin Yan came to the door of the dean's office and knocked on the door.

I heard it, and a person inside said: "Is it Lin Yan? Come in quickly, the door is not closed."

After Lin Yan entered the office, he saw Dean Zhang looking at him excitedly, with uncontrollable excitement on his face.

Dean Zhang took Lin Yan's hand and said, "Lin Yan, I want to tell you some good news. The special drug for heart disease has applied for a patent, and then the state allocated a sum of money to us. I put the money in the bank card inside."

As Dean Zhang said, he walked to the drawer, opened the drawer, took out a bank card, and then handed the bank card to Lin Yan.

Lin Yan is very happy now, because his labor results have been approved and everyone's support. He believes that this sum of money should play its due role and help those who are more in need.

After that, Lin Yan donated the money to the orphanage. Lin Yan wanted to use the money to help more mothers, so that more mothers would no longer worry about money, and they would not be troubled by money when they were treated. After procrastinating again and again, he knew that this part of the money could only be used for temporary needs, but in the future, as long as he got the money, he would definitely donate it to the orphanage to help those poor children.

Lin Yan is here today.The patient was being examined in the ward when suddenly the phone rang. Lin Yan did not look at who was calling and continued to examine the patient before walking out of the ward, hiding in a quiet place, and playing back the call.

It was Dean Zhang who called, and Dean Zhang said he wanted to invite Lin Yan.Participate in the annual doctor's seminar, because this discounted seminar is only held once a year, and all the doctors present are well-known doctors or very experienced doctors in the country.Through the exchange and learning in the seminar, you will definitely gain a lot of knowledge.

Of course, Lin Yan wanted to take a look and meet the well-known figures in the legendary annual scholar seminar, so Lin Yan replied: "Okay, don't worry, I will definitely go there when I have time."

When Dean Zhang heard the phone call, Lin Yan on the other end seemed to be hesitant, so he hurriedly said: "Don't hesitate about this matter, this is only good for you, not bad. It is still very useful to know some doctors and discuss their past experience with them, and you will definitely benefit a lot.”

Seeing that Dean Zhang wanted to go by himself so much, Lin Yan agreed without further delay. Dean Zhang said that he would definitely go.

Dean Zhang was relieved after hearing Lin Yan's words.

He said to Lin Yan: "Just go, just go, there may be something to be discussed at the annual meeting, you'd better prepare some cases or some past experience to share with those seniors."

Lin Yan quickly agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yan called Wang Youming, told him some things about the clinic, and told him the current situation of each patient.

He also said that he was going to leave for a day or two. Lin Yan had already made a task list and handed it to Wang Youming for all the things to be done in the next two days. In addition, for those messy things, we must find more people.If there is any problem, if you really can't solve it, you must call Lin Yan.

Wang Youming quickly said: "Okay, okay, don't worry, you have to show off at this seminar no matter what, I won't call you unless it is absolutely necessary, and besides, you don't have to worry about me being here. Is it? My medical skills are no worse than yours.

When Lin Yan heard Wang Youming say that, he didn't say anything more, but he asked a few more words before leaving.

The king is famous.Impatiently, he told Lin Yan to tell Lin Yan to leave quickly, and he would take good care of him, and assured Lin Yan that when Lin Yan came back, he would give Lin Yan a completely new clinic.

But Lin Yan thought about it again. Wang Youming is also a very famous doctor. Maybe Wang Youming should also participate in this doctor's discussion meeting, so he said to Wang Youming: "You should not do the thing of staying in the clinic. You and Let me go to that seminar with Dean Zhang, there will be many lecturers and many famous doctors, and they will share with us some of their years of medical experience, and we will definitely benefit a lot from it.”

Wang Youming looked at Lin Yan impatiently now, because he had already told Lin Yan that he would stay in the clinic and help Lin Yan take care of the clinic for a few days. Why did he suddenly change his mind now?I don't want to go to the so-called constant discussion meeting, because he thinks that those are just talk on paper, not as accurate as actual experience.

Seeing that Wang Youming was hesitant to make up his mind, Lin Yan continued, "If you don't go, don't regret it. What if some famous doctor takes a fancy to you and takes you as an apprentice? Don't blame me for not reminding you. Besides, through these few days of experience, my medical skills will definitely improve, and you will never catch up with me."

When Wang Youming saw the arrogant smile on Lin Yan's face, he couldn't help but feel a fight in his heart. He couldn't be surpassed by Lin Yan. Although Lin Yan had superb medical skills and was a prodigy studying medicine, he had always been very dissatisfied with Lin Yan in his heart. Convinced, I always think about when I can defeat Lin Yan. This time I go to a seminar, and I must not fall behind Lin Yan.

So Wang Youming agreed, and Lin Yan said he would go too.

Lin Yan laughed wildly in his heart, he knew that Wang Youming had always wanted to compete with him.So I used the aggressive method to stimulate Wang Youming, but I didn't expect Wang Youming to be really fooled.

The second child, Tian Linyan and Wang Youming, followed Dean Zhang to attend the annual doctor's seminar.

On the road, I saw a mother and daughter. The child was kneeling on the ground. There was a large piece of cloth on the ground. Some words were written on the cloth. There were many people around. Lin Yan signaled the driver to stop the car.

Dean Zhang Wang Youming and Lin Yan got out of the car together and walked up to the child kneeling on the ground.There are a lot of words written on the ground, and those thoughts are probably that my daughter is dying of illness, but because my family really can’t get rid of it, and I don’t have money to treat her daughter, so I want to use this method to ask kind people to give me a little so that I can go with my daughter see a doctor.

The child had been kneeling on the ground for an unknown how long, and the mother next to him was lying on the ground, looking very weak.

Lin Yan and Dean Zhang walked over together. It is not difficult to see that the mother is seriously ill. If it is not treated in time, the end of life may be approaching. Lin Yan did not say much and directly felt the pulse of the woman. The children beside him knew it too. Lin Yan was watching from the sidelines as he was saving people.

"How is my mother's illness?" The child's tone was very anxious, and it could be seen that he was a very filial child.

(End of this chapter)

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