Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 529 Cooperation

Chapter 529 Cooperation
"The secrets of the Lan family are so complicated." Lin Yan couldn't help but sigh.

If it wasn't for the scorpion, he wouldn't have been able to see the mysteries in it, and he wouldn't have learned so much all of a sudden.

Unprecedented, out of the question.

Father Lan should also think the same way, perhaps because of this, he was able to get this book smoothly.

So, in a sense, can it be considered that Father Lan recognized him, no matter how difficult the mystery is, it will always be discovered, and it is only a matter of time.

Lin Yan's thoughts were confused, and he didn't know what to do next.

"Hey, have you been stunned by just one book?" Xie Zi said awkwardly.

It didn't see Lin Yan move for a while, it really thought he was asleep.

Lin Yan shook his head lightly, and explained, "I think of a lot of information, and I'm sorting it out."

However, the scorpion managed to distract him a bit.

Thinking of Scorpion's uncontrollable hatred when the Lan family was mentioned, Lin Yan looked at it with probing eyes.

Being stared at directly, Scorpion felt a little uncomfortable and crawled to the side.

Lin Yan's gaze stayed on it, and Scorpion felt a little helpless, "Just say what you want, don't look at me like that."

"Huh?" Lin Yan was puzzled.

As if he understood his thoughts, Xie Zi said, "Your eyes are too straightforward."

When the scorpion clicked, Lin Yan suddenly realized that he really didn't pay attention just now.

Being seen through, he stopped hiding and asked directly, "How do you know these things about the Lan family?"

Lin Yan tried many times to inquire about the Lan family's information, but they released too little information to the public, and couldn't find any useful information at all.

Otherwise, he would not have come to this point.

"It's easy for insiders to inquire about information about the Lan family."

Scorpion said slowly, "The Lan family keeps secrets from the outside world very well, but there is no hindrance to the spread of internal news."

All the big and small decisions of the Lan family are known from the head of the family to the servants.

"So that's the case, no wonder..." Lin Yan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Seeing his appearance, Xiezi said dissatisfiedly, "When will you let me out?"

The smell of the Lan family disturbed it, and it wanted the Lan family to pay the price.

"What did they do to make you hate so much?" Lin Yan was curious.

"Oh, the Lan family, you can do anything."

Hearing Xie Zi's cold snort, Lin Yan seemed to see the disdainful expression behind Xie Zi's back.

It would be crazy if it wasn't a scorpion, he thought to himself.

Lin Yan raised his eyebrows, motioning for Scorpion to continue talking.

"Do you want to ask me how I know this?" Scorpion deliberately pointed out the question in his heart.

Lin Yan couldn't comment, did not respond or refute, and waited for its next step.

"I have followed and been enshrined by the Lan family for generations, until I became like this."

As he talked, Scorpion's mood changed, and the restless factor wanted to riot.

Lin Yan raised the corner of his mouth, "Why don't you escape from Lan's house, after you know."

Regarding the deeds of the scorpion, he wanted to ask a lot of questions, but this time he had the opportunity.

The scorpion that grew up in a dangerous place has many fans.

"Heh." There was another cold snort, and Xiezi recalled the past, "I can't escape."

If it wasn't for meeting Lin Yan, it would still be in Lan's house now.

Lin Yan's thoughts diverged and he got on the bar.

"The Lan family has a lot of contacts, so it's a good strategy to take the opportunity to expose it to others and let them take revenge on the Lan family, isn't it?"

Scorpion wagged his tail, "You are so naive."

Obviously, it doesn't want to continue this topic anymore.

Lin Yan still wanted to ask, "If you don't tell me, how would I know?"

He felt that after meeting the scorpion, many things that he hadn't figured out before, or problems that he had never thought about, came up.

The scorpion didn't reply, and stayed where it was. After waiting for a while, just when Lin Yan thought it wouldn't answer, it made a sound.

"You forgot, my appearance is a scorpion." The scorpion paused and asked back, "How many people in the outside world would listen to a poison of unknown origin?"

What it says is not unreasonable.

Lin Yan really ignored this point.

In this way, Scorpion's mind is much more meticulous than his, and he was impulsive.

"I have a companion who did this before. He was killed directly and lost his life. How can I escape?"

I don't know if it was Lin Yan's illusion, but he heard an emotion called loneliness from its words.

Lin Yan sighed. It is not surprising that scorpions are poisonous in the eyes of the world.

He deliberately changed the subject, "Then, when did the Lan family become like this?"

How to become unscrupulous and treat human life like nothing.

This is also one of the problems that Lin Yan can't figure out.

Such a big family, what have they experienced to have such a big change?Puzzling.

"It's already crooked, it's just that the appearance is well disguised, and no one will notice." Scorpion said.

Its mood has stabilized a lot, and it tells Lin Yan what happened before the Lan family again.

Originally, the scorpion was the holy beast of the Lan family, and was turned into an evil thing in the end, so it narrowly escaped.

When it said this, Lin Yan vaguely remembered that he vaguely saw the imprint of the scorpion on the book that Lan's father gave him, which was almost the same as what the scorpion told.

Thinking about it, Lin Yan took out the book and tried to find that page again.

The book is not thick, and it seems that I am trying to fight against Lin Yan. I looked through it for a long time, but I just couldn't find it.

Scorpion was annoyed by the sound of flipping the book, and stopped him, "Don't look for it, and study it carefully when you have time."

Lin Yan stopped what he was doing, glanced at Scorpion, then at the book spread out in his hand, and compromised.

In the small world, one person and one scorpion were silent.

Lin Yan was still worrying, the matter was much more complicated than he imagined, he just found it tricky.

At this time, Scorpion asked him, "Are you thinking about countermeasures?"

He can't deny it.

"In the end, we have to deal with it. There are some things that cannot be avoided."

Such as Lan Xiaodie, such as evil things.

He knew in his heart that if the Lan family continued to develop, it would do great harm to the whole society. Now that he knew it, he couldn't let such a thing happen no matter what.

Scorpion didn't know what Lin Yan was thinking, so he just said, "I can help you."

It has selfish motives, and it hopes to use Lin Yan's hand to attack the Lan family and vent its hatred for the Lan family.

From this point of view, they can cooperate completely.

Scorpion expresses his thoughts.

"Yes." Lin Yan agreed readily, he was not worried about Scorpion's tricks, because their goals were the same.

"If you want the Lan family, you must master the contents of the book. According to your current status in the Lan family, it is still very difficult." Scorpion helped him analyze the situation.

Lin Yan pursed his lips, "I know, I'm still working hard."

With Lan Xiaodie's help, he is still confident.

He looked down at the book in his hand, and let out a foul breath. Even the scorpion said that the book was very important, and he must study it carefully.

"Facing the Lan family, you have to be careful." Scorpion instructed.

If it is discovered, everything will be in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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