Chapter 454
There is still a distance from Xuchang Town, probably because the Jedi Treasure Grass was not found, everyone seemed a little disappointed.

Lin Yan didn't think so. Although the Jedi treasure grass was useful to him, it was not indispensable. Moreover, if he found it, he would definitely share it with the Liang family.

When everyone arrived at Xuchang Town, it was already the night of the second day.The Liang family can be considered generous and directly arranged to stay in the hotel.

After all, everyone was looking for the dust all over the mountain in the past few days, and they were really tired and dirty.

Perhaps to show that he was close to the leaders of the Liang family, he even specially booked a private room in the hotel for everyone to have dinner together in the evening.

Situ Shuang became a problem. You must know that you can't lock up such a woman in the town in full view, but what is surprising is that when she came to the town, she was locked in the car, but she didn't yell. Quiet as if nothing happened.

But to be on the safe side, the Liang family arranged for people to lock it in the room and let people watch it inside.

Lin Yan watched Situ Shuang locked into the room, and then said to the two gatekeepers: "She is a woman, you two, don't do anything out of the ordinary."

Although the words were straightforward, the Liang family understood what they meant, and the two nodded quickly. They did not dare to offend the master in front of them.

In the reserved private room, all the signature dishes in the restaurant were ordered, but Lin Yan felt that there was nothing special about it.

Probably because of the extravagant spending of the Liang family, the owner of this hotel even came here to serve them meals in person.

"Are you guys also here to participate in the market in our Xuchang Town?" The boss was obviously very enthusiastic.

"I've heard about this market. It's said that people from all regions come here to sell their treasures. It's quite prosperous, but that's not why we came here." Liang Yixin said.

She is young and beautiful, looks elegant, and the boss is willing to talk to her.

"I didn't come here for this purpose. Is it for tourism or passing through this place? If you guys come to travel, I also have good places to recommend to you, but don't get me wrong, the places recommended are all fun. As for you. Consumption has nothing to do with me."

"We still have the keys, so how can we have time to play? The boss is joking." Liang Yixin gave the boss who was not too old a wink while talking.

The two chatted for a few more words, and the boss introduced some special dishes before leaving.

After a while, the waiter brought it, and the dessert was said to be for Ms. Liang on the table.

Liang Yixin was rather proud that a person like herself would be praised wherever she went, but Lin Yan treated her like nothing, which made her a little annoyed.

"If we talk about it seriously, we can actually participate in this collection of treasures in Xuchang Town, but it's a pity that this matter conflicts with our itinerary." Liang Zeyu, the second uncle of the Liang family, said.

Now that things are imminent, if you waste more time here, the chances of getting the Jedi Treasure Grass may be less.

Lin Yan frowned: "It's true that there is some conflict with the itinerary, but I was wondering if you can go first, I do have some things that I need to buy here."

It's not that he deliberately drags others down, it's just that in his opinion, precious grass is not that important to him.

Everyone looked at each other, they had other uses for following Lin Yan.

And who knows if it's because Lin Yan has made some new discoveries and wants to throw them off and take the results all by himself.

After a little hesitation, the person in charge of the Liang family smiled and said: "If you talk about it in detail, it's not too much delay. If there is any delay in the three to five days, it's better to go together."

Lin Yan knew what was going on in their hearts and Xiao Jiujiu didn't mind it at all, the relationship between them was not stable.Doubting would save a lot of trouble.

"And there are mountains around here, so it's not impossible for the treasure to grow in the mountains."

When everyone came to Xuchang Town, they investigated the geographical environment of the place. Most of them were rolling mountains.

The mountain peaks are towering, straight into the sky, and the climate is changeable. Although a large part of the environment where the Jedi treasure grass grows has high temperature requirements, but in such a vast land with abundant resources, who can guarantee that there is no sunny place that is suitable for the growth of the Jedi treasure grass?
"Then it won't be a waste of time. When I go shopping, you can just look for the Jedi Treasure Grass." Lin Yan said.

"If you really want to find precious grasses, I have a suggestion that everyone should not set foot here." Second Uncle Liang said nervously.


"There is a place in Xuchang Town called Heilong Mountain. Don't look at the name of Heilong Mountain, but the steep terrain is also a famous deep mountain and old forest. In detail, there are mountain peaks around Xuchang Town. Only this Black Dragon Mountain doesn’t have it.”

This made Lin Yan a little curious: "Why?"

"Someone was ordered to go in, but no one was ordered to come out alive." The second uncle smiled: "Heilongshan is a place that is famous for eating people without spit out bones. We all know that place is uncivilized. I don't know how many baby bumps there are, but you look at it over the years, no matter how well prepared you are."

"As long as you go deep into the mountains, no one can come back alive."

Then this mountain is too evil, is it possible that this mountain can also eat people?
Lin Yan thought it was funny, but he also knew that this was definitely not groundless. Logically speaking, such a place is actually easier to gather treasures. No wonder some people ignored the death of their predecessors and followed one after another.

Everyone at the table, look at me, and let me see that you have your own little Jiujiu in your heart.

There are indeed treasures in this mountain, but life is also very precious. Even if there is a treasured grass, what can I do if I don’t have my life to bring it out?

"I just heard some people discussing Black Dragon Mountain?" The boss walked in again carrying his own special dishes.

What he said may not be so convincing, but if it were told by local people, it should be convincing. The second uncle of the Liang family smiled and said to the boss: "That's right, we are discussing this Black Dragon Mountain .”

After confirming, the boss quickly waved his hand: "I can't go, I can't go, I can't go to that place."

"Let me tell you, among other things, a couple of people who claimed to be an expedition team went in with particularly good equipment a few days ago. It has been about 20 days and there has been no news."

While talking, the boss put the dishes he was carrying on the table.

"Everyone around knows that they dare not arrange a search and rescue team outside." The boss looked nervous, making this matter mysterious.

(End of this chapter)

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