Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 421 Accidents

Chapter 421 Accidents
They were short on time and set off soon.

Not all roads are asphalt roads. After a long road in the city, the car is driving in the desert.

Looking out from the car window, there are no houses, and there are only a few trees.

The road was not easy. Lin Yan had thought about this earlier, and specially asked them to change to an off-road vehicle when they set off. However, the car drove very fast and was very bumpy.

Sitting in the car for a long time will feel very uncomfortable.

Lin Yan looked sideways at the changing scenery outside the window, pursed his lips tightly, and his eyes were unfocused, not knowing what he was thinking.

The car was not quiet.

Liang Yiqing sat next to Lin Yan, talking non-stop, and asked after a while, "Lin Yan, can you show me the map?"

After a while, she poked Lin Yan, "Lin Yan, I want to drink water."

Bored, she played with her hair, a little listless.

Lin Yan noticed her movement and breathed a sigh of relief. Just when she was about to feel that she had finally calmed down in her heart, she spoke again, "Lin Yan, how long is it?"

In fact, he didn't reply to Liang Yiqing, he maintained his posture of looking at the scenery outside the window, pretending that he didn't listen to her.

However, she persisted in talking to Lin Yan, and the brother sitting in the co-pilot seat couldn't stand it any longer, and replied a few words from time to time.

About an hour later, Lin Yan stood up, and the scene outside the window had changed a lot.

It is a concrete road, with low bungalows on both sides of the road, and few people walk on the road.

Where is this?
Lin Yan frowned, didn't think about it, and simply took the map to look at it.

Next to him, Liang Yiqing was enduring the torment of the bumpy road, she couldn't stand it, she covered her stomach with her hands, her lips were pale, she was about to fall asleep, when she suddenly saw Lin Yan's movements, she braced herself up.

After a while, she regained some energy, saw the map in his hand, and subconsciously said, "Lin Yan, you are looking at the map, where are we going next?"

Lin Yan was looking at the map, serious and focused.

Liang Yiqing moved closer to him, and leaned over to have a look.

Noticing her actions, Lin Yan frowned slightly, but he didn't stop him. He even slightly adjusted the angle of holding the map so that she could see clearly and be considerate just right.

His voice was calm, but he didn't answer Liang Yiqing's question directly, "You will know when we arrive."

It doesn't matter whether Liang Yiqing knows where the destination is or not.

I still wanted to ask something, but after hearing what he said, I was discouraged and curled my lips, "That's it, I understand."

After a pause, she asked, "How long will we be there?"

He complained like he was venting, but it was more like talking to himself, "I've been walking on the road for so long and no one talks to me. The grown man means nothing."

Indeed, as she said, all the people who followed Lin Yan were men, and she was the only one who was a woman.

After checking the map, Lin Yan was a little tired, and didn't want to reply, so he just kept silent.

After waiting for a while, when he didn't reply, Liang Yiqing was not angry and continued to complain.

From the weather, to the expectations of where they will go next, to the trivial things that happened to her before, Liang Yiqing seemed to be on a stimulant and couldn't stop.

Lin Yan scratched his head a little annoyed.

Although he didn't say anything, Liang Yiqing affected him and made him feel very annoying.

There are many things, he prefers a quiet environment, not the current noisy environment.

In all their plans, Liang Yiqing should not have followed, but when everyone was about to set off, she followed up quietly. When they found her, the convoy had already traveled for a long time, and there was no way to go back .

It was completely helpless to bring her along.

However, Liang Yiqing only wanted to pester Lin Yan, and did not do anything else to make trouble.

As for the Liang family.

The Liang family hadn't seen Liang Yiqing for a long time, and they looked for someone in a panic, making a lot of noise.

In the end, it was the Patriarch of the Liang family who found a note in Liang Yiqing's room, on which her whereabouts and purpose were written in beautiful calligraphy, signed by Liang Yiqing.

After seeing the meaning expressed in the note, how could the Patriarch of the Liang family not understand, and was a little annoyed, but there was nothing he could do about it.

He doted on Liang Yiqing very much and would not let her be wronged.

The Patriarch of the Liang family contacted Lin Yan specifically, asked about Liang Yiqing's situation, and apologized to Lin Yan.

After a phone call, what Lin Yan responded to was the Patriarch of the Liang family who asked Wan Wan: You must take good care of Liang Yiqing.

He couldn't, he could only agree.

If it wasn't because there was no other way, he would have driven Liang Yiqing away long ago.

The car was still moving forward quickly, but at this moment, the car suddenly shook.

The driver was obviously startled, he slammed on the brakes, and the people in the car couldn't stop leaning forward.

Everyone was attracted by the movement, Liang Yiqing reacted even more, and yelled directly to the front seat, "What's going on, will you drive properly!"

Such a move was just her complaint of dissatisfaction, and there was no other malice.

As for the driver, he was so focused on the things ahead that he didn't have the time to think about other things.

Liang Yiqing rubbed her painful forehead with her hands, curled her lips, feeling aggrieved.

Lin Yan asked suspiciously, "What's the matter, what happened?"

The man who was driving turned his head, his face was not very good-looking, and he hesitated to speak.

"Just say it directly." Lin Yan saw his thoughts and urged.

"I seem to have hit someone." After the driver said this, the air froze for a few seconds.

Lin Yan was startled, and hurriedly unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car to have a look.

Seeing this, Liang Yiqing hurriedly followed.

"Wait for me, I can help!" She said as she rushed over, but her voice stopped abruptly when her eyes touched the person lying on the ground.

Both were stunned.

Things seem to be more serious than they thought.

The voice of the man driving was a bit heavy, "How is it, man, are you still alive?"

This was something they hadn't expected at all.

Lin Yan replied lightly, "Alive."

After a pause, he added, "You don't need to get out of the car, I'll figure out a way."

When he was talking, he looked around. There were few people, there was no clinic at all, and there was no place for women.

The woman lying on the ground knocked her head to the ground, bleeding profusely, and her leg was injured. Looking from others, she seemed to be lying in a pool of blood.

The woman frowned tightly, bit her lip tightly, and her face was extremely painful, which showed that she had endured a lot of pain.

According to Lin Yan's style, he wouldn't just leave her here.

"What, what should we do, we bumped into someone!" Liang Yiqing covered her mouth, showing her bewilderment in her movements.

Liang Yiqing was well protected by her family, this was the first time she saw such a scene.

"I'll take care of it, you get in the car first." Lin Yan patted her on the shoulder to reassure her.

If a person is still alive, there is hope of being saved. He can try, but worrying now is futile.

(End of this chapter)

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