Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 408 Discovering the Tree Hole

Chapter 408 Discovering the Tree Hole
Hearing Zhu Donghan's words, Lin Yan was a little helpless, but Zhu Donghan was right. Now they only had one way to go up the mountain, so Lin Yan and the other three finally had no choice but to continue back to the mountain. After realizing this After that, the three of them were a little helpless. They finally came down from the mountain, but they were forced to go back to the mountain again. This was really ridiculous.

But no matter what, they could only go up the mountain, so Lin Yan and the three quickly ran up the mountain, and the villagers chased after them after they noticed their actions.

But at this time, they were already a long way behind Lin Yan and the others, so it was not so easy to catch up with them, but Lin Yan and the others were exhausted because they walked too much during the day.

Therefore, after running for a section, the speed slowly dropped, and the villagers kept chasing at the same speed as if they were tireless, so their distance became closer and closer, and in the end the villagers were almost After catching up with the three of them, Lin Yan and the others were a little terrified after realizing this.

"Zhu Donghan, what should we do now? How should we get rid of them? Their speed is too fast, and they seem to be tireless, what's going on?"

Hearing Lin Yan's words, Zhu Donghan was a little helpless. He didn't expect that these villagers could maintain the same speed. This was really inhuman, but it also proved from the side that these villagers were indeed not human.

After all, if it is a human being, it is absolutely impossible to maintain such consistency, but now is not the time to consider these.You have to find a way to escape as soon as possible, otherwise they will be overtaken by those villagers. You don't need to think about it. If they are overtaken by those villagers, they will never end well. Zhu Donghan doesn't want to die here .

So Zhu Donghan thought for a while, and suddenly set his eyes on the tree in front of him.In front of them was a big tree, very tall.If they could climb up, those villagers might not be able to catch up. After realizing this, Zhu Donghan immediately suggested: "Since we can't get rid of it, let's go up the tree, I don't believe they can catch up. "

Hearing Zhu Donghan's words, Lin Yan and Wang Youming turned to the head at the same time, yes, why didn't they think of it, after they climbed the tree, they couldn't believe that these villagers could climb up with them.

So the three of them quickly made a decision, and immediately ran to the big tree, and then tried their best to climb up the tree with both hands and feet.

And the facts were not beyond their expectations. After the villagers caught up, they would only stand under the tree and roar, and they would not climb the tree at all. However, their state looked even more inhuman, like a savage Yes, making the king famous is a bit scary.

"Zhu Donghan, what are these guys made of? It's so weird, I'm a little scared."

"I'm not very clear either. I didn't observe very carefully before. Give me some time and I'll take a good look."

At this time, Zhu Donghan finally had time to take a good rest. It happened that these villagers couldn't come up, and they didn't leave, so it happened to give Zhu Donghan the opportunity to observe.

Therefore, Zhu Donghan and Lin Yan hugged the tree, carefully observed all the behaviors of the villagers, and suddenly discovered a problem, that is, although the villagers looked a little inhuman, they felt like they were being controlled Like puppets, are they all controlled by people?
After discovering this, Zhu Donghan immediately said: "I found that these villagers seem to be controlled by Lin Yan, what do you think?"

"I think the same as you. Although these villagers behaved strangely, they kept moving, as if they were being measured by someone. You found that without them, their behavior was very consistent, even if they were not human. It may be exactly the same, so they are likely to be controlled by someone."

What Lin Yan and Zhu Donghan said clearly and logically, but Wang Youming at the side was confused because he didn't know anything about it, so it was as if he was listening to a scripture, and he still hasn't reacted yet. It's also unclear what they were talking about.

"Control? What control? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand at all?"

Hearing Wang Youming's question, Lin Yan glanced at him. He didn't understand Wang Youming, but Lin Yan wasn't too surprised, after all, Wang Youming didn't know much about it.

Because he is an ordinary person, he definitely doesn't know about these things, and although he doesn't know much about Taoism, he has something to say about clairvoyance, which is a bit inhuman in this aspect, so he has a certain understanding of this aspect. I understand, so I can understand Zhu Donghan's words.

But since Wang Youming doesn't understand, they don't need to ask him to understand, so Lin Yan thought for a while and said: "Forget it, since you don't understand, then you don't know, Zhu Donghan and I Just know."

Hearing Lin Yan's words, Wang Youming was a little depressed, but he also knew that what Lin Yan said made sense. After all, he couldn't understand at all, so how could he ask them to explain?And even if Lin Yan and the others explained, he might not be able to hear the voice, so he didn't bother.

"Okay, then I won't get involved with you."

After Wang Youming found out that he couldn't understand, he stopped paying attention, but put his eyes on the tree, because he has nothing to do now, so it's better to think of a way to make him feel better now

After all, Lin Yan and Zhu Donghan didn't feel much because of their good physical strength, but Wang Youming felt very uncomfortable. If there is nothing to do, they must find a place to take a good rest.

And God did not disappoint him. After searching for a while, Wang Youming found a tree hole on the left, just enough for the three of them to go in and have a rest. After discovering this, Wang Youming immediately said: "Lin Yan, I found There's a tree hole there, let's go in and have a rest."

Hearing Wang Youming's proposal, Lin Yan and Zhu Donghan immediately set their eyes on the place Wang Youming indicated, and they found a tree hole there. After discovering the tree hole, the three of them were overjoyed. Seeing that they are also very tired now, they naturally want to take a good rest, and this discovery by Wang Youming has relieved their urgent need.

"Wang Youming, you are so smart that you found a tree hole, so let's go there and rest."

So Lin Yan hurriedly said that he was also exhausted. Now that he saw the tree hole, he naturally couldn't wait to go there to rest and replenish his energy. After all, there are a group of inhuman villagers under the tree. Gotta keep fit.

(End of this chapter)

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