Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 481 to the inn

Back to the inn
On the way back, Liang Yiqing was chattering non-stop, Lin Yan only felt that his ears were noisy, but he didn't say much.

Walking around outside, after experiencing so many things, Lin Yan just wants to be quiet now, and doesn't want to say anything.

"Father~ we are back."

As soon as she walked to the door of the inn, Liang Yiqing yelled loudly. It could be said that she heard his voice before she saw him.

Liang Zhengang and Liang Heng who were sitting in front of the tea table looked very bad.

These days, they also lost contact with Lin Yan, and they were very worried about Lin Yan's safety.

Facing Liang Yiqing's loud shouting, the two of them ignored it. Liang Yiqing was a carefree girl, and they didn't know what she was causing trouble.

Seeing that her father and elder brother hadn't come out to greet her for a long time, Liang Yiqing was so angry that she forced Lin Yan to rush in.

"The two of you have been clamoring all day to find Lin Yan. Now that Lin Yan is back, why don't you come out to greet him?" Liang Yiqing reprimanded.

Now she is angry, regardless of whether the person in front of her is her father or her elder brother, she will be the same.

"What, Lin Yan is back!" Liang Zhengang was shocked and hurriedly got up, looking at Lin Yan in front of him, Liang Zhengang was extremely happy.

Liang Zhengang quickly pulled Lin Yan aside to talk.

"Lin Yan, where have you been these days? We have been looking for you for a long time but haven't heard from you." Liang Heng also rushed over.

It's been a long time since they saw each other, but now seeing Lin Yan, both father and son are very excited.

"What I have experienced these days is a long story, so why not sit down and talk slowly." Lin Yan poured himself a cup of tea, and then filled it with the Liang family.

Good guy, I've been wandering outside these days, I really don't have the time to drink saliva, I just feel much more comfortable after drinking this warm tea.

"I met the priests at the entrance of the village, and I was pestered by them for a long time before I ran away." Lin Yan gritted his teeth.

When he mentioned the sacrifice, he felt a little angry when he thought about it now. If those ignorant villagers hadn't been chasing them, why would they have encountered a female ghost.

"Oh my god, you guys also met the priests, and so did we." Liang Heng was even more surprised.

I thought that Lin Yan was lost, but I didn't expect to encounter the same thing as them. In order to avoid the sacrifice of this group of people, they also tossed for a long time.

"The villagers are ignorant and ignorant. Under the coaxing of the priestess, they don't take human life seriously."

Lin Yan let out a long sigh. He couldn't understand what kind of charm that priestess had, that she could seduce a whole village into being driven by her.

Judging from the current developments in the market, this priestess is no different from the MLM organization, fooling the simple-minded villagers with well-developed limbs.

"These villagers are really going too far. They have been clamoring for us to be sacrificed. Fortunately, my father is quick and able to take us out of this catastrophe."

When Liang Heng said this, he didn't forget to look at Liang Zhengang. Now he admired his father even more.

"By the way, where have you been staying these days, why have you never shown up?" Liang Zhengang asked.

According to the wisdom of Lin Yan and Zhu Donghan, it should be very easy to avoid the attacks of these villagers, but these two people have not shown up yet, which always makes people feel a little strange.

"I was expelled by the villagers and jumped into Hanoi. On the way, I met all kinds of beasts, and then I met a female ghost, and I got entangled with her."

Zhu Donghan rushed to answer from the side.

The incident of the female ghost completely refreshed his horizons and made Zhu Donghan feel more in awe of the gods.

"What? Don't scare me. It's broad daylight. Could it be that there is a ghost?" Liang Yiqing yelled loudly and slipped into Lin Yan's embrace.

Looking at the crazy woman in his arms, Lin Yan completely lost his temper, stood up abruptly, and pushed Liang Yiqing aside.

"I'm really tired now, don't bother me, okay?" Lin Yan suppressed the anger in his heart as much as possible.

He also didn't want to lose his temper with Liang Yiqing in front of the Liang family.

"Yiqing, step aside quickly." Liang Yiqing snapped.

Now is the time to talk about serious business, there is no time for Liang Yiqing to talk about the love between her children here.

"I just don't." Liang Yiqing was shameless and insisted on relying on Lin Yan. Everyone had nothing to do with her and could only let her go.

"We came to the inn after we got rid of the pursuit of the villagers. We have been waiting here for your news, just because we are afraid that you will not be able to contact us when you get back."

Liang Zhengang took the initiative to tell Lin Yan their arrangements for the past few days. After all, we still have a long way to go to walk together. It would be much more convenient to know more about each other's situation.

"Patriarch, I believe you will be very surprised when you see what I brought back to you this time."

Lin Yan took out the peerless treasure grass from the storage bag.

Under the nourishment of the storage bag, this peerless treasure grass is also very fresh.

Although it is not as bright as at night, it is still fluorescent all over, which makes people feel extraordinary when looking at it.


Liang Zhengang's voice trembled, and he took the peerless treasure grass with trembling hands.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yan really fulfilled his wish and brought the treasure over.

Liang Heng also hurried forward to inspect the peerless treasure grass.

This peerless treasure grass is really rare, ordinary people can't find it.

According to the old saying, if you want to obtain this peerless treasure grass, you have to rely on fate on the one hand, and luck on the other hand. I didn't expect Lin Yan to be able to get the treasure grass so easily because he has everything.

"With precious grass, I believe that the troubles of your Liang family will be solved soon, Patriarch, you can take them all."

Lin Yan was very generous and directly donated all these precious herbs to Liang Zhengang.

For me, although these precious herbs can play a big role in future treatment, if I think about it carefully, for the Liang family, these precious herbs seem to be of greater use.

Lin Yan was not greedy. His purpose of going out to search for treasures this time was also for the Liang family.

"Lin Yan, thank you very much. Without you, our Liang family would not know how to get through this disaster."

Liang Zhengang looked at Lin Yan gratefully, and after he finished speaking, he dragged the Liang family to kneel down in front of Lin Yan. Fortunately, Lin Yan reacted quickly and helped Liang Zhengang up.

"Patriarch, this is unacceptable. You have given me such a big gift, and I will lose my life."

Lin Yan looked at Liang Zhengang with a smile.

It is also God's arrangement to give something that is obtained by chance to someone who is destined.

Seeing that Liang Zhengang still wanted to say something, Lin Yan simply said that he was going back to his room to rest.

He disliked these sensational pictures the most.

The Liang family nodded in agreement, and Lin Yan suddenly heard screams while passing by the living room.

"Why are you still alive? Why are you able to come back alive?"

Situ Shuang pointed at Lin Yan and yelled, his whole state was very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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