Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 41 Encountering a bottleneck

Chapter 41 Encountering a bottleneck
When I came to Dean Zhang's office, many medical staff were reporting to work.

When they saw Lin Yan coming, a doctor said, "I'm sorry, this is the dean's office. If you want to see a doctor, go to another department."

Lin Yan just smiled: "I'm not here to see a doctor, I'm looking for something from the dean."

Dean Zhang heard his voice and said, "Lin Yan, come in quickly."

Lin Yan then walked in, and Dean Zhang got up to shake hands with him.

This scene made many people feel incredible, who is this person?Why is it so worthy of Dean Zhang's attention?

Dean Zhang then said to the doctors: "Okay, everyone go back."

After everyone went back, he politely asked Lin Yan to sit down and discussed the merger of the clinic and the hospital again.

Finally, they reached an agreement. After all, Lin Yan had to maintain his own brand, so he still received treatment in the clinic, but the specific drugs would be used in this hospital in the future.

"Lin Yan, I'm very happy to be able to cooperate with you, the Great Buddha." Dean Zhang smiled very politely, but he was telling the truth.

And Lin Yan also felt that the other party was very humble, and he didn't have any airs. He also knew that because his business was very good, he could drive the business of the hospital in the future.

"Okay, Dean Zhang, we have a happy cooperation."

"By the way, when is your heart disease medicine up?"

Lin Yan narrowed his eyes and said, "We are almost successful, but we have encountered some bottlenecks recently."

"How about this? I'll go to your clinic in the evening and we'll study it together. It's not possible now. I have a few meetings to hold today."

"Alright then, Dean, I'll be even more powerful when you get there."

There were still so many guests today, but they were not as strong as yesterday. At night, Lin Yan proposed that the three of them would book a big hotel and have dinner with Dean Zhang tonight.

When they arrived at the hotel, when Dean Zhang arrived, Lin Yan specially introduced Yu Wenjia to him.

Dean Zhang also felt particularly gratified to see so many people so devoted to medicine.

Several people returned to the clinic after eating and began to study heart disease drugs.

And Yu Wenjia and Wang Youming also stayed in the clinic to listen, because Lin Yan did not avoid them.

When Yu Wenjia heard that Lin Yan was studying heart disease, she was very happy, which reminded her of a past event.

She had a cousin who died of a sudden heart attack.

This cousin was a driver, and he went to deliver goods to others, but died there when he was resting in the hotel at noon. When his friend went to find him, he realized the danger, and then he was sent to the hospital, but he was already dead.

This incident has happened for several years. Since then, Yu Wenjia has learned the first aid knowledge of the patient and performed chest compressions on the patient.

At this moment, she began to respect Lin Yan. If the other party can solve this problem, it will really be a big sensation in the medical world, and many patients in the world will be blessed.

Thinking of this, she actually shed tears. It was Wang Youming who discovered her first, because the other two were concentrating on their research.

"What's the matter, what wronged you?"

At this moment, Wang Youming's attitude towards the other party is no longer as hostile as before.

"I remembered a past event of mine." Then she told about her cousin.

When Lin Yan and Dean Zhang heard about it, they were also particularly shocked.

When a person is healthy, there is nothing wrong with him, but once he suffers from a disease, he will even feel that the world is falling apart. Therefore, Dean Zhang has been studying medicine since he was a child, in order to save more people in the world from suffering.

Lin Yan also had a belief that he must carry forward the immortal medical art that he had inherited.Keep more people away from pain.

"Don't worry, this problem will be solved very well. It will definitely be researched."

Yu Wenjia nodded, and then this person continued to study, and at the same time they posted a closed sign on the door.

When it was more than nine o'clock, a guest came.Wang Youming sent him out, because his illness was not very serious, and asked him to come back tomorrow.

But the man said that his home was far away, and he finally came here.

Wang Youming said, "In that case, I'll go and ask for instructions."

He came to the house and told Lin Yan about it.

Lin Yan said: "Then treat it quickly, the patient is the most important thing." The patient he warmly received.

An hour later, he returned to the room and continued to study. At this moment, Dean Zhang was also frowning, because he encountered a bottleneck, and based on his years of experience, it seemed that he would not be able to use it.

Wang Youming also felt that he couldn't help much, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, Yu Wenjia is constantly flipping through some medical books, and Lin Yan's bookshelves are full of medical books.

With his proficient knowledge, Yu Wenjia quickly found something related to heart disease.

But Dean Zhang was obviously very disappointed with the records in some books. He himself has read countless books. If these things were effective, he would have used them long ago.

Yu Wenjia also began to sweat profusely. She read a lot of books, because she wanted to help the two people, but her eyes were dazzled, and there was no effect.

Lin Yan said: "Forget it, don't turn over the book, let's think about it slowly."

But Yu Wenjia was very persistent. She believed that there must be a solution, but Wang Youming put the solution on his mobile phone, and he began to look up information from the mobile phone.

Lin Yan added: "What you say on the Internet is not necessarily true. You might as well read books like her."

Wang Youming nodded.

And then, Yu Wenjia was very pleasantly surprised, she said: "Yes, yes."

Wang Youming said, "What are you doing? You were taken aback."

But Yu Wenjia moved out the thick book and placed it in front of Lin Yan and Dean Zhang.

"President Zhang, Doctor Lin, please read the records above."

The two went to read the book together, and Dean Zhang helped his reading glasses.

The two looked at the records in the book according to the direction of Yuwenjia's finger, and finally began to see things.

A smile appeared on Lin Yan's face: "Yes, the above records are very reasonable."

Dean Zhang nodded: "I looked down on ancient medical books just now, but I didn't expect that it would really lead us to a situation where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright."

They all expressed their appreciation to Yu Wenjia one after another. Wang Youming thought to himself, what is so amazing, so he also came over.

Lin Yan said with a smile: "With this inspiration, we believe that the drug will be successfully developed."

At this moment, the whole house is filled with happy air.

(End of this chapter)

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