Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 488 Heading to the Suburbs

Chapter 488 Heading to the Suburbs
The equipment was ready, and the three of them drove directly to the suburbs.

Lin Yan was anxious to find out information about General Lan, so he raced like crazy all the way.

Because it was the first time the car was leaving, and Lin Yan didn't do too much maintenance before leaving, the car broke down immediately after driving all the way.

"Look at you, why are you driving so fast? We're not in a hurry to reincarnate. It's fine now, but the car just broke down." Wang Youming accused Lin Yan.

This car was also bought at a high price, and after driving it for a day, something happened directly, which is really painful.

Lin Yan curled his lips. He didn't expect this car to be so unbearable. When he tested the car at the 4s shop, he felt that the car was still in good condition.

"I didn't know that this would happen. If I knew it, I would have slowed down a little bit." Lin Yan spoke in a very gentle tone.

After all, the problem with the car was also caused by his fast driving. Nowadays, it is quite normal for Wang Youming to accuse him. Lin Yan does not want to quarrel with Wang Youming on this matter.

"The purpose of our coming out is to find the Lan family, not for you to drag the car. It's good now, tell me what to do."

Wang Youming leaned directly on the car, staring straight at Lin Yan.

It was pitch black outside, and now they were in the wilderness again, so they would definitely not be able to go back in a while.

"That..." Lin Yan scratched his head in embarrassment. He didn't expect that it would take so long for this trip, and finally he brought his two companions directly to the wilderness and wilderness.

Looking at the surrounding situation, Lin Yan also felt that it was a bit difficult to handle.

In the eyes of this wilderness, it is difficult to find a place to rest. It seems that they can only live in this car tonight.

"How about this, let's rest here for one night, and wait until the car is repaired tomorrow." Lin Yan spoke in a very weak voice, and he was also very worried that his voice would become louder, and Wang Youming would be dissatisfied.

Wang Youming stared straight at Lin Yan, but he didn't speak.

With no other choice, Lin Yan had no choice but to look at Zhu Donghan for help, and he prayed silently in his heart, Zhu Donghan hurriedly stood up and spoke for himself, otherwise tonight, I am afraid that time will be spent coaxing Wang Youming. .

"How about this, let's rest here for one night and forget it. Anyway, in the current situation, even if the car is good, it is impossible to find the Lan's house." Zhu Donghan spoke for Lin Yan.

In Zhu Donghan's mind, Lin Yan is like a god. Now that his male god is in trouble, of course he has to side with the male god.

"Just the two of you are more Buddhist, and you don't want to see what this car looks like." Wang Youming still looked very angry.

Why don't Zhu Donghan and Lin Yan put money in their eyes?

Although he is very rich, there is no need to fiddle with things like this.

This car is also a treasure. For those who love cars, losing the car is equivalent to losing their own lives.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's take a bath in the river first, wash up and rest."

Lin Yan coaxed Wang Youming, stepped forward and pulled Wang Youming to take a bath with him by the river.

He had been driving so hard just now that he was covered in dust. Now that he could finally wash up, Lin Yan didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"I'm not going, I'm going to go with the two of you, maybe something unexpected will happen in a while."

Wang Youming was in a fit of anger, and he ignored Lin Yan's persuasion. Anyway, he didn't want to act with Lin Yan now, he just wanted to be alone.

"Zhu Donghan, do you want to take a bath together?" Seeing that Wang Youming could not be persuaded, Lin Yan also hoped to go to Zhu Donghan's side. It would be good to have a companion to go there together.

Zhu Donghan shook his head, in this wilderness, he didn't want to jump into the river to take a bath.

The crocodile incident last time had left him with a psychological shadow. Now, he would rather sleep with his body dirty than try to get clean for a while, and then encounter danger again.

"Lin Yan, look at it's pitch black. I don't think you should go to take a shower. At worst, you can go to the hotel to wash up after you get back." Zhu Donghan persuaded.

He didn't want Lin Yan to jump into the river. Lin Yan already had a wound on his chest. If the water in the river was not clean, what would happen if he got infected soon?

"It's okay, don't worry. Since none of you are willing to go, I will go there alone."

Lin Yan casually picked up a pack of tissues in the car, turned around and headed for the river.

Zhu Donghan looked at Lin Yan very worriedly, seeing Lin Yan slowly falling into the river, he was relieved.

The river was icy cold, and now it was midnight, Lin Yan felt shivering as soon as he went down.

Fortunately, Lin Yan's physical fitness is very good, and he quickly adapted to the temperature of the river.

Lin Yan swam around in the river, cleaning the dust off his body.

When he was relaxing, he suddenly saw an animal moving back and forth in front of the river.

Lin Yan was shocked, and hurried to swim up the river bank.

Because of his violent movements, the wound on his chest was torn open again, blood flowed into the river, and the smell of blood came all of a sudden, the crocodile couldn't hold back any longer, and directly rushed to bite Lin Yan.

With the experience of dealing with the crocodile last time, Lin Yan seemed much more relaxed when he killed the crocodile this time.

Lin Yan easily dealt with the crocodile without any effort.

Driving all the way here, I haven't eaten much, and now my stomach is growling with hunger.

Looking at the crocodile's body, Lin Yan found a way to drag the crocodile directly to Wang Youming and Zhu Donghan.

The two were also very surprised, but they were relieved when they saw that the crocodile hadn't moved for a long time.

"Lin Yan, when did you get such a big crocodile? The situation just now was too dangerous, why didn't you shout!"

Zhu Donghan pulled Lin Yan around in front of him, and he was relieved when he saw that Lin Yan had no wounds on his body.

"They're all big men. This trivial matter is nothing. Now I'm so hungry, let's quickly roast and eat this crocodile."

Lin Yan began to collect firewood, Zhu Donghan and Wang Youming hurriedly helped to dispose of the crocodile's body.

Although there are not many seasonings around now, the taste of this crocodile meat is really good,

Under the burning of the fire, the crocodile skin is charred and tender, and I feel very satisfied after one bite.

"Okay, it's time to call the maintenance man to come and fix the car for us."

After eating and drinking, Lin Yan patted his hands clean, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the maintenance worker.

But because it was too late, they could only come over tomorrow to help with repairs.

(End of this chapter)

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