Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 451 Capture?

Chapter 451 Capture?

However, although Situ Shuang was very scared, he still acted very stubbornly. He had no intention of answering Lin Yan's question at all, and obviously planned to carry it to the end.

Seeing Situ Shuang's stubborn appearance, Lin Yan was not angry, because he had already prepared himself. After all, Situ Shuang looked like a well-trained person, and it was not easy to compromise, so Lin Yan was not disappointed. So he decided to give up when he saw that Situ Shuang couldn't be intimidated by this move.

However, he did not let Situ Shuang go. After all, although Situ Shuang is still a hostage to him now, even if he is unwilling to say who ordered him, Lin Yan believes that he will say it sooner or later. After all, his own means There are too many, he has plenty of time to spend with him.

Of course, now is not the time to think about this, because there are traces of the Jedi treasure grass nearby, so Lin Yan immediately decided to search for it, so he immediately left Situ Shuang here, and he went to find the Jedi treasure grass alone .

However, after searching for a while, he found no trace of the Jedi treasure grass, which made Lin Yan a little disappointed. However, he quickly calmed down and hunted some prey, intending to take it back to treat his stomach. However, Lin Yan After Yan finished all this, when he returned to his original position, he found that Situ Shuang had disappeared.

When he found that Situ Shuang had disappeared, Lin Yan was a little surprised. Could it be that Situ Shuang was taken away by someone behind him?

But the place he chose is very remote, and most people can't find it at all, and he hasn't been away for a long time. Even if the people behind Situ Shuang find that Situ Shuang has been exposed, they can't take him away so quickly. Here, Lin Yan felt a little strange.

"Forget it, don't think about it, Situ Shuang should not be far away, if I go after him, I should be able to catch up with him."

Then just when Lin Yan was going to track down Situ Shuang, Patriarch Liang brought a group of people over and surrounded Lin Yan.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Patriarch Liang, Lin Yan raised his eyebrows without showing any panic.

The reason why people are so calm is naturally emboldened, but they don't know in the real picture, he is a gentleman who follows the Liang family master, and looks at you with gloating eyes, and he also looks like he is dead After holding on to more than 10 pairs of eyes, Lin Yan felt a little funny, this woman is really healed, her scars have forgotten the pain, and she still wants to deal with him at this time, does he really think that Patriarch Liang is here for him? On that side?
While Lin Yan felt amused in his heart, he didn't expose Situ Shuang immediately, but asked leisurely, "Patriarch Liang, what are you doing? I have already left the Liang family, why are you still following me here? You took Situ Shuang away, you wronged him before, and now you take him away from me, what is your intention?"

Hearing Lin Yan's words, Patriarch Liang was stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to ask, he saw Lin Yan winking at him, so Patriarch Liang immediately stopped the question from his lips and said: " Lin Yan, do you still want to deceive us at this time? Situ Shuang said everything, you colluded with him, wanted to frame Liang Yijin, and drive a wedge between our Liang family, you have committed a heinous crime!"

Hearing Patriarch Liang questioning Lin Yan, Situ Shuang who was following behind him suddenly showed a triumphant expression, and mouthed to Lin Yan: You are dead!

Seeing Situ Shuang's actions, Lin Yan felt even more amused. Of course, he didn't show it, but asked following Patriarch Liang's words: "Did he tell you that? I colluded with him to frame Liang Yiqian, and this What good does it do me?"

"Of course there are benefits. Don't think that I don't know your identity. You are the Situ family's spy in the Liang family. You deliberately seduced Ms. Liang in order to disturb the Liang family's peace. Fortunately, I have never been used to Situ's family. You made a fool of yourself and escaped from Situ's house. This is the chance to expose your evil deeds. Lin Yan, you'd better catch him without a fight. I've already told Patriarch Liang about everything you've done. You can't escape today! "

Before the head of the Liang family said anything, Situ Shuang on the side couldn't wait to throw dirty water on Lin Yan.

After Lin Yan heard Situ Shuang's words, he immediately felt a little funny. This woman is really vicious enough. In order to get revenge on him, she actually made up such a lie to frame him, but she is still a little too simple.

He thought that if such a flawed statement, would Patriarch Liang believe it?If it wasn't for cooperating with him, Patriarch Liang would have exposed him long ago. Thinking of this, Lin Yan smiled and shook his head, looking at Situ Shuang with pity.

"Situ Shuang, you are too simple. Do you think that if you make such a lie, claiming that you are a servant of the Situ family who has abandoned the dark and turned to the light, the head of the Liang family will believe you? It is ridiculous, and your words are too exaggerated." It's full of loopholes, can anyone from a big family like the Situ family escape? Do you think this kind of lying to children can win the trust of Patriarch Liang? You are too naive!"

Lin Yan shook his head when he said this, he was a little too lazy to expose Situ Shuang, after all, his words were full of loopholes, even if he hadn't noticed something wrong with him before, I believe Patriarch Liang would have doubts.

But at this time, Lin Yan had doubts about Situ Shuang's identity, because Situ Shuang's simple personality didn't look like the kind of undercover agent who had gone through too many things at first glance, but looked like a What kind of rich young lady escaped from a big family, otherwise, how could she make up such a flawed lie?But anyone with a little bit of experience would not say such things.

Thinking of this, Lin Yan wondered if he had guessed the wrong direction. This Situ Shuang was not a spy sent by some force, but a young lady who escaped from a big family?

Thinking of this, Lin Yan had some vague guesses in his mind. After all, judging from the news he had received so far, it seemed that a rich lady had escaped from a big family. It seemed to be the Situ family, and his name was Situ Shuang. Could it be that this Could it be Miss Situ who escaped from Situ's house?

Then, after hearing Lin Yan's words, Situ Shuang felt that he was provoking herself, and immediately said angrily: "Lin Yan, you have reached this point, and you are still so stubborn. If Master Liang doesn't believe me, how can you follow me?" Did I come here together to capture you? Do you think you can escape today? If you make an apology to me immediately, I can say something nice for you in front of Patriarch Liang."

(End of this chapter)

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