Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 527 Huge Wedding Banquet

Chapter 527 Huge Wedding Banquet
"Uncle, if you have anything else you want to tell me, just say it."

Lin Yan glanced at the person in front of him and then asked, he had just told himself enough of the secrets of the Dolan family, so there must be other things involved. There was absolutely no way he would call him over just because of such a simple matter. .

"You guessed it right, young man, I value you for a reason, and indeed you have lived up to my expectations."

Father Lan patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said trustingly, he just laughed but didn't say anything more.

"Young man, I know what you want, so I leave this book to you. I hope you can make good use of this book and carry forward all the true effects of this book. I believe you can do it. "

In fact, this book has no effect at all, and what he said is just to hope that the people in front of him will pay attention to this book, but in fact, only he himself knows the true effect.

Lin Yan took the book he gave to him, opened it and took a look. The contents inside were all records of the Lan family. These records included all the development of the Lan family and many stories over the years. .

Many people in the Lan family who are recorded in the genealogy are all in this book.

"Uncle, this thing is really too precious. It's not appropriate for you to give it to me."

Lin Yan understood that this should be a test for himself, so he quickly rejected it.

"You think too much, I think it is most appropriate to give this kind of thing to you. Anyway, you have already married my daughter. Since you married my daughter, then these things are what you should get as a son-in-law .”

"One more thing, don't call me uncle. Remember to call me father-in-law and uncle. It seems that the relationship between the two of us is not so easy to call me father-in-law. I think it is more cordial."

What he did was not only probing, but also testing his loyalty. Giving him something was something he had already thought about, but he just wanted to see what kind of performance he would have. If the performance is not good, then it is another matter to continue.

"Since my father-in-law has said so, if I don't take it, it will appear that I am too contrived, then if that is the case, I will take it.

I did not expect my father-in-law to value me so much and recognize me so much. I am also here to sincerely thank my father-in-law for trusting me.

As he spoke, he continued to look through the records. The things written on them seemed quite true, but he was neither a fool nor an idiot. Of course, he could tell at a glance that all the records above were false. How could something be given to oneself so easily?
Although my own goal is related to this, it is a bit too casual to get it easily just by getting married. No one would believe it if I got it so easily. It's dry, and the traces of printing are still a little new.

Although I didn't get what I wanted, I couldn't show any anger on the surface. After all, in the eyes of the other party, I didn't know anything and couldn't see that the key point was to act like him.

"Thank you father-in-law, for giving this thing to me, I will definitely not forget all the expectations you have for me, father-in-law, and keep working hard."

What he said was quite pleasant, and Lan's father was quite satisfied.

"Having obtained the ancient records of our family, you must also carry forward our family well. You are my daughter's son-in-law, and I also believe in my daughter's vision, so I know you will never let me down."

Father Lan's words were very broad and wide-ranging, but it didn't sound like a good thing to his ears. On the contrary, there was a taste of mocking himself. He clearly guessed his own Sima Zhao's heart, but It has not been revealed that it is really meaningless that two people are acting with each other.

But since the so-called father-in-law wants to act, then I, who is the new son-in-law of the father-in-law, should also act with him, and let's see who is the real king in the end.

"Okay, I've told you all the things that need to be told to you. Just wait for the wedding banquet. Don't be anxious. Since you are here at our house, there are many things that our Lan family needs to deal with. You There’s no need for me to worry about so many things anymore, so just be happy and there’s no need to worry about other things.”

Father Lan also noticed that he seemed to be suspicious of something in his heart, so he quickly changed the subject. If the matter he gave him a false record was discovered, then he would not know how to explain it at that time. It would be quite embarrassing for the new son-in-law to expose him.

"Father-in-law, I know. I'll go back and make some preparations. It's really my luck to marry your daughter."

The wedding banquet in their family was so big that it was unbelievable. Lin Yan saw the wedding banquet as soon as he went out. He was a little surprised at the scene. The person I called turned out to be the person I was looking forward to the most.

"Hey, you finally answered the call for you. I heard that you are getting married, and the wedding banquet is very big. Is it true or not?"

Mo Yuxuan had a hint of expectation, maybe what he told her about getting married was a lie just to deceive herself.

But it turns out that this is really his own self-deception.

"Ah, you said about getting married, I did tell you that Lan Xiaodie and I are really going to get married, as for when we will get married, I can show you right now, you can never imagine this at the scene of the wedding banquet What can a wedding banquet look like?"

After Lin Yan finished speaking, he picked up the phone silently, then turned it into the camera mode, and showed Mo Yuxuan the scene of the wedding banquet he was in. Mo Yuxuan in the distance, I was surprised in the camera when I saw it look.

"No, is their business actually so big? It's incredible."

What came into view from the camera was the scene. The scene looked huge, and the accessories placed next to it were all of high value, so she could also judge the Lan family's attitude towards this wedding. How important is the matter, she felt a little sour in her heart, she used to be so in love with each other, but now he is going to marry that woman, she doesn't know whether she should be sad at this time, or should have some other feelings.

"Everything that happened in front of me was so magnificent. Could it be that it was just a simple background cloth that you faked just to show off to me and brag?"

Mo Yuxuan hoped again in his heart, but in return Lin Yan said that everything was true.

(End of this chapter)

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