Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 502 Pretending to Love

Chapter 502 Pretending to Love
Lin Yan being locked up in the cell was really boring. Seeing the guards wandering around in front of him, Lin Yan simply sat cross-legged and chatted with the guards.

"Big brother, when will your lady let me out? Staying here, the way of hospitality is inevitably too bad." Lin Yan expressed his disgust.

There are still many cockroaches and mice crawling in the prison, Lin Yan really doesn't want to stay here any longer.

He always stayed in high-end hotels when he went out. Except for being trapped in a tomb before, and after experiencing a period of hardship, Lin Yan had never stayed in such a harsh place again.

After staying in this cell for a long time and not being able to find out more information, Lin Yan was inevitably a little upset and just wanted to take the opportunity to escape from the cell.

"Who is your big brother? Don't make friends here. You won't know how the Patriarch will punish you for a while." The guard spoke in a very arrogant tone.

Lin Yan was not the only man detained in the cell. People like Lin Yan were rare.

Normally, these men would be frightened when they came in, but Lin Yan was the only one who was still here with a playful smile on his face. He really deserved to be the man brought back by the eldest lady herself.

"Brother, if you let me out today and take me to stabilize my position in Lan's house, maybe you will be promoted." Lin Yan threw a candy bomb.

A soldier who doesn't want to be an officer is not a good soldier.

The guard worked in this dark cell all day, and he must have been depressed.

Lin Yan wanted to give him a little sweet taste, but maybe the guards would really change their minds and let him out after a while.

"Don't brag with me here? The people who were locked up have never been released."

The guard brought out a plate of peanuts and a pig's trotter and started eating and drinking in front of Lin Yan.

Anyway, I was bored today, so having an ignorant and arrogant person like Lin Yan accompany me to brag was quite interesting.

"I'm a good citizen, how can I be locked up in a cell all the time, and your little brother will also be reluctant to bear it."

When Lin Yan mentioned Lan Xiaoding, he deliberately emphasized his tone.

He also hoped that the guard would be more sensible and release himself, the uncle of the Lan family, as soon as possible.

The guard laughed even more when he heard this. People as brazen as Xiang Lin Yan are really rare.

"You're the only one who still wants a sparrow to fly up a branch and turn into a phoenix? Do you think the Lan family's door is so easy to walk in?"

The guard became more and more arrogant at the moment. He had been working in the Lan family for a long time, and he felt that he was dignified. After all, he was considered half of the Lan family when he went out, and people outside had to sell himself a little bit.

"It's really not easy to get in through the gate of the Lan's house. Didn't I squeeze my head and get in here?"

Lin Yan talks nonsense when he sees people, and talks nonsense when he sees ghosts.

Since the guard looked down on him so much, Lin Yan might as well speak louder.

Anyway, the final result depends on Lan Xiaodie's considerations.

Along the way, Lan Xiaodie never did anything to hurt herself after threatening her.

Lin Yan was somewhat narcissistic and thought that Lan Xiaodie was still attracted to him.

"You really think of yourself as a monster, can you really get in if you look at a place and drill in?" The spectator laughed at Lin Yan mercilessly.

There are not many people who dare to speak out like Lin Yan.

Of the ten men who were imprisoned, nine were frightened to death, and one was already so frightened that he lost consciousness.

Xiang Lin Yan is the only one who talks nonsense like Lin Yan.

"Young man, take a gamble and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle. How do you know that Miss Lan is not good at me?" Lin Yan sat cross-legged and chatted with the guard.

Anyway, I don't know when Lan Xiaodie will come to the prison, so it's better to reveal that I like Lan Xiaodie in advance.

At that time, he will use people's gossip psychology to let more people know his feelings for Lan Xiaodie, and it will also be convenient for him to do business in the Lan family.

"You really think our lady is blind. Apart from having a good-looking face, a man like you has something else that can only make a fool of a rich woman."

The guard spit Xingzi on the ground. In front of these officers, he could not speak, but in front of Lin Yan, the guard looked very bossy.

Lin Yan smiled. He didn't know whether the guard's words were praising him or belittling him.

Walking in this era of looking at faces, having a handsome face is equivalent to having an extra key, okay?

Thinking back on the love process between himself and Mo Yuxuan, Lin Yan suddenly felt that his handsome face seemed to have really helped him a lot.

If it weren't for Wang Youming's strong support during this period, he really wouldn't be able to live such a wealthy life.

Thinking about it carefully, what the guard said was indeed correct. It seemed that he was really being taken care of by a rich woman like Mo Yuxuan.

"That's why I came here specifically to marry into the Lan family. Even your family head can't fully accept me, but at least I will always accept you if I come here on my own initiative."

Lin Yan chatted with the guard.

Anyway, let these people believe in their feelings for Lan Xiaodie first.

"Just brag, if everyone could fall into our Lan family, the threshold of the Lan family would have been broken through long ago."

The guard felt more and more that Lin Yan was confused.

Lan Xiaodie was already very beautiful, and the Lan family was also a prestigious clan in Fengcheng. If she could enter the Lan family by simply getting married, wouldn't everyone be rushing to it.

"Don't disbelieve what I said, when your lady arrives, you will naturally know."

Lin Yan is full of confidence in himself, anyway, no matter what the final result is, he will slap his swollen face first to make himself fat.

"cough cough"

Zhu of the Lan family coughed a few times, and the guard hurriedly returned to the ground.

Lin Yan stuck his head out and looked outside.The man in front of him looked very serious. Judging from the emerald green ring on his hand, he should be the head of the Lan family.

"Xiaodie, what's going on? Is everything he said true?"

The head of the Lan family looked at Lan Xiaodie angrily.

Just now, this girl showed that she was unfamiliar with Lin Yan in front of him.

Why now, it seems that these two people have reached the stage of discussing marriage.

"Father has no such thing at all. Don't listen to his nonsense here."

Lan Xiaodie hurriedly explained, then suddenly turned around and glared at Lin Yan fiercely.

"Don't talk nonsense here, these are all unnecessary things."

Lan Xiaodie snapped, she didn't know where Lin Yan's face came from, and she dared to talk nonsense in front of the Lan family.

Lin Yan was not annoyed at all, anyway, he wanted to stay in the Lan family to find out the situation, and now is the time to express his feelings with the head of the Lan family, so he can't easily reveal his flaws.

Lin Yan looked at Lan Xiaodie with a smile, his eyes were really doting.

(End of this chapter)

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