Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 449 Exposure

Chapter 449 Exposure
"Of course not. Since you don't like the Liang family, then I don't like the Liang family either. Let's go together."

Seeing Situ Shuang being so obedient, Lin Yan felt very satisfied, so he said, "That's good, let's set off."

However, while they were talking about setting off, in fact, Lin Yan had been teasing Situ Shuang, acting very inappropriately. He obviously had other intentions for Situ Shuang. Although he talked verbally at first, he started to make moves later.

Situ Shuang naturally felt it, but it was not far from Liang's house, so it was difficult for him to show resistance, so he could only show a shy face, pretending to be shy and avoiding Lin Yan's touch.

"Lin Yan, you...are we going too fast? We are still on the street."

Hearing what Situ Shuang said, Lin Yan smiled and said, "You're right, there are indeed a lot of people here, how about we go to a remote place?"

"Okay, then let's go to a more remote place!"

Hearing Lin Yan's proposal, Situ Shuang's eyes lit up, and he did not refuse. Instead, he pretended to be shy and led Lin Yan to a place far away from Liang's house.

Of course, Situ Shuang was pretending to be shy on the surface, but there was a cold light in his eyes. He was obviously very unhappy with Lin Yan's wretched behavior. The Liang family was too close, so Situ Shuang had to pretend.

It happened that Lin Yan proposed to go to a remote place, so Situ Shuang used his plan and took him directly to a place far away from the Liang family, so that even if he was exposed, he would not be discovered by the Liang family. His purpose was to trick Lin Yan out of the Liang family, no matter what means he used, as long as he succeeded.

On the other side, Lin Yan also pretended not to notice Situ Shuang's intentions, and obediently followed him.

Of course, Lin Yan did not let go of Situ Shuang along the way. He kept trying to disgust Situ Shuang with trash talk. After all, although Situ Shuang used such enjoyable means to alienate his relationship with the Liang family, Lin Yan naturally could not It will make him feel better.

"Situ Shuang, I know you like me. Actually, I like you quite a bit. Why don't we just stay together? It just so happens that we have left the Liang family and don't need to worry about other things. What do you think?"

Before, Situ Shuang had endured it, and even pretended to respond shyly in order to cheat Lin Yan's trust. However, after arriving at the destination, Situ Shuang suddenly changed when he heard Lin Yan's words. turned pale.

"Lin Yan, don't take a piss to see who you are. Can my aunt think of you? If I didn't take care of the Liang family, why would I sacrifice myself like this?"

At this time, Situ Shuang, who had been acting shy and pleasant all the time, turned into a vicious woman in an instant, and when he looked at Lin Yan, he was full of disdain and contempt, obviously he was very fond of Lin Yan. Look down on.

However, regarding Situ Shuang's sudden change, Lin Yan did not show any surprise. Instead, he smiled and said, "What? Miss Situ, have you finally stopped pretending? I thought you could keep on acting." , but fortunately you can't continue acting, and I'm about to die of nausea."

Hearing Lin Yan's words, Situ Shuang's face changed greatly: "What do you mean? Did you know this all along? Why did you break with the Liang family before?"

"If I don't perform this scene in front of you, how can you show your feet? And in order to get you hooked, Ms. Liang has to be wronged."

When Lin Yan said this, there was a look of guilt in his eyes, but when he looked at Situ Shuang, his eyes were full of coldness, obviously he was not deceived by Situ Shuang's previous words.

Hearing this, Situ Shuang also knew that he had been duped, but he really couldn't figure out where he had exposed his vest. After all, he had been disguised very well before, and it should be impossible for Lin Yan and the others to notice it. Then why did Lin Yan Will they be able to discover that they are in disguise?
Situ Shuang was completely puzzled, but now is not the time to think about these things, but how to get through the immediate crisis. Since Lin Yan knows that he is pretending, then he will definitely not follow him out alone.

There must be members of the Liang family lurking in the dark nearby. In order to save his life, Situ Shuang felt that he had to find a way to protect himself as soon as possible, and the best way was to win Lin Yan's trust again.

Situ Shuang has always been very confident in his camouflage skills, and the reason why he didn't expose it this time, Situ Shuang felt that it should not be his fault, it was just a little useless, and it caused him to be exposed in advance, and his previous disguise must have not question, so it was not impossible for him to win Lin Yan's trust again.

Thinking of this, Situ Shuang suddenly made a decision.

"Lin Yan, you actually misunderstood me. The reason I said that before was because I wanted you to return to the Liang family. After all, I don't want you to break with the Liang family because of my affairs. You must believe me!"

Then at this time, Lin Yan would definitely not believe Situ Shuang. After all, the look that Situ Shuang showed before made Lin Yan completely lose the idea of ​​trusting him. After all, he didn't look like he was pretending , but reveal the truth.

Apparently Situ Shuang really didn't like him, just to win his trust, he deliberately pretended to like him and approached him, but Lin Yan didn't notice it before, now that he has noticed it, how could he trust Situ Shuang again What's more, he already has someone he likes, so he will not be tempted by Situ Shuang, so Lin Yan is not at all moved by Situ Shuang's acting like a baby.

"Okay, stop talking so much nonsense, if you want me to believe you, I will believe you if you tie yourself up."


After all, Situ Shuang didn't really like Lin Yan, so how could he tie himself up with just one word from him? After all, if he wasn't bound, he still had the power to fight back, but once he tied himself up, he would be completely People are Daozu, I am fish, so Situ Shuang hesitated for a while, and did not accept Lin Yan's proposal, but planned to take advantage of Lin Yan's unpreparedness and attack him!

Lin Yan had already noticed Situ Shuang's thoughts, so before Situ Shuang made a move, Lin Yan restrained him first, and took out a rope from his body as if by a magic trick, and directly slapped Situ Shuang Situ Shuang, who was trying to struggle, was tied up. His way of tying people was very professional, so Situ Shuang couldn't struggle at all. After a while, Lin Yan tied him into a rice dumpling.

After realizing that he was tied up by Lin Yan, Situ Shuang's eyes widened in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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